Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone. The autist for talking about games in public, and everyone else for caring about what he pisses his money away on.

If they didn't even know you were interested in games and burst out laughing because of it they are not your friends in the first place

the manchild for spilling his spaghetti

might as well should have said "so damn excited to play with my fisherprice toy when I get home"

There is such a thing as "reading the room", dude should've known that they weren't the video game people and kept his mouth shut about it.

Him for mentioning vidya around friends who clearly don't care about vidya
Them for being dumb normalfags
You for browsing reddit.

This is the right answer, that redditor should try to find real friends who share his interests and not just hang out with people at school just to fit into a social group, obviously he doesn't.

Yet they probably play whatever microtransaction infested garbage is out for their phones day in day out, how sad to feel like you can only enjoy things approved by some nobodies opinion.

>abloobloo no bants allowed
Are you a woman? Guy friends roast each other all the time

Sure, if they're niggers.

Try leaving the basement.


>if they don't share my interest so they are not my friends
My friends make fun of me for playing kawaii uguu games but we still have fun while playing other things


It's really unclear if it was just innocent teasing and the redditor is a sensitive cunt, or if they were actually looking down on him and he has shitty "friends".

Different user here, but I have a lot of friends and we would never mock one another in the way described by OP's image. If that's your dynamic with your friends, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but please have the self-awareness to recognize that you don't speak for everyone.

That isn't even close to what fucking bantz is they are just straight up laughing at him

t. friendless twat

>why don't you buy a ps4 for mature games that we as mature gamer play like CoD or Fifa
really makes me think...

Whats Quint. up to now? Is he dead?

I can't wait until this shitpost becomes unfashionable; the post itself is so much more cringey than what it's implying.

>being so sensitive and insecure that you get offended by getting laughed at or joked around with
How I know you're either autistic or from tumblr

You can talk about literally anything as long as you're attractive and can speak clear and concisely without going full autist or using excessive jargon. The redditor probably fumbled his words while preaching about his bing bing wahoo manchild machine and they laughed at him.

>le sexist joke xD

Fuck off Sup Forums

Yet they all play Candy Crush or some garbage shit on mobile.

Im glad the Switch looks like an adult device and doesnt carry that stupid stigma the 3ds had. Anyway I play with my 3ds in public and never had any stares. Maybe because im not overweight and look normal.

Pretty sure he is in a mental institute for wanting to shoot up his school



He attempted to shoot up his high school and his parents banned him from using the computer.

I wish I was joking.


You for going to Reddit.

Alright I fucking hate Sup Forums-posters but you're just being a fag right now. Cut the boogeyman shit out.

Christ, you guys got a screencap or some reading material on it?

Fuck you sexist.

Holy shit, for real? Source?


>Im glad the Switch looks like an adult device


Not him, but how new are you?

Assuming you don't get the Red and Blue Joyconns, yeah, it does.

I'm sure you are.

>b-but Sony
PC user, take your Sup Forums garbage back where you came from toddler

>falling for ez bait
How new are you?

>I'm 20
Still children, expected behavior. Once the college partying phase is over, all of the peers laughing at him will be despondent husks stuck in marriages and having kids and pretending to be happy on Facebook as they struggle to salvage any sense of control over their lives.

We can't know since the post only shows the writers version of the situation which may be any level of autistically exaggerated. The point was that he's sensitive and overreactive. Who the fuck cares if someone laughs at them for buying a console. Bantz was from the faggot writing that someone who laughs at you isn't a friend

You can make the Switch look like an generic tablet and normies wont notice.

bet you voted for Drumpf

>being this new

Only spoonfeeding because it's still hilarious

Here's what you do. Either abandon your normie "friends" that probably don't even like you, or hide your level constantly.

I do a bit of both, even if I'm with other turbovirgins, I barely let on that I like anything they do. And then I ignore normies too.

>do this
>hands block joycon signal
>sensitivity goes out of whack

lol I did the same thing to some co worker. Heard him talk about how excited he was that he got a switch with zelda and 1&2 switch and I started laughing. Women in the office stopped talking to him too. What a fucking manchild.

>Adult devices

you mean like a dildo?


I wonder what country he's raised in. I've talked about video game all throughout my academic years, even with my teachers and not once have I experienced anything remotely close to this. It's just treated like any other hobby over here.

The OP did nothing wrong, it's not 'autistic' or whatever to casually bring up that you bought a new handheld online.

His friends are obviously insecure and trying to show off to each other how mature and 'badass' they are

>having a bunch of cunts for "friends"

>voting for the winners
Not him but I don't see the problem

>tripfag is mentally unstable

no fucking shit

all tripfags are physically, mentally, or emotional disabled in some way, shape or form.

Literally this. Who the fuck cares what people do in their spare time.
But he should also know some people react like this, keep that shit in private or around people who don't act like a high school clique.

I would have laughed at the manchild too for bringing up his toy in college. We are here to learn and fuck bitches, not discuss about the next WAHOO BING BING SO LONG GAY BOWSER GAME.


If he's posting on Reddit in a specific Nintendo game related subreddit, he's going to be a sperg in real life. He probably spilled his spaghetti and was jumping up and down, praising the gods of video games for his lowly chance to buy cheap hardware to play a bad game, and they laughed at him for being a retard.

Well, can't say he doesn't look like a school shooter.

Nintendofags are infamous for having no self-awareness whatsoever.
Anybody who tells you it isn't shameful to play Mario in public has a wardrobe full of cargo shorts and pop-culture t-shirts.

>Implying 20 isn't just barely out of teenage years.

Kids fucking love Pokemon at my college.

everyone that visits that shitty site and keeps it alive

Okay I forgot it was a redditor, you may have a point

But you still share something with them, I didn't mean "liking exactly the same things". Not all of my friends like vidya as much as I do, but they wouldn't make fun of me for buying a handheld, that's something only braindead normies and Quentin-type faggots would do.


Him for being excited enough to tell his friends he can't wait to play a video game console.

His friends for being judgemental cunts.

Well, his "friends" are colossal normalfag dicks.
But he should have kept something like that to himself unless he knew for a fact that they're into vidya.

I don't come at somebody and start talking about vidya/anime/comics/etc. unless I already know they're into that shit.

Even with how big the videogame industry is and the whole "it's so cool to be le nerd XD" thing, so many people out there are still normie as fuck and ain't the got the time of day for shit like vidya.

Never had any issues with my left joycon, only a small percentage of them had that problem.

It's like you really don't think women are more inclined to be overly dramatic about things like small remarks they percieve as negative

>works on my machine :^)
doesn't work on mines

This is fake.
When I was in college, everyone was playing on their DS's. Especially when Pokemon Black and White came out

>a thread discussing a post on reddit


Then grow some balls and learn that friends make fun of each other all the time for dumb shit

Boys around 20 are the most childish people there are. So frail, so vain and caring about appearances.

Listen up manchildren, if you play or even mention anything related to gaming in public,

I am gonna laugh and judge the shit out of you.

>scan QR with 3DS expecting porn
>get an error message when trying to scan

>20 year old
>buying 3ds
him, obviously

t. badass

Self-hating autists are the worst kind.

Correct response:

>What are you for liking [thing], twelve?
>I don't give a fuck what you think

the end. I do what the fuck I want. I buy videogames, I still have bionicle shit and I like to watch cartoons.

Its just a regular qr code amigo

There isn't a day I don't loathe myself, but it also makes my occasional social shit pretty easy to fake.

You are such a fucking loser.

fucking this, when X&Y came out I got so many streetpasses daily and the cafe had about 30+ people playing pokemon

In the adult world, people openly play and talk about video games all the time. I've met total strangers who were "normies" that randomly brought up the topic of handheld gaming on 3ds and vita. If any of the autists on this board actually went outside for once, they would see people playing games on their phones everywhere they look.

The opinion that video games are somehow an embarrassing topic to talk about or play in public is something created by teenagers diagnosed with autism projecting their own insecurities on society.

I don't give a fuck what you think.

This is objectively the best post

>but it also makes my occasional social shit pretty easy to fake.
It really doesn't, user. Everyone knows.

If the context is about a 3DS, you will look like a retard.

Just don't even bring it up.


>Americans judge for something as simple as playing games in a portable

Holy shit what's wrong with you people?

Careful guys, or else you'll get this:

Except for the fact that nobody is gonna follow your laughter and will probably just assume you are a judgemental asshole. I'm 100% sure you are from america, that shit still happens only there.

post more this is the first time I've touched my 3ds in years

Yep. I work at a college. Everyone here is a borderline man child in terms of interests. I have trouble believing he found a group of people under 30 to go full alpha bro on him for talking about a Nintendo device.


>unironically posting reddit and discussing it
>mostly nobody batting an eyebrow
made me think, to be H