Why can't our video games be sexy anymore?

Why can't our video games be sexy anymore?

japanese games have no soul

inb4 100000 replies of 2B

Nier was pretty sexy

What are you talking about? Japanese games still exist.

video games have to be accessible and women hate seeing people prettier than themselves

No ass.

We literally just got Nier Automata, perfect ass edition.

does she get BLACKED?

that poor woman

Cucks get


No she gets UGLIED

She has no ass.

no, she does get fucked up though.

Nier has a literal achievement for peeking under 2B's dress 10 times.

Just finished playing a sexy game though.


Besides that you're wrong though. Sexy video games still exist, and they still sell.

No but what does happen is just as bad.

I hope that comes out over here, the MP seems fun.

Just not if they're made in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, or Australia. Because fictional sexy women are objectify real women

They are still sexy, you just choose to ignore them because you have an agenda to push.
That makes you a tool.

She gets BUDDHA'D!

Pic very related.

It's funny how so much Japanese wished they had bodies like this.

Neir just came out

Isn't it weird how no one seems to be complaining about 2B being too sexualised?

Almost like it's not an issue when the game is actually good, and complaining about SJWs is just an easy way to deflect criticism of awful games.

Because of american prudes. When it's just between european and japanese devs, we get all the tits we want.

I blame canadians

Ace Combat 7 is releasing this year tho

>It's a "girl gets plowed by an overweight balding businessman" episode

I've never had sex before.

Oh man. If just real women had this kind of figure...

Found the black guy.