ITT: Games you love despite it's many, many flaws

ITT: Games you love despite it's many, many flaws.

It was so riddled with bugs because ubishit rushed the launch it wasn't even funny.
Still the best sandbox MMO I've ever played.

Most Ubisoft games

starcraft bw
terran was overpowered and many maps favor siege tank play

Other M
Not even memeing.


This game is the worst.

The art style, voice acting, and music really make up for the repetitive game play.
>inb4 nude collectables

You love most Ubisoft games?

Earthworm Jim 3d, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4
Also this


Telefang/Pokémon Diamond


Nier 1.
I can't recommend the game to people who want to play an actual good game, but it's one of my favorites. It's one of the few games where the story makes the terrible gameplay worth it.

tomb raider taod, core design gave me my best memorys of the family together all trying to work out what to do next. it was heart wrenching watching core design break aoart and crystal dynamics take over, so sad i wish core designed bounce back after traod, sleep tight core design, never forgotten


This too

Dragon's Dogma has a ton of flaws but the core gameplay and combat are so engaging I've beaten it like 3 times. It's the best 7/10 you'll ever play.

I don't even think it's the best FF as a whole, but it's my favorite video game.

I unironically like Sonic 06, but I'm aware that it's because I was like 9 and didn't know what a good game was yet

Bravely Default, because holy fuck getting through the second half is a slog.

That's a big minotaur.

Payday 2

A gorillion pieces of DLC, a shitty engine that is held together with spit and string, an incompetent at best developer that does both great things and fucking retarded things at the same time, one of the shittiest fanbases in existence and it somehow runs like shit on my GTX 1070 (~50-60FPS, compared to the smooth 60FPS I get on Doom maxed out and downsampled) despite looking like a game released in 2007.

Yet I still love the gunplay, customization, music and I'm a massive sucker for bank heists/mission impossible style break ins and I haven't found anything that scratches that itch as well as Payday 2.

>because I was like 9
the MP is semi enjoyable because of how fucking broken Silver is and using him to break the map open

Yeah, and pumping points into STR made you even bigger.

I still love it, even if it hurts.

I feel ya, I still like playing it every once in a while.

The graphics and art direction is just so good, I like it to play more than DS despite all the bugs and blandness.

The Phantom Pain.

I know it's nowhere near the game we should have gotten, but it's still so much fun to me none the less.

Oblivion. The potato faces, bugs/glitches, and shit voice acting are almost surreal, but its still one of the funnest games I've played.

Love might be a bit too strong a word, but I always get a laugh whenever it's on sale and I trick a friend into playing it with me. Also the multiplayer was pretty fun when it was active and I enjoyed the NOT-HUNK designs for what they were.

Muh Nigga!

For all its faults, it's still my one of my favorite games and by a mile my favorite Fire Emblem game.



Deadly Premonition



Brink. Hotline Miami. Skyrim. Halo reach.

I still play it trough at least once a year. Got it for pc 2006. Now I have it on steam and 360. I havent modded it once on pc

What many many flaws does Hotline Miami have?


Pretty much every classic CRPG is a buggy, unfinished mess. But at the end of the day I'd much rather have a game that had creative ambitions and ran into problems than a sleek but boring game that played everything safe.

Halo ODST. Only halo I liked unless we're talking MP teamslayer on relic.

You either embrace the bullshit to git gud at this game or let it consume you.

Either way it's fun.

Same. Really fun when you're not doing a bunch of pointless filler and running into random encounters. The anime was pretty fun too.
Shame that if you want to play any of the later games you either have to deal with the shitty euro translation or just raw japanese.


Maybe he meant hotline Miami 2.

A monster hunter clone that's too easy, takes forever to build up, has a bad story, English VA only, small arenas and no one to play multiplayer with.

Somehow I still sunk 100 hours into it and kind of want to go back and play some more once I'm done with all these games that came out at the beginning of this year.


Its launch was pretty shitty, but after The Taken King and Rise of Iron, Bungie have really been getting their shit together and learning from their mistakes, which makes me kinda optimistic for 2.
Right now it's pretty fun

6th gen Pokemon in general because of Wonder Trade
KH 358/2 Days since it has its charms but holy shit that lackluster combat
Other M





Everyday until someone make a sequel

same here, i hope the sequel is good

Fallout 4

the best Splinter Cell game since CT.
>tfw spies vs mercs no more
that's a good pick. I enjoyed the shit out of it desu.

Seconding Raccoon city. The MP was fun as hell, vaguely remember being impressed by the AI with "dumb" zombies that would forget about you once out of sight for a bit and who would also attack human enemies. Bulky as hell Hunters with death leaps, Lickers that would hide in narrow lots/buildings to ambush/incapacitate you in a pack. The infection system gave it a bit off an outbreak feel.

Feels like it only really fell short due to the shitty story. Especially with that ending jesus christ. Granted, the opening sequence was really good with William Berkin and they did give you some Tyrant fights including Nemesis.

In reality, this game is far from perfect but good lord it's amazing

Fate's had some of the worst writing in the series, Revelations is fucked in about every way, and the MC is one of the worst ever period.

That said, it has some fun characters who occasionally escape the crappy writing, and while game is hit or miss, I kind of like the new weapon system. It's fun, if your willing to give it a little leeway

The game is shit, but I downloaded a silent protagonist mod and it's at least slightly enjoyable now

>run around revolution era America
>be half-native badass (even if he has the personality of a brick)
>start the game playing as Jon Hamm the Templar
>gathering random people for the homestead as you climb trees and hunt animals with a bow and tomahawk
>ship battles
>Desmond dies

I loved this game. Sure, it's a glitchy mess, Connor is a twat, and the modern day sections suck ass, but just exploring the wilderness is right up my alley


I recently played Ys Origin. I hesitate to call it a great game, but I still loved it. There was something so comfy about the aesthetics and music

That is probably a testament to what went right and clicked with so many different types of players

>dudebros love it
>ultra casuals love it
>fallout diehards love it
>fps players love it
>rpg players love it
>Role players love it
>western fans love it

Tales of Legendia.

Graphics looked like clay, Repetitive gameplay, long ass hallway dungeons with high random encounter frequencies.

The music and character development were good, though.

my niggas

LA Noire


>that ESRB gag

Best part of the game.

This piece of shit represents almost every single thing conceptually wrong with JRPGs as a whole.

It is, in spite of that, one of my favorite experiences from the genre and probably my guiltiest pleasure.

Also the condemed games

I still play TF2 very, very often. I love the game to death, and the shit they got wrong with MyM (excluding competitive) has been completely fixed. That being said, it still has its flaws, like the fucking banana hat and bright green and pink paint, but that's cosmetic and it's still fun.

I didnt have a problem with the voiced protags, it was the lack of side missions that I didnt like, and Nuka World was lazy.

I would never say I love it but Path of Exile

it's complicated, I grew up with Diablo 1 and 2, never played the games the way they were supposed to (farming/grinding/online co-op/pvp). It took both Diablo 3 and PoE to make me realise I actually hate the arpg genre, I had no problems leaving D3, the game just bores me to no end, but PoE, like D2, it just keeps me coming back, for the wrong reasons

Battles were arguably too rock/paper/scissors, one-sided or a bit boring. But I love it regardless.

Burchlesslands 3 when?

Dragon Age 2

I love action combat but I also love fighting alongside a team that I can customize with equipment and skills, and it scratched that itch for me.

The relationship system and how your relationship to characters changed/affected their development depending on how you treated them was also more satisfying to me than any other similar RPG system.

The Ys series in general feels like this. There's some amazingly fun gameplay in there, but there are also a lot of really dumb design decisions

Are there any good community servers? I remember being pissed when they removed Valve servers from the server browser and forced you to use the godawful slow matchmaking, I have no idea why games love that so much instead of just being able to browse servers.

Came here to post this, good description. Definitely a 7 but somehow one of my favourite games.

This so much

>self-insert mc that tried and failed going for a mix of robin and chrom from awakening
>mc never tries to actually communicate with his/her friends
>no real established retainers for mc, even though rinkah and kaze are blatantly supposed to be
>why the hell is the wind tribe a thing and not the flame tribe
>plotholes in sibling ages and awareness
>no extra supports for shura, reina, or scarlet
>who the fuck is nyx
>your canon wife in revelations is your cousin
>no backstory at fucking all on anankos unless you go out of your way to play dlc
>lilith is killed by a fucking faceless
>lilith isn't a playable/assisting character

Given it's many many faults, fates is still definitely up in top 5 fe games of all time.
Hinoka is the best girl hands down.

No I meant hotline Miami. I have never seen such a poorly composed identity of a game.

You can have a game about a last shred of humanity prevailing over a horrible situation, or you can have a descent into madness, or you can have violence for the sake of violence. You don't get all three.

I feel like the music theme and the premise carried it for the most part.

I'd love to see another dying fever dream jrpg happen, but I doubt anyone would bother making one.

Holy fuck that beyblade is a perfect description of all the bullshit in this game

evolve had potential

Protoype, Destroy all humans, jaws, SA2

Good taste.

An already clunky and rough game that was hurt even more by crashing issues, but god damn did I love the story, characters and music.

this desu. over 1300 hours

>tfw 34 metascore

Kingdoms of Amalur
I know it's a bad game, but the combat is kind of fun despite the story and most characters being boring

It really depends on the kinds of servers you want. is good for finding servers, and has a community servers section as well that's a little more in-depth.

I suggest checking both sites out, they helped me find a couple of servers that I go to regularly.

Shadow the Hedgehog

AKA:no germans allowed

>godawful slow matchmaking
it doesn't take that long anymore
it takes like 30 seconds on average for me to find a game

Monster Hunter. Its the little things in it that make it shit but god damn do i love it still.

Shieet I haven't thought about this game in a long time

This whole series