Alright Sup Forums I got $1000 after a small court settlement. Help me put together a gaming PC with it

Alright Sup Forums I got $1000 after a small court settlement. Help me put together a gaming PC with it.

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Fuck that. Buy a PS4, an Xbone, and a Switch, but don't buy any games.

Get a job


i may have chosen to settle but your butt virginity will always be mine

>Not spending it on drugs and hookers

Already did that

That too

Why the fuck were you in court

What was the settlement for
Story time

I got beaten up by small town cops and really dragged out the case

No you didnt neetfag

ahahaha $1000 for getting beaten by your own public servants, please be black

just the rig, or do you want peripherals (keyboard, monitor, etc) too?

if it's $1000 for everything you're only getting mid-tier

you probably deserved it you little shit


I love this attitude
>I got beat up
>You probably deserved it
anybody but an American would look at that and wonder where the hell the whole conversation in between those two statements disappeared to

I'll make the best bang for buck pc for you if you be me 15$

Not be give me. I just want to buy counter strike go

Elaborate, you just raised more questions. I want to know the story before the 404

are you a faggot ? who plays counter strike in 2017 ?

I'm poor af and my pc can't run any better games

Get a trip so you don't attract wannabes

Whitey cis lord

Just the rig


Small family gathering at my place. Apparently my aunt did something in town to get a warrent.
They kicked in my door to arrest my visiting aunt that was leaving but saw the squad car and slammed the door to hide after seeing them outside. Nobody knew what was going on beside her as the legion of cops stormed in to grab her. One of them chokeslammed my dad into a wall because he was asking what the fuck. My dad is already a liver transplant patient and weakening with age so I exercised my American right to defend against a no knock raid and tackled the cop. Resulted in getting beaten up by two other cops while I was wrestling the first. Never got charges for assault on me luckily.

At least they didn't kill your dog.

Sounds like you deserved it and i have zero backstory

Americans are getting trashier and trashier by the day

No peripherals?
Peripherals included?

ay op this guy just did the work for you, follow what he posted


>W2D is dead
darkest timeline

I'll suck your dick for a thousand dollars.

>forgot to delet my reply number


i have a gigabyte 1060 6gb and its been perfect since i got it. I had a 480 that was getting to hot and i heard the gigabyte 1060 never goes over 68c and it was true