/original playstation/

post GOAT shit you loved

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>minimal weebshit so far

I like it I like it




N64 version was better.


Sup Forums is too young to have experienced PSX.

This, so much this.

n-no pls
different, not better. because they are completely different games.

Fuck you, PSX is my favorite Playstation

>that final mission
I wasn't prepared for a horror game

also on PC btw.

>A guy uses a fucking gun
Fuck that shit.


this is the game


I used to play this all the time with my brother and my friend.
Should i give it ago or will i ruin the magic?

read the OP you shitter

Aged pretty good if you intend on playing on a real tube tv and using the dpad control scheme. Dual analog controls like ass.

Give it a mission or two to sink in, I replayed it and the sequel within a week last summer. Awesome time.

Sadly i dont have tube tv anymore...
I remember playing the sequel back then but didnt like it as much.

This game was so mysterious and creepy with the short draw distance and the sound effects
I never did beat it, i think i got as far as the 2D boulder(?) section


>tfw croc 3 never
>tfw Rock raiders 2 never

Crock 2 was an unnecessary step from the original Croc, it should have followed the same basic concept, not try to becomr Banjo Kazooie.

not ps1 atleast I dont think there was one on there but still great game

>tfw nightmare creatures 3 never

Who had the best bants?