Is it safe to say Nintendo's back?

Is it safe to say Nintendo's back?


Keep going OP.

"dude zelda lmao"

what are you 12? no one cares

They never left

you tell me

Go on...

Yess good let the butthurt flow through you

Nintendo is back baby

OP's pic

The switch is shit.

The new mario is shit.

Why the fuck does nintendo add all these generic shit looking characters in their new mario games.

Who is this even

One of the queens of Sup Forums along with Boxy and maybe 2 others.

she's one of the ugliest women Sup Forums has a hard on for, stop posting this.... thing

Not an argument

Newfag detected

all the kids really like new characters so what do you mean ?

Reminder that dudes in this thread who lust after Asian women do so because they think White women are out of their league.

You are so pathetic you want a subservient doll for a girlfriend. That's how small you are.

Your deadbeat father is not an argument

Says the virgin faggot lol

A sonic character.

>asian women

lol rekt

Even at their lowest, we can at least all take pleasure in the fact that Nintendo will always be better than Sony.

An asian woman will fuck you up son. That shit isn't even funny. White girls are quietly boring barbies compared.

Asians are only loyal if youre good to them. If you cheat or fuck with them, they will go for the kitchen knife and perform amateur surgery on your genitals.


she gon have a baby if she come over this way


have asian gf. can confirm.

Can double confirm. Asian girlfriend here.

I remember the times when you could post her pics and not get banned.

how the fuck do I land one of you guys?

every time I get an asian friend she either wants to just be friends or it's a one night stand, can't I get a partner? seriously asking

As a former man, i will confirm that hispanic women are the exact same.

>As a former man

Good times

Who the fuck doesn't want a obeying slave wife? Especially one that does that groaning sex whail like they are in pain.

>1 exclusive out
No. There's nothing to do on the switch after botw is done.

Blaster Master, motherfucker

We'll know come Christmas when Switch puts Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2. Maybe Pokemon Stars if that's a thing, up against the PS4's and Xbone's with Battlefront 2, RDR2, COD, Madden, Assassins Creed, current gen FIFA, Destiny 2 etc.

If Switch can hold its own against both cheaper and premium systems that are both more powerful and have the multiple juggernauts with just it's exclusives and gimmick, then yeah, Nintendo will be back.

Have chinese gf in medschool, this is accurate.

What if I'm Asian?

just luck man. I go to a college that is dominated by males and its very rare for this to end up happening because they are already in defined Asian groups or are already dating each other because their parents would be unhappy with anything else because MUH RINEAGE AND CURTURE.

Best tip: Try to find an Asian that has been Americanized. Got mine thanks to the one-child limit in China in the early 90s and she lived in the city with other Asians with white parents through adoption. Helps a lot but chances of that happening are slim. College is definitely a great place for this to happen tho~ (Also japs are hard to find sadly. Go for Chinese cause they tend to be more prevalent all over the US)

best of luck my nig.

that's not true

I have a problem letting Caucasian girls down most of the time.

So what fag got

>2 others

I just really want to know more about kittens. Who was she? Why was she? Will she ever bring her fine tomboy slef back?

I don't really mind if they're Americanized or not, but I do think it's easier to relate. Most of the time I end up making a ton of Hispanic friends, and then I somehow find the one Asian person out of everyone to get attracted to, and I have to claw tooth and nail out of the clique just to feel even remotely comfortable.

I couldn't care less if she's into Clint Eastwood or Michael Bay, all she really has to do is make me laugh. anyway enough fagposting