PC exclusives

Why bother with PS4 when you get ALL upcoming Xbox titles on PC, great genres like RTS, 4x, CRPGs, ARPGs and sims, tactical shooters, many unique indies and the best multiplats

>all that western garbage


Those weird retards who like to shut themselves out of an entire section of an industry then laugh at those who don't and pretend they are better for it

Early access, open world survival garbage, SJW shit and slav scams. Great exclusives, glad for you PCbros.

>not a single fun game

>Divinity Original Sins is not fun

>well I haven't played a single one of them since I am a Nin-Ten-Year-Old faggot, but I will just say they are shit to feel better about my own purchasing decisions

Hope you are enjoying that Switch friend. :^)

I'm a Sonybro, piss off.

I just like using my PC as a JRPG machine

>well I haven't played a single one of them since I am a Sony-Pony faggot, but I will just say they are shit to feel better about my own purchasing decisions

Hope you are enjoying that PS4 launch version friend. :^)

>we happy few
It's the first game on there and your opinions have already been discarded

>those games
Thank's god i'm not fall for PCmasterrace meme.

>oh I don't like this game
>the rest is shit


Damn nigga you had this thread earlier can you like, go play video games instead making of constant consolewar threads

It's not console war, its discussion

Whatever you say bud.

Have you noticed that people have different preferences? Also if all you do is play on consoles, the pc-only genres might not really appeal to you.
And this is some fucking autist imageboard, people on all sides are just going to call each others' taste shit.

but console games are so shallow and lack depth, I don't understand how someone who visits this board can legit shill Uncharted without hating himself

Take any of these games and slap a Only on PS4 label on it and SOny Ponies would be creaming there pants over it.

That's making me feel ill.
What a shitshow PC gaming has become compared to mid-90's to early 2000's, thanks for reminding me I guess?

When people say PC gaming is 90% console ports (so that's why there's a LOT of port-begging) and EarlyAccess/Crowdfunded shit they weren't kidding. No wonder so many people fall for kickstarter crap, there's barely anything else to be excited for if you only own a PC.
Also why did you post multiplats if the subject of the thread is exclusives?

>you can buy a cheapish pc to run all these and get an old ps4 on sale
it's like people can have both or something

not a single one of those games looks appealing, those look like games that would all be in the bargain bin
>the dwarves
>literally just a game called the dwarves

>all the butthurt ITT
Salt mining is the only reason I still come to Sup Forums, and you have not failed to deliver.

i want to sleep on her abs and thighs

>Why bother with PS4 when you get ALL upcoming Xbox titles on PC, great genres like RTS, 4x, CRPGs, ARPGs and sims, tactical shooters, many unique indies and the best multiplats
I don't care for your ASDF, JKL, XYZs, Microshill.
PlayStation is FUN and has physical games.
PC is not worth the money. Microsoft gets finally BTFO of the industry.

>What a shitshow PC gaming has become compared to mid-90's
When Microsoft still had no say in PC game development, PC games were great.
>When people say PC gaming is 90% console ports (so that's why there's a LOT of port-begging) and EarlyAccess/Crowdfunded shit they weren't kidding.
PC gaming is 100 % Microsoft. It's an Xbox with added malware, much more expensive and no physical games.
It sucks, because Microsoft sucks.

>first line
>why bother with ps4
>not a consolewar thread

so glad I don't have to worry what platform a game I want to play comes out on, also you're a faggot

It's just Pajeet shilling for Microsaft again.

This is some of the most deluded bullshit I've ever heard in my life.

It's kinda sad to see how this site went from "industry is bad because it becomes focused on overproduced, same-ish heavily marketed AAA titles with no variety or interesting and experimental gameplay" to "there isn't enough overproduced AAA titles with no variety and interesting gameplay, fuck the stupid mid-range and indie shit" in less than ten years.
PC has the most broad and diversified market. It's actually the one place where no major corporation, Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo has control over the platform: it's where mid-range semi-indepenedent studios thrive the most, where smaller publishers can actually push through and make profit without having to make a backdoors deals with the big ones.

But no. You literally make up complete bullshit about how Microsoft "controls the PC industry" (despite the fact that as a publisher, Microsoft is basically irrelevant to PC scene) because you literally don't even fucking see or can begin to comprehend the idea of a non-major-corporation controlled space, or acknowledge existence mid-range development.

wow how can anyone compete with such exclusives like star citizen and we happy few. Truly the master race

No one on the planet cares about any of those. And anytime some pc fag lists a bunch of obscure "hidden gems", CHECK HIS STEAM ACCOUNT. HE HAS ZERO PLAYTIME ON ANY OF THOSE, IF HE EVEN HAS THOSE.

Everytime you fags claim to have games. You and your friends have zero playtime on them. You don't play games. Because you don't have any.

>Microsoft doesn't have control over the platform.
Have you shilling retard ever heard of WINDOWS?
Microshit did deliberately hurt the PC gaming platform since the 2000s to help their Xbox brand.
Since 2013 that backfires, that's why you see desperate "PC master race" shilling.

Everyone with hundres of games on Steam really plays on their PS4.

PS4/PC/WiiU master race.
Xbox is literally a dead console, and Switch only has one game which I have for my WiiU.

I play my PS4 the most because exclusives and most of my friends play on it.

>Have you shilling retard ever heard of WINDOWS?
Yeah. Except windows basically have monopoly over operating systems since 1994 on PC. Your argument is that originally Microsoft did not have control over PC, but over the last few years that has changed - but clearly Microsoft has basically ruled PC operating systems ever since "PC" became a platform to begin with.
So either you were talking about pre-windows (and pre-MS-DOS) era - which is laughable, or your own argument is completely self contradictory.

Also, Windows still does have actual alternatives on PC, unlike any other consoles, and it is still largely non-intrusive and open-platform. You can develop for Windows without having to obtain a licence to do so from Microsoft, unlike development for consoles. You don't need dev-kits, and you do not need to rely (actually you just plain-out DON'T) on their proprietary distribution channels.

Microsoft has much less influence of PC than any of the other big publishers has over any of their own respective platforms.
Yeah, it's true that Microsoft harmed PC market. Not by Windows themselves, but rather by simply pouring a MASSIVE amount of money into the Xbox lineup and bribing developers with massive amount of dosh to ensure Xbox exclusivity. The result is actually kids like you and most of the drooling mongoloids in this thread.
That era has gone, by the way. Microsoft is slowly losing faith in console gaming and going back where it was back in the days you pretend to be nostalgic about, you silly fucking goose.

Seriously, PC is the LEAST influenced-by-major-publisher platform in existence. So what the fuck are you actually even yapping about?

>Since 2013 that backfires, that's why you see desperate "PC master race" shilling.
Literally the ONLY way you can comprehend a platform re-gaining momentum is by blaming "shills".THAT is how deluded you are. It's beyond sad.

tl;dr Try copypasting less, shill.
>Except windows basically have monopoly over operating systems since 1994 on PC.
These operating systems weren't relevant for PC gaming, because PC games ran on bare metal, just like on consoles.
>clearly Microsoft has basically ruled PC operating systems ever since "PC" became a platform to begin with.
Bullshit. Even Windows didn't sell until 1990 and nobody interested in PC gaming used that.
>Literally the ONLY way you can comprehend a platform re-gaining momentum
This sure looks like momentum.

I'm actually rendered speechless by the sheer amount of stupid on display here. This some remarkable bullshit. I'm just gonna screencap this and assume that you are actually a fucking troll and move on.
Wow. Just wow. If you are an actual serious human being and actually believe what you are saying, then I just have to say... I'm so, so sorry.

Oh boy, Bone titles. So Gaylo, Gears of Bore, Snorza and Sunset Overdrivel.

Pajeet, why are you so mad, when you get paid to drop these walls of text here and you never play video games anyway?
Come on, stay professional!

I'm the same but I have an Xbox as well because most of my friends still play it.

Feels good being able to afford every console and not having to shit on others and make threads like this to justify my choices.

Really been enjoying PS4 recently actually, some really good exclusives so far this year. Can't think of any PC games I'd rather play than Nier/Yakuza/Horizon at the moment. And only reason I haven't bought a Switch yet is because I don't want another console taking up space for literally just Zelda.

>actually listing we happy few

stopped reading there

This entire thread is Xbone shilling in disguise.


"hidden gems" as a term is stupid, but SpaceChem is one of the best games ever made. I have 315 hours in it.

What was that about hidden gems not getting played faggot?

I could afford a One and Switch if I wanted one, but I would much rather spend my money on something I will actually use instead of buying just to say I have it.

>those games
fucking virgin

You should replace We Happy Few with Hardland

Also, Besiege should be on there

Except I have a gf. BTFO'd fag.

Besiege is fairly old, only put upcoming games on there, games that released in 2016 or have had an expansion that year.

What kind of troglodyte made the build I wonder