Less than 3 months to E3 2017

Less than 3 months to E3 2017
What do you hope to see? What announcement/trailer would make you cream your pants?

Give me DMC5 or give me death.

Cyberpunk 2077

>excited for lyingfest where every single game shown will be downgraded

A Detroit: Become Human release date

I wish that gif was less fast

Really? The guy is a hack. All of his games are linear interactive movies. Almost no gameplay. Don't get too excited user

New TES. Or rather, NEW ENGINE

I just want better hq +18 mods

New Zelda game for the switch
RDR2 for the Switch
Death Stranded for the Switch
Story of seasons for the switch

It's been a bit since I've seen the trailer but I remember it looking pretty dope. I dig interactive movie games desu.

>New Zelda game

Going by the announcement history it'll be something like
>E3 2017: No announcement
>E3 2018: Announcement trailer, confirmed for 2019
>E3 2019: New trailer, delayed to 2020
>E3 2020: New trailer + Title announced, no mention of release date
>E3 2021: Playable, release for Christmas

Yo-kai Watch Switch, but we'd know ahead of time because Japan, or WarioWare Switch.

More Wii U games ported to switch

If I were more optimistic I would say new Smash Bros., Metroid, F-Zero etc. but right now I would settle for Smash 4 with all DLC and a few bonus characters (maybe with the 3DS-exclusive stuff as well), and Pokkén with the arcade characters included.

>What do you hope to see?
Games. It's a pipe dream though, maybe next year.

Nothing that comes out of that shit show will make me lose my head.

they're making a whole nother red engine so it's gonna come out like semester 2 of 2019
Maybe hopefully we'll see some more stuff this year, but it's doubtful. I'd get you a source but you can just google it yourself, for i am lazy.

Dragon's Dogma 2

Something exciting for the Switch, if only to keep it afloat.

Demon's Souls 2
just for the salt
also TESVI would be dope

Waiting for what Nintendo comes up with as an answer to Sonic Mania

In my opinion this E3 is legit the last chance for Xbox. If the show is nothing but amazing 10/10 then all hope is lost. And when I say amazing I don't meed just entertaining but full of jaw dropping announcements.

darksiders 3

Death Stranding
Elder Scrolls 6
Anything for the Switch

Total War Warhammer expansion gameplay. (they're announcing it on friday).
Death Stranding trailer.
Cyberpunk 2077 stuff.
God of War trailer

Smash ported to Switch with all the DLC, 3DS stages, and Wolf

Mario Obsession

I would expect Inklings to be top of the Smash list, given how much Nintendo are pushing Splatoon as their next big IP.
I would love Wolf and Snake though, and I think a lot of people miss Ice Climbers

Well, I hope you like it then. It's not for me

Neat shit in general. My release lookout for the year so far is pretty bleak.
New Custom Robo even though Nintendo seems to have no interest in a new one and Noise is next to dead, a Little Battlers eXperience W localization even though the window for it has come and gone, new Starfy even though the series hasn't been touched in eight years, other misc shit that will never happen.

>destiny 2
>new elder scrolls
>if they ever make a dot hack remaster or new game
>if konami ever got their shit together and made a full silent hill remaster of all the games for ps4
>demons souls for ps4

>you witnessed the threads that made this gif

Midnight Club 5 Tokyo
Dead Space 4 made by the Titanfall 2 devs.
Sly 5
New souls game
Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Sam Hyde as the presenter doing his 2070 paradigm shift routine fooling everyone into believing that the actual game will be based on his paradigm shift script

>I was the OP of that thread
Sorry for fucking up the first gif

I heard somewhere that CDPR is not going to be at E3.

Really looking forward to seeing new videos of Scalebound! It's the reason I bought an Xbone One S after all

They will give you DmC 2 instead.

Other than more info for BotW's DLC I'm not sure what else to expect

I really doubt there'll be anything all that exciting this year

>using gifsoup
you should have known better

Halo 6
Cyberpunk 2077
Destiny 2
New Overwatch crap (hopefully campaign)
Battlefield 2143
Crackdown 3

Can't think of much honestly, proof that Crackdown 3 isn't going to get cancelled like 50% of the Bone's lineup would be nice. Maybe TES VI will get mentioned?

Blizzard doesn't go to E3

Just wanted to ask.


How many of you won't be buying CP2077?

CD projekt are literally the only big, honest devs still around.

jet set radio future hd



>Dragon's Dogma 2
>New Custom Robo
>New Soul Calibur
>Fire Emblem fighter
None of these will happen though.

Bethesda is honest aswell

E3 will be public for the first time in years. Nintendo needs to make a live conference again. It would be 5 years since their last one. the Switch Presentation, despite being at 11PM or 4AM for some people, still drew it a shit ton of people.

Haha of course my friend! Everyone knows the critically-acclaimed, best-selling, multi-award-winning Elder Scrolls™ and Fallout™ Series are the best games around! Also Todd Howard is definitely 6'2", well above the average height for men!

Jesus fucking christ, are you me? That's literally everything I want too.
And we're not going to get it.

Jamie Kennedy to come back!