What are you pirating right now, Sup Forums? You're not buying games, right?

What are you pirating right now, Sup Forums? You're not buying games, right?

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>it's another "pirates virtual signal to Sup Forums about how they're so much better than people who buy their games" episode

i want to pirate some pc games but i don't know any reliable sites and i'm also autistic about minor steam updates

None, I'm not a NEET

I don't like pirating games feels like I don't own them.
I guess same could be said about virtual games in general, maybe I'm just too much of a moralfag.

Where do you get shit from. Don't say a private tracker.

post loot

does anyone else pirate stuff in general without a vpn? i do constantly and my isp doesn't give a shit

Private tracker.


None, I have a job


shemale porn
I lost control of my life


Does anyone know where i can find a GOTY Version of Mass Effect 1 and 2? All the ones i find have broken DLC and it triggers my autism

Please Help

After 7 years of being 100% a buyfag I'm pirating again (tired of Steam's crap) but I don't know where to download, paranoid about possible malware and shit.

Started with this as it has digital signatures and I barely play new games anyway...

I'm downloading a real hidden gem for the PSP that I played when it was new. Spent a couple of days searching online because it's too obscure and most reviewers didn't bother getting deep in it and just hastily labeled it as trash so most of their screenshot sucks.

>What are you pirating right now, Sup Forums?
I stopped pirating PC games in 2007.
There was nothing worth pirating since then.
>You're not buying games, right?
As a NEET I buy physical games. I'm not a third worlder.

Sorry man, can't find any GOTY editions, only repacks + all DLC, but I bet you've already tried these.

Lmaoing @ your life

>all these people using utorrent
>not using deluge
explain yourselves

>Seeding anything ever

>You're not buying games, right?