
Wow. That was hard to watch.

smug bitch

what the fuck is wrong with her face

Crazy eyes.

>this passed QA

how do you even make that face in real life?

my sides that face

I just tried it, couldnt do it

>Can't judge me, user, i'm in the spectrum!

whats wrong with it, you autist?

>people actually paid for this game

What's she so smug about?



grow up. people do it during sex

>ryder starts running at you with this face

what do?

>That running animation

Just pure unadulterated laziness and/or incompetence

The Salarian's screeching killed me.

Why doesn't Bioware use mocap?

Mocap has been standard for years, it looks like they're animating everything by hand and that's why it's shit.

bioware does bad animat-

>What would an angry rider look like?
>Just try to like stretch her face into a grotesque sneer
>Just make her look as scary as possible

to be fair, if there's one thing ME:A has managed is to make me appreciate actual professional animators much more.

What the fuck is wrong with her legs?!

Perform exorcism

What the hell is up with her running animation?

The fuck is that guys hair

My face when my half brother bought the 200 dollars collectors box (doesn't even include the game) because he's a "big ME fan".

He's also a nigger (half brother from a second mother)

No, it doesn't.
They do what I expect them to do.
I'm not going to thank them more just because there's shittier ones.
It's a Triple A game, I expect good animations.

At 1:50, he would have missed even if she hadn't moved

Ok ok that does look like some of the worst shit I've ever seen in games, but is the game itself any fun? Is the gameplay good enough to warrant a playthrough?


sorry, but basement dweller virgins' opinians dont count

>comparing a middle-sized Danish developer to a huge US developer
>comparing an old game to a new game
>even if Hitman has bad animations, ME:A still has worse animations

Your dad fucked a nigress?

>that running animation

they really are going to announce that she has autism, aren't they

Fuck the autism part, where's the incest.

>when a shitlord says something mysogonistic online

whats wrong with you if you think that is even passable

>pure unadulterated laziness
intentional laziness.

this whole game was shit out on purpose. Theres no way animators can be this bad.

the animation, the acting, the pacing. the character placements and poses.

all awful.

Need a SFM where she finds out mastubation.

Need SFM where her big bro tickles her.

the animators leaned how to animate on the n64.


yeah i realized your's didn't count

her ism

>someone says something bad about lego's

Gameplay is fun enough but its just an average cover shooter, you can get a similar experience elsewhere


That npc pop in right at the end.

Nice try, bud.


I've been laughing at these videos all week. I'm tempted to buy this game just to see how bad it gets.

>rubber stretching
>gun shot
>fog horn
>cat screeching
>beep beep

Can't wait until SFM animators get their hands on this goofball
I want to see Sara playing with her legos

This game has a shit ton of flaws, but i love it nonetheless. Especially after i saw pic related - am i bad for liking it ?

Nah, under all the bullshit, if you could fix all these things like animation and such, there's a decent game underneath, and I appreciate that it's no longer just a Gears of War with dialogue.



I can't help but see this.


t. Lego chairman

Garry's Mod-tier

New fetish acquired.

>check Lego set no 75159
>now I fucking want it

your post gave me an autism.
fuck you very much


>tfw you wanted to enjoy this game

It's Mass Effect, its a shit franchise that only exists because EA didn't want to pay for the Star Wars license back in the 2000s.

then buy it faggot - it's a lot of fun. The problem is you listened to the Sup Forums hivemind


there was a long ass trial so people have seen first hand like myself that its shit. so the Sup Forums boogeyman meme doesn't work on this one since people have actually played it.

the fact that they gave a trial just goes to show they didn't think there was anything wrong with their game

That trial was paid.

yea 5 dollars. to see if the game was bad for myself. better than spending 60.

that and the whole game including the ending was on youtube before release showing it was worse than me3.

"Tell them we're home"
*roll credits*


Not him but
Do you know what greentext is for, redditor?
Take your reddit-speak away from here.

c'mon now I didn't say anything, user

>5 dollars
It requieres a credit card though.
People here don't have that.

have you ever tried running around wearing a full diaper? no? thought so you shitlord

Recently I played through the Halos. This came out 2 1/2 years ago

>reddit spacing
>no high cases
You are not fooling anyone.
Go away.

Green text is used on youtube, facebook, instagram etc. you want me to normie speak? its weird because I've never been to reddit in my life. This reddit meme is getting out of hand by people who try too hard to fit in here.

That's not gameplay though moron.

>people who try too hard to fit in here.
At least they try, reddit.

>dumb facial expressions
>pop ins
>missed punches, and whatever that headbutt was
>the grunting
>invisible chairs
>a broken bottle being smashed with no change to the bottle
>the robotic janky movement

Its in the so bad its good territory now. This is a gaming cult classic that wont be forgotten by history

Neither are nearly all of the webms showing how shitty ME:A is stupid fuck. Theyre all cutscenes


Kino. Absolutely pure unadulterated kino.

>when you haven't had a tendie in hours


Not reaaly, it's only because were frustrated when they were making Kotor, because they have to stick to the lore.

in game with game model cutscenes =/= movie cutscenes

im not even defending bioware, the game is shit. but cmon man

I think that says more about the kind of people you're having sex with

People here like to complain that SJW are ruining western gaming, but let me tell you what's really happening. It's very simple.

Western gaming has reached a critical mass of mainstream consumers. Its stories will resemble more and more Hollywood cash-cow franchises and its UI will resemble more and more Facebook and the like. It's production value will drop while budgets go up, and artistically they will continue to suffer. It's the most profitable route.

Independent developers (big and small) is where it's at if you don't want to go full Japanese.

>200 dollars collectors box
>doesn't even include the game

Thats what I am saying. Do you mean to tell me that missed haymaker was during an "ingame" cut scene?

Good that you explained yourself about the bigger brother.

Where did 'autistic Sara plays lego' come from?

Is at least the combat and movement decent?
Where's the torrent? I'm never gving them my money ever again after Inquisition.

imagine her making motorcycle noises as she runs

Lmao it looks like her legs magically gain and lose about 6 inches whenever she pivots