25+ years olds of Sup Forums, what video games still amuse you?

25+ years olds of Sup Forums, what video games still amuse you?

Basically anything that isn't shit. I don't mean Sup Forums standard of shit, I mean actually bad.

Same ones I always liked, I still enjoy videogames but I haven't been playing them as much as I like to.

anything with sex mods. the sims, skyrim, second life, doesn't matter what. preferably /ss/

32 here. I play the division, rb6 seige, wow. I still need to finish mgsv, witcher 3 and a few others I cant remember. But I like shit talking so any game I can talk shit and hone my bantz skills are my favs.

Fighting games

yakuza 0 and botw have been the good ones this year

nice blog post fellow redditor

The Witcher 3
Souls series


The biggest game ever, duh.

City-builders currently

28, I like games with grinding/farming and long-term goals that you work on a bit at a time. Destiny, Warframe, Diablo, The Division. Life-ruiners, basically.

Souls, BotW and an assortment of indie games.

I just want Butterlords to come out already.

>projecting so hard
>brings up reddit
Careful with that edge

The dude gave a genuine response and you shit on him for it, nice

I'll be 30 in less than 4 months

Most of the same kinds that interested me when I was younger, though I'll admit my interest in RPGs has fallen sharply. I still manage to find a bunch of games I like each year.

I stopped playing video games because I realized not only that they are a waste of time but I've lost valuable lifetime playing them "a lot".

so it's not a myth or meme after all, you will at some point get tired and regret passing all this time in front of video games.

I'm waiting for a game to have a sequel though, , just for the excitation of seeing it alive.

I can't play any video game more than a hour now, sometimes I could just play like a few minutes, lose a game and quit to go do my stuff or work.

31 now. I mostly just play RPGs, strategy games, and pick up and play story-free action games like Gungeon and Nuclear Throne. Went on a spree with Torment Numenera, Battle Brothers, Total Warhammer, and Long Dark recently, and currently I'm finishing the last of Witcher 3's DLC which I've been dragging on forever.

Grand Strategy (Stellaris, EU4,HOI3). Age of Empires 2 and HoMM3 still happens with friends.

Andromeda has been pretty amusing.

If it doesn't have a story/easily skippable story and is a grindy piece of shit or takes even a tiny bit of skill, I'm in. STALKER, FEAR, Doom .wads, Warframe, Diablo, Borderlands 1, Killing Floor and ME3 Multiplayer.

Can't stand games that parade storytelling anymore, the pacing's usually horrible and everything's heavily scripted into giving you (and every other schmuck) a cinematic experience.

Breath of the Wild


Occasionally try but nothing can hold my interest anymore.

I hate this condescending type response. Its such faggotry. Especially on a gaming board. You ever hear a avid reader, hunter, singer, golfer ect going onto a forum and being like, "YEAH X IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME AND FOR FAGGOTS, I MEAN I CAN ONLY DO IT FOR AN HOUR NOW BECAUSE ITS SUCH SHIT, AS YOU CAN TELL IM ABOVE X AND NOT A FAGGOT AT ALL AS YOU CAN SEE"
Fucking kys.

Rpgs, mmos, and flavor of the month my friends play.

user, video games dont amuse me very much anymore. I just play them out of vain hope and nothing better to do with my time.

I'm telling my case, I'm sure everyone is different.

I just can't play video games anymore.

33 here.

I like games that have satisfying itemization.

In the last year I have really enjoyed Terraria, Path of Exile, Diablo III, Risk of Rain and Dark Souls III.

I really wanted to like FFXV after anticipating it so long but it felt fatally unfinished and rushed after chapter 8.

I quit FFXIV online because even though I like MMOs, Yoshida confirming in an interview that they have no interest in ever changing the current formula was the last nail in the coffin for me. I still got countless hours out of that game because I enjoyed the satisfaction of playing my classes well enough to be an asset to raid groups.

Ultimately, I am a sucker for color coded loot.

There are far more games I want to play than I have time to play these days. I legitimately feel bad for those people on Sup Forums who seem to be stuck in their childhood forever and can't enjoy anything new just because it's new.

Surprisingly, almost none.

On and off I'm wasting time with obscure japanese sex games and in rare flashes of will I'm making my own game.

Faggot. You probably just replace the gaming time doing something equally considered "a waste" of time.

NEETs often fall into this apologist guilt mentality. I work a hard job so blasting siege for a couple of hours doesn't seem like a waste to me.

Plenty of them since I enjoy about 95% of genres, so even if there is only one good game in a genre for that year, there's still plenty of good games for me to check out.

That said, the forced inclusion of story in games where it really isn't needed, especially unskippable cutscene or railroaded "gameplay" bullshit, has definitely been reducing my enjoyment of vidya in recent times.

>tfw too old to enjoy video games

Street Fighter
World of Warcraft
Dark Souls

Generally looking for time-sinks with high replayibity that pays off with time invested in either skill or power level.

Killing Floor and Total War. That's about it now.

I have fun playing a variety of games from emulation to modern titles to classics I missed

Yes and now you waste time posting on a video game board, even though you quit playing games... X fucking D

27 here.
I do /out/ work and get /fit/ spring/summer/fall and then get laid off from my seasonal government job, go on unemployment, get fat and play vidya in the winter.
Winter lasts about 5 months out of the year here.
Provides enough balance to ward off a sense of wasting my life that some talk about here.
I mostly play RPGs and shooters. The more immersed in a game/world/role I can get the more I like it.

Nier Automata
Gravity Rush 2

For multiplayer I play f2p junk like HotS and WoWS, that's more of the act of playing with friends than the actual game.

Best advice is to make sure you do something else and don't go full autismo on games only, even watching Chinese carry-ons will help keep everything fresh.

Toukiden 2 has been great for the past few days, I'll probably beat it to completion. After that, maybe pick up Noir or ME:A

>tfw I have work in an hour
>keep getting called in because one dude keeps calling out for various, sometimes lazy reasons
>"Oh, uh, my wife just got deported so I need to find a babysitter for my 4 kids."
>2 days later, find out through the grapevine that he actually went out and leased a 2016 BMW M3
>Me: "So I guess his wife never got deported then?"
>Coworker: "No, she did, he dropped his kids off at their grandma's and went and leased the car afterwards."
>this dude is like 19

I'm paying my way through trade school, which starts in about 2 weeks. I only took this job to help with gas money, not to mention the downtime. Told my boss when I started that as soon as school starts, school is my #1 priority, not work. He needs to fire this guys quick, because I'm the one who has been covering his ass and that ends soon

Studying, working and improving myself to find a suitable wife is a waste of time?

Get real user, one day or another something is going to be hitting you hard and take you out of your comfort zone and you're going to realize how much of a useless piece of shit you are and that you need to wake up asap.

I play DotA on a daily basis. I like the game but its more a social thing where I can chat with my high school/uni friends who've moved to other countries and states

I enjoyed Zelda, and am currently enjoying NieR Automata. Before that, I enjoyed Bloodborne. I also liked Xenoblade X, Alien Isolation, and Black Flag. I also enjoyed NieR and Persona 4 Golden after turning 25. TLoU warrented a rental, as it was enjoyable as that, but I would have been unsatisfied had I paid 60 dollars for the game.

But I already did all those things you listed young gun. I'm 30 and very happy with my life and enjoy vidya. It's ok though, keep blaming vidya for your failings.

I play games and have a great wife.

And besides, if you wouldn't play games you wouldn't be here. Any excuse you might have will be a retarded one anyway.

You're just in it for the (You)'s

i don't really even play video games anymore, but when I do it's usually just this

Any game that can be played played for a bit and stopped any time, whether they are solo or online.
Anything non-grindy and not tryhard, essentially.
I just don't game as much, I just want to be able to play for a quick session and leave when I want. "competitive" games that require an hour-long focused sitting for almost no fun just feel like a waste of time now.

Yeah! Like, andromeda isn't even that bad, you guys!

What are you studying? You're supposed to be over 25, which means you should have a doctorate by now.

I got married without ever stopping playing vidya. When I first started dating her, it was scaled back, but now she gets into the games as much as I do. She just sucks at playing, so she wants me to do that while she plays navigator or just sits back and enjoys the story (depending on the game).

Plenty. Your mistake is having this fase now, when good games exist but you can't experience them. You should have had this fase somewhere during PS3 gen.

>be a turbo jew
>never pay more than €13 for a vidya
>try ghost recon wildlands open beta
>i don't need it
>i definitely don't need it
>give in and buy it a week later
>have great fun
And then the patch came around and now the game crashes 5 minutes after booting up.

>tfw to smart for video games

>Studying, working and improving myself to find a suitable wife

honestly you sound brainwashed. is everything you do in order to find a mate? is everything you do to achieve something else rather than for the thing itself and the enjoyment of doing it?

>29, turning 30 in a week
I think is ultimately why I hated ME2, I didn't like some of the other changes either, but the lack of customization/loot and bartering for shit grated at me.

Give me a massive unwieldly inventory anyday, I love that shit.

I only play shmups

>Turning 25 this year
>Haven't been entertained by vidya in over a year
I loved Nier Automata, it's the only game I've finished since 2016. Is this it for me? Am I too old for video games?

EVE's politics.

correct, thank you.


BOTW made me have hope of games finding their soul again someday.

rabi-ribi, starcraft 1. i still play indies, but i can't play modern "competitive" games or AAA games

27 here. Binding of Isaac, so I can feel the death in my lunch break.

30 here, any game that isn't AAA garbage movie easy game. Fuck that shit

Yes, but also vital sometimes.

She was one hell of a time saver when it came to Xenoblade X.

30 here.

Colony-management games like Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress

4X games like Civ series or Stellaris for a recent example

Total War series


Crusader Kings 2 and EU

The common thread is that the story is created by the player, not fed to the player by the creator. Somehow I got tired of narrated and curated experienced, the older I got.

If only this game was actually fun to play

this is bullshit. even if you stop playing video games you don't magically start "LIVING LIFE!!" and playing games doesnt mean that you're magically "NOT LIVING LIFE!!!" you're not going to magically find your soulmate cutting 1 or 2 hours a day of gaming.. also, i have yet to meet someone that wouldn't fuck their job over for a few more hours of gaming ...

Zeus is probably the best game ever created.

Sup Forums Sup Forums = reddit

Stop lying to yourself that it ain't true

I've played DaS1 so many times within the last 3 years that I still enjoy it enough for how gud I get at beating it faster, and more efficiently every time play it. I played RE1 so many times too, and never get bored.

nice try
my entire life is a waste of time and I'm waiting to die

I spend about 55 hours a week working and commuting, and I don't see my time playing games as a waste. It's time to sit by myself and enjoy something that got me in to my career in the first place (Software dev, not on games thank fuck, real work.) Playing games is on a level with watching films or reading.

The only waste here is you.

all of them, just like in childhood


Speaking for myself. I never want to use reddit. It is a breeding ground of controlled, and hive-mind mentality with down votes, and censorship moderation. NeoGAF is horrible.

>I never want to use reddit
you haven't actually said that you don't use reddit...

I like playing the 64 bot mods for battlefield 2. Man I loved playing BF2 online back in the day.

>too good for video games, doesn't like gamers

>browsing and posting on a video game board

unironically kys yourself

I recognize both points of view, but fwiw for several years now i've been a worthless pseudo-NEET burying my sorrow by almost-literally forgetting myself while playing vidyo gaems
I literally could have been in a coma for half a decade and my sum total of life 'experience' could have been the same

but then again its all self-medication anyway. in another life i'd have been dead from opioid abuse instead

26 here

I'm replaying oblivion right now because I didn't play any of the DLC which are pretty cool.
But I have fun playing many genres because I have always been warry about protecting my inner child from the world

Literally only melee. I go on here to forget my god awful life.

Read my post you double nigger, I play games, I would never develop them though because the working environment is trash.


Do you guys consider yourselves failures?

im turning 25 in a few months, so it'll still probably be overwatch Tbh

Mostly story based, slow paced games. Some JRPGs maybe or visual novels. I'm about to start the Myst series now, downloading the game.

Last action-based game I enjoyed, and will probably ever enjoy was Dark Souls. I'm just too old for your Revengaences and Niers and whatnot.

Whatever gets you through your day. Just know that in another life, you could also be happily married to a chick that loves you and was a virgin when you met, while you work at a job that you like that also pays well enough to cover all the bills AND fund your video game hobby.

Self-defeatism is a piss poor attitude to have, because it never motivates you to do better.

28 here, yes

Even the original NieR? I mean, that wasn't exactly fast paced gaming. It was more simplistic than OoT.

I consider myself a child disguised as a man.

Because I play vidya? No. I have a good job, and earn more than anyone I know. I also don't care if people think I'm a loser because I play games. The point is to make it so playing games isn't everything you do.

Nope. I pay all the bills, am happily married, and enjoy my life, all in all. Doesn't feel like anything is missing, to be honest.

who cares if your gf is a virgin?better she has been fucked once, i don't want to get my dick bloody :(

Time trials in Wipeout 2097 and Wipeout 3.

Lol and R6 Siege. I cant play singleplayer games anymore, they bore me after one session.

Puzzle and mystery games mostly.

26 year old NEET here. There are enough games that I find vaguely stimulating to keep me from falling into a pit of existential dread 24/7, but very few actually impress me. The two somewhat recent standouts were Journey and Bloodborne.

Journey felt like an experience rather than a game. After you've played enough games, it's easy to get jaded and see them as just loose collections of mechanics, and while Journey didn't do anything ESPECIALLY innovative, the way it was designed just flowed so naturally and had just enough little surprises to keep me engaged and immersed. This was especially surprising to me as I generally don't have that high an opinion of indies. It just felt like a cut above the rest t.b.h.

As for Bloodborne, I actually just played it for the first time a few months ago, and it was my first Soulsborne game. I'd always been fairly opposed to Soulsborne on principle, because I'm not a fan of intentionally obscure plots and meta/"gamey" mechanics. A lot of people love the way you really need to consider things like iframes and animation times, but I don't like stuff like that because it detracts from immersion. Honestly I'm still somewhat ambivalent about it, but I have to admit that when it clicks, it feels pretty awesome. I'd be on board with a more refined version of that in a mainstream ARPG. Fanbase is still cancer, though.

27. Yes, I still enjoy them. Play everything in German now to learn the language though, highly encourage everyone to do the same, then your little hobby isn't just a waste of time.

This year I have been playing legacy of the duelist and played chrono trigger for the first time.

I still enjoy video games, but i got to take em slow.