Role playing game doesn't allow you to respec

>role playing game doesn't allow you to respec

>role playing game doesn't allow you to roleplay

I think respecing is the biggest casual crutch outside of someone else playing for you

>I want to experiment without having to restart and pick the kit that fits the situation best!
yeah don't talk to RPGs or my son ever again

>Spec into something
>Find out it doesn't work/it's useless
Fuck that.

Well then, either you're an idiot or the game's poorly designed and respecing won't change either.

>Garry Shandling's dead

Fuck you, OP

fucking hell I had no idea

There is no game designed well enough, you fucking mong.

Fucking video game "experts" who never designed a game, but proclaim self educated in video game design. Why is Sup Forums so plagued with you vermin?

The only significant death of 2016

what is every video game rpg

You folks see that flashing sign up there? Now, that sign says "Applesauce."

>I--I'm not dumb you're dumb

nice, try respecing out of faggot and see if that helps things any

It would... you don't care for respecs so I'm afraid you're stuck there. Sorry faggot

Respeccing is for casual faggots. Char development should be something you put a lot of thought into and then deal with the consequences. Games were you can make a completely unplayable char without trying/being a complete retard are rare as shit.

t. plays on normal

>Respeccing is for casual faggots

I actually found it useful for games like Borderlands where you want to mold the character to suit the situation online.

>>Spec into something
>>Find out it doesn't work/it's useless
>Fuck that.

Use common fucking sense.


>Being so bad that you need to respec

First game was excellent. The only good game Gearbox has ever made.


>being so bad that you can only play one build as opposed to many if you could respec at will

Is it because there's 'no flipping'?

>game doesn't reveal that entire second half has crit-resistant enemies
>game doesn't allow you to see all the special abilities in advance
What now, cunt?

Any game that doesn't allow respecing must also have at least one of:
>no mystery, everything on a plate
>trivial design where you can calculate everything from the start
>shit design by hacks who can't into vidya making
>so easy that you never need to respec

This, it has its uses.

>find out you can't respec at the start of the game
>google every ability to find what you'd like
>no point in experimenting with other abilities

respeccing is the cancer that killed RPGs

A game should allow one or maybe two respecs at most. Faggots who want unlimited respecs put literally zero thought into any choice that they make and just go

>roleplaying game where you play one role: the guy destined to do everything and save everyone

>mfw I've been a swordsmen my entire career, but now that I can't score crits on ghosts I've become a wizened mage overnight

you mad??
like you could carry around an inventory and still fight, it's a game not real friend

