Am I the only one weirded out by the official Playstation channel promoting something that is basically censored...

Am I the only one weirded out by the official Playstation channel promoting something that is basically censored pornography?

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Isn't any clothed person censored?

almonds activated

Apparently it's the only good game on the Vita

Only the two loli gangbang is removed for western release


>censored pornography
Utawarerumono is not a hentai to begin with.

Are you the guy who's assblasted Utawarerumono moved to console?

The first game is, you clueless EOP.


It has some sex scenes, so do many instances of literature or tripe shit like GoT, that doesn't make it hentai you cretin.


Someone post the twins song. Can't have an Utawarerumono thread without it.

I'm really behind on the times. Is the ps4 game a continuation of the original PC game back that was released back in 2002 or is it a reboot?

Having explicit porn scenes doesn't make it a porn game?

What kind of autistic subhuman EOP framework of mind do you operate in? What does "hentai" mean to you?

Whatever goes in your mind, the point is that the first game originally came out on PC with porn scenes, then was re-released on consoles with those removed. Now go and argue about semantics, you autist.

Just call it an eroge and move on.

Continuation, you can go watch the new anime while at it, it's adaption of the 2nd game that came out year ago or so. It's pretty bland though.

>Underwater Ray Romano in 2017

There was a sequel?

Are Witcher 2, Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Defect Adderall porn games?

You sure all that anger against EOPs isn't just you being frustrated because you're a stuck intermediate?

Witcher 1 kind of is

Do they show full genitalia and explicitly show cum gushing forth from a woman's vagina? You idiots can't understand the difference between explicit sex scenes and the "" tasteful"" nudity you see in regular video games?

so, the order is:
Mask of truth/deception
But are they on a single package or what? It's confusing as fuck.

are you unaware of the term "softcore" pornography
>I-it's not a porn game though! This is just like Mass Effect!

>Do they show full genitalia and explicitly
Eroge don't do that either. Japan is pretty infamous for it's censorship laws you know.

But the pussy is censored, so it's all good.

You're right.

>will have to wait for a patch to want to see oshutoru teaching haku how to fuck his sister
Fuck this gay earth.

"VN" and "porn" are analogous in Japan because they simply refer to them as eroge regardless of genre.

But here in the west, not every VN is expected to have porn as we understand not every VN is a nukige, and even that many games that have sex scenes, like this one, the sex isn't the point.

Porn is something you use to jack off. Having 5% of the game consist of scenes you could potentially jack off to a porno does not make.

Yea, you're the only one.

Amazon haven't updated the release day nor put up the 50 page art book that comes with it.

What the fuck are they doing?

there's 2 sequels and we get both. I'm super hyped because I love the first utawarerumono and I pretty much came to terms that I'll never play the sequel. I never ever buy VNs but I'm buying both day one

>Censored scene

weren't they boys? pretty sure they were boys. you're not gay, are you?

Those characters had cameos in several different games. The game itself was very popular, but due to the porn scenes, nobody was willing to localize it.

The official PlayStation channel promotes pretty much anything that releases on their platforms, like this materpiece.


>basically censored pornography?
Are you not familiar with the Vita library?

user, this was released all-ages even in the JP version.

If you're American then understand that Japan doesn't have such a hate boner for sex like the west does.