Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

well for starters, the villain looks like Despicable Me's Gru.

A political statement for no reason.

>dat nose
Is playtonic /po/'s guys?

>Nuts & Bolts level design
>less worlds than the game it's attempting to be a successor of

Disgusting character designs

They JUSTed themselves

Wait, is this even out?

Game was developed by Europe cucks.

>create an issue where there was none
>make a political statement 3 weeks before launching your game
>instead of having a competent PR Manager doing their thing, you let the retards at your publishing company to mock and trashtalk about your potential buyers
They're dead, Jim.

they JUSTed a nazi




All is well except they are pandering to the left to get more money from a broader audience which questions their motive of wanting to create a good game and shifts it towards milking as many people for as little efford as possible

>suck up to Jon before release
>he promotes your kickstarter
>he gives you a platform on his youtube channel
>delete his voice acting in a day one patch
>announce this on his birthday


You forgot to mention the part where they will lose tons of money because they felt the need to make it about politics.


I didn't follow the whole debacle, what exactly did Jontron do? Have the wrong opinions or did he actually do something illegal?

>delete his voice acting in a day one patch
>announce this on his birthday

I was unaware of this, what exactly happened? I'm not into e-celebs, even though I admit having seen videos by him. People keep calling him a jew, but I'm not entirely sure why. Did he do something recently?

>devs announced they're removing Jon because of his "political stance"
>makes it worse by mocking fans
>starts banning people on Steam
>locking threads forums

They could've avoided this damage control, but they made it worse. It was so fucking close of becoming a success without bullshit. Will this end up like Mighty No. 9? We will find out.

I'm so glad they will suffer for it too. It really is time things change i the industry. Pissing on your core demographic is never smart. Hope they go bankrupt.

He used a crime statistic in a debate that's true and everyone thinks he's Hitler now.

Holy shit you fuck
read the other 10 threads or google "yooka-laylee"
this is literally all this game's being talked about, they've FUCKED themselves

Lurk the internet more.

>Polygon posted a hitpiece on JonTron
Does anyone even read polygon after gamergate?

he said the truth and everyone that didn't agree with him twisted his words and lied about what he said.

Literally having the wrong opinion even though it was the correct one.

>game isn't even out
>but muh e-celebs

Ah ok, that clears things up.

To be fair, I never expected the game to be good since it's just cashing in on fans' blind nostalgia over a 16, almost 17-year-old game by making a poor man's version of it.

Banjo-Kazooie might have been good (read: not a masterpiece, it has its flaws), but that doesn't mean this one'll be good either.

He cited a 2016 article that talked about how high income blacks are more likely to commit crime than low income whites in a debate with some faggot with the same name as that one game nobody plays anymore. Ironically, the article was from the left leaning Trump hating paper that is the Washington post.

is there any more based dev?

Just like we tanked rogue one

He stated a crime statistic proved his claim that blacks are genetically predisposed to crime

Whose we newcancer?


So based he committed career suicide. They will never make another game again. Feels good man.

They'll lose a lot of money but it's not going to go down in flames like Mighty No. 9
I don't care about the Jontron shit, but the game just looks fucking bad.

I mean, they can always just apologize or blame it on Team17

Well, the character design is actually quite good.

that's the beta, here's the real game

That's fucking terrible and probably makes me hate them more now. Makes me hesitant to buy the game when released.

Yeah, no way I am skipping a game I might like due to political reasons.

saying factually correct things is not Nazi, you retard.

I don't understand, stating that dog breed X has a better smell sense than breed Y is not racist, why is it then racist to state facts about human breeds?

Oh ho ho yes it well. Are you fucking stupid? No one gives a fuck about a successor to a Banjo game like they did to one of Megaman. The hype behind it was thanks to Jon Tron. I hope these guys never work again.

Rogue one tanked because it was shit

Lol and everyone said Mighty No.9 would be shit when Yooka Laylee comes out. Irony is a funny thing.

Explains your shit tastes.

Choosing who can immigrate based on race rather than judging them individually is racist by definition.

Can we please try to turn yooka and laylee into a hate speech symbol?

But we don't want america to become like London or Paris where there's terrorist attacks every month, do we?

You see, user, some people like games.
Some people like other games.

>anime avatar
Explains a lot.

Perhaps consider screening all immigrants individually then?

>Yeah, no way I am skipping a game I might like due to political reasons
>A game I might like

Good news! You won't.

Didn't know there was newer footage. Aside from better environment visuals it still looks pretty dull, though.

hate facts like blacks commit more crimes than everybody else i.e Chicago, Baltimore, la, Detroit etc. the left hate anybody who leaves the plantation.

Those character designs are ugly as sin

I'll know that when I'll play it. I once played Sonic 2006 to completion.

The levels look like the worst part of Tooie's levels with lots of empty space.
Cancelling the Wii U version and not being honest about why they cancelled version and no physical release for the Switch is a dick move as well.

There's not enough resources for that, plus there's no way to know if that innocent muslim you let in won't be in contact with ISIS through the internet.

>not standing by your principles

The problem is that all humans on Earth today are classified as homo sapiens sapiens.

>There's not enough resources for that
But it's already being done in America, and successfully so

Implying I have any principles about how they run their business or give a shit in a first place.

Do people care about their birthdays over the age of 15?
Also i'm pretty sure they didn't need Jontron advertisment

You're a false flagging idiot. Mass immigration is the issue because they do not screen with background checks.

Because human beings are individuals and not groups. People are for the most part who they choose to be. You cannot discern any meaningful facts about an individual based solely on their race.

But it already is. Just that your terrorist attacks are done by white people.

Don't bother explaining how people can like different things on Sup Forums

yeah never mind this jontron shit.

i don't think i've been into any of the ex-rare guys since i played nuts and bolts based purely on the fact that they seem to perpetuate the idea that it's everyone else' fault that their games failed

I wouldn't call these homo sapiens

Who in turn looks like Dr. Eggman without the moustache.

>Having principles
>On Sup Forums

Why wouldn't I?

please look up the definition of words before you use them

You kept posting about NOT NEWS and NOT VIDYA.

Throwing a loyal backer under the bus, a backer who brought attention to your kickstarter scam, for the sake of propaganda because no one talked about your shit game for months

Who did they blame for nuts and bolts?

Sup Forums overreacting.


But you can, asians are the best at math and everyone knows this, blacks are noisy and aggressive and whites are average at everything from penis size to intelligence

Frankly, most asians I've met weren't particularly good in maths.

those aren't facts about an individual

Black people commit the majority of violent crime in the US.

because they would behead you at the earliest opportunity and not feel bad about it

The game never had a chance.

basically everyone else based on the fact that shooters and COD games were the hype at that point

they didn't have faith in the fact that a banjo kazooie game would work without something radically different despite people clamoring for it at the original release date

What caused the massive bump in subs yesterday?

devs knowingly and willingly made their game a vessel for Sup Forums shitposts on Sup Forums

maybe theyr retarted, maybe they want to blame goobergrape on bad sales

fuck off, this is not vidya anymore

The most recent attack in london was not done by a refugee. neither were most others.


>clamoring for it at the original release date

fuck, i mean "at the original trailer" where it literally just showed "hey, 3d banjo game"

i'm tired.

But I don't think that's because of their genetic heritage. Rather, that sounds to be stemming from social/cultural ideas and indoctrination.

We don't go around saying Hitler, Stalin or Mao weren't humans because of the things they caused and did.

problem with America is that they have a colectivist view of society

I don't care about this Jontron bullshit, the game itself looks empty and it's probably going to be worse than Banjo-Tooie. I'm not too hyped, I want to refund my pledge and just get the game another time when it's cheaper.

David Duke endorsement

I think I've spammed this video enough but Destiny was the same guy who tried to raid "twitch plays pokemon" for attention.
Warning for the annoying voice.

Oh shit that was him? What a faggot.

>mfw listening Sargon debate Destiny