2017. Still worth playing ?

2017. Still worth playing ?

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well, at least you can have more fun with modded NV than with FO4

If you like to crash every 10 min sure why not.

Yes, for historical value, since it will probably go down as the last good Fallout game in history

are you underage?
if so you need to fuck off

These games were hideous even at release date, now it's even worse. Disgusting bethesda engine.

A good game will always be good

Seeing how it's the only good modern fallout game, yes.

Le reddit hive mind xDDD

Do games depreciate in value over the years? Even the most hideous games graphically still have playability.

Why would you assume user is underage from asking if it's still worth playing?

The standards for playability have also changed. Try playing the original Doom, you'll be instantly frustrated by mousewalk, retarded autoaim and strafe modifier key. Try playing Dune II, you'll be instantly frustrated by having to manually micromanage every individual unit and building through a clunky UI. Try playing the first Need for Speed, you'll be instantly frustrated by horrible car physics.

I'm 24 and literally have been playing diablo 1 more than I do any recent games.

Could say the same in regards to FO4 which I played for maybe 30 hours before going back to 1 and 2

the original tenchu and the gommy movement controls

i couldn't play it
mgs aged well
ff aged well
grandia aged well
vagrant story aged well

but my overall favourite didn't

depends on the game
games that were well designed are timeless
some games were just stepping stones and you liked them, because you didn't know any better

Wasn't worth playing back when it released.

Its pretty bad. But then rgs are the most casual genre next to sports games.

not if your sick of fallout games

A game aging badly doesn't necessarily mean that it wasn't well designed. It might've been genius, but constrained by technology. Elite might be borderline unplayable now, but saying it was just a stepping stone for Privateer, Eve Online and No Man's Sky would be a disgrace.

Honestly no, every game released prior to 2011 is generally too archaic and dated.

Do you have something better to do?

Fuck Quarry Junction.

might as well ask here: what are some essential mods for FNV?

it's pretty easy compared to deathwind cavern, deathclaw promontory and courier's mile

also you can cheese all of them with stealth and/or chems

Probably the patches like Lutana, JSawyer Ultimate and Unofficial patch plus. Also Stutter Remover for stability and Anti-Crash too helps a lot

Other than that you are good to go

Invisible wall remover
Pip-Boy UI mods to taste

I had the same feel with Morrowind.

I don't know why but I didn't like it as much as Skyrim. It just didn't sit right with me. The lack of a map compass was part of the reason, but I just found it less enjoyable. I don't know why. It just felt like Skyrim had something Morrowind didn't. I loved NV though.

Fucking UP+ doesn't detect my NVSE and JIP versions after I patched some outdated mods I had installed, first I had problems with the FOV slider mod not detecting that I had the latest Lutana NVSE plugin now this, I have no fucking clue why it doesn't just see that both NVSE and JIP is the latest patch.

To answer your question OP, Yes, it is still worth playing if you haven't already, though i recommend trying a modded playthrough

Did you make sure they were checked before installing UP+?


Use this. JIP's updated to included Lutana.

Yeah, I've reinstalled both UP+ and NVSE and JIP multiple times with UP+ always last but it just doesn't work.

Well the problem itself points that NVSE and/or JIP isn't properly installed, are you using Mod Organizer and did a manual installation of NVSE i asume right?

Any mods to make the combat not shit?

UP+ needs to be loaded before JSawyer Ultimate, that could be the issue somehow.

I am using NMM and yes I did do a manual installation of NVSE, and I've checked as best as I can if they're all in the proper places as well as with JIP

I am not using Jsawyer Ultimate though.

Nope, as another user said gameplay systems get outdated but that doesn't make them bad. I adjusted to Fallout 1 and 2's bullshit slow combat and fuck-off critical hits after a few hours, and I currently have been playing more original Xbox games than 360 (poorfag so no PS4 for me), reading dialogue and learning how shit was counted in older RPGs.

Yep, playing Dead Money for the first time the now and having a blast. The game may be rough around the edges, glitchy etc but it has so much depth it's still well worth playing.

You don't even need to cheese to get past QJ, just turn tight and run through Black Mountain.

Still hate it, though.

Liking Skyrim over Morrowind is never acceptable. I can understand how people feel that way but it literally is because they're casuals.

I played it for fucking years without knowing half of what I was doing, I played it like an action game and finished the main quest at around level 30 after 50+ hours. Now I spend all my money on training and go do all the city quests instead of dying over and over in dungeons

You just answered your own question