Conan exiles is dead already

conan exiles is dead already


>last 30 days


what did they do to lose that many players?

Not update it

I fell for this meme, I hope future developments can save it, I really love their ideas for a magic system

I'm glad I didn't buy it not going to buy that playerunknown bullshit either

playeruknowns is going to be great tho

"is going to be" doesn not translate into "it will be"

People just need to admit the Battle Royale genre is boring and gay as fuck.

What kind of fuck names a game after their forum username

At the end of the day, people playing it doesn't matter. The devs still made a lot of money off of it.

sid meyer

Called it on my stream and never bought it. It's a fucking meme streamers streamed for cheap views.

As. Fucking. Always.

Expect a 3 to 4 month waiting time between patches and in between those patches small minor bug fixes.

>Called it on my stream

wow, you called it on your stream that 2 people watched?

reminds me of another game that was based in the Conan universe and also developed by funcom

more alive than battleborn for sure

sid meyer made good games though

It honestly makes sense for him, anyone that has played Arma battle Royale knows who he is since his name is plastered all over that mode. If it was just called battlegrounds it would just be another shitty battle Royale game, adding his name off it adds some recognition to it that it's being made by someone that at least used to know what they are doing.

Maybe if they had released a finished game instead of that obnoxious pay once and get updates but the game isn't done format.

So we recently had a resurgence of hacks from the 90s resurfacing and making shit games. Now we'll have hacks from 3 years ago doing that.

>another shitty Battle Royale game
You can't separate shitty and Battle Royale. This cancer genre is the new zombie game, it worked alright as a kid but Doesn't translate well to standalone, much like another high profile game released in 2013 that remains in alpha.

Excuse me, user is the best streamer I've ever seen you faggot.

its the only "minecraft for adults" worth a lick 2bh m8s

>I fell for this meme

dumb cuck, if i could be funcom i would just abandon game and focus on another scam which people like you would buy ;)

just like dayz/h1z1/culling (dead meme game)/ark/rust (added 7 weeks cooldown on store items which you bought to sell them with profit now all profit is fucking gone, fuck you garry you cunt i just lost 20 euros)

Please name 10 battle royale games because you seem to think a thousand of these get released at a time seeing how you're comparing it to zombie games.

Battle Royale is the new DayZ, or at least poised to be.
You can have a similar effect as of that with DayZ as Battle Royale, adjusted to a smaller amount of time.
H1Z1 picked up Battle Royale much faster than Bohemia picked up DayZ.
Battle Royale has more limited appeal than zombies, but it is still a flash in the pan. Retards think this type of game is heavily competitive, and ear the same shit over and over. Just because isn't a game mode directly called battle Royale (there seems to be some copyright fuckery on this end, or at least attempts to avoid it, what with H1Z1 literally renaming their BR to King of the Kill) doesn't mean it is the same shit.
Battle Royale is going to be the next DayZ styled zombie survival game.

Websites showing stats to people who don't know what they are looking at are always useless, well aside from making money from ads.

Almost every game loses this kind of population over the first few months, aside from games that hide their numbers, bloat with korean free access players or just lie about them ofc *cough*overwatch*cough*

I'm too lazy to go check but Ark sold 4 million copies on steam, what % are active on steamcharts?

You have no idea what you talking about retard. The numbers come straight from steam api
you cant "hide" your numbers

Does Conan Exiles actually have any decent PvE or is it just a tribal nigger version of Rust that's trying to "compete" with ARK?

I know ARK has had player drops but CE died really fucking quick, what's so bad about it?

being this dumb

You can if you don't launch on steam or have alternate versions that aren't on it.

What's with PCfags falling for shitty early access scams, everytime I check steam top sellers there's at least 2 or 3 early access survival shit there

>Battle Royale genre is boring and gay as fuck.
only because the current games are all shit

you are fucking retarded