Greet news everyone

Greet news everyone,
Beamdog is making enhanced version of Planescape Torment.

Other urls found in this thread:

"Updated my Twitter"

Oh no.

Crowd at RPG Codex is ecstatic about the news

Can't wait!

>that guy with nearly 2 million posts

>joined 2015

I bet he asked a mod to change the counter or something.

Mods fuck with the stats of losers all the time on old BBS forums, just to remind them that their e-penii are worthless.

>Played tides.
>It's actually better than Planescape.

How many trannies will it have!?


>What can change the gender of a man?

There's a bunch of lines in the base game already that I just KNOW are gonna get shitposted about how the EE added them or something. The whole sequence with the sensate orb or whatever where it reads like an overdramatic teenage girl's diary is almost certainly gonna get posted out of context as shitpost fuel.

I... I'm sorry. Did you just ASSUME the gender of that giant alien squid over there?

>The Genderless One

>more questions
>k bye

wew great """dialog""" system

>want to laugh but can't put it past these fuckers to actually do this shit


Is he /our guy/?

Cant wait

What's... the difference between the first two options?

>Asking that 'final question' in the end of that game

It was one of the most memorable moment.

Nothing. That's pretty normal in BG series though. If you replay the games you'll see that there's a shitload of dialogue options that are 100% purely for flavour and don't actually have any real difference. Plenty of "saying the same thing but worded slightly less aggressively than the option above".

There is none.
1=2="Yeah, Whatever"
3="End conversation"

Thats new quality of writing, deal with it

Is nothing sacred?

>What does one game matter?

>The Trans One

>Ravel asks "What can change the genter of a man?"
>Picks 'I.... don't know' option
>Ravel calls you out for being 'insensitive' to gender issues


Her argument just seems weird while white is dependent on where you live, as far as the real world goes the vast majority of people are straight, don't know what the hell cis is supposed to be though

Was the user posting leaked images a fag or was he for real in an earlier thread? He says it's just a straight upgrade, nothing changed. It's probably more of a side thing since they are working on a brand new game as well.

>What can change how much one game matters?

>don't know what the hell cis is supposed to be though
Without mental illness causing you to think you're of the other sex

>Updated my pronouns.

Isn't The Nameless One even more powerful than the gods after getting back his memories?
No one else can open portals into sigil.

>it's a Sup Forums still spergs about one nothing NPC in a game episode

Jokes aside, I doubt they would be arrogant enough to change anything substantial. Still, truth be told, these people are nearly incapable of just updating something, they always end up changing something they disagree with on the basis that "I think this is bad"

Considered all the shit Beamdog got from fans of BG after they added new cringeworthy SJW content, maybe its true...
But i woulndt bet on it

I would be mad if they add SJW content, but I also would be mad if the only thing they changed is the resolution and UI.

I don't know, I kinda hoped the restored content or additional stuff that is written by MCA himself.

>"Ask your questions."
>they're questions

Just get the wisescreen patch und Unfinished buisness patch and you are all set.

Get them fast because they will mysteriously disappear from the internet soon if BD comes through.

Don't you still get the original version if you buy EE on GOG?

It's a guess of experience from what happened to merged BG shortly before BD got their hands on it.
They remove mods that makes the classic better than the remake.
The GOG classic will still be there.

Is the nameless one based on the creation of Victor Frankenstein?

Ugly face, long black hair, has no name

How about you play the game first?

I am playing through it atm, if you cannot see the obvious similarities to The Fiend, you obviously know nothing about the book

>unironically promoting marxism
please don't be real

Porst a trigger warning next time...jeez

>dat feel when this is Beamdog's take on improved UI

Keep playing.
The creation of Victor might just find out that it actually is Victor itself.

Three writers responsible for that abomination no longer work at Beamdog.

>dat feel when Siege of Dragonspear actually had a really good antagonist
>everyone ignores her and just rambles on and on about MUH SJW

Fucking hell.

maybe most people don't want to trudge through marxist propaganda to play a video game

Dragonspear is such a boring slog that people naturally focus on the more memorable parts.
In this case, the memorably bad ones.

Personally, I found that how they mutated safana was even worse than the usual complaints.
Why they chose to focus their character rewrites on someone who sells you out to psychotic tsundere lycanthropes in BG2 is beyond me.

So I guess they'll do nothing to improve the graphics, add a couple of filters and remove all "problematic" content and dialogue while making the whole game unstable and buggy as fuck.

Best part is how you can tell every single other npc to fuck off but not that one.

Literally all PST needs to be playable on modern pcs is HD mod and that exists.
Goddamn kikes.

>altering classics to make them easily playable in this day and age with modern resolutions
yes very good

>altering the actual writing and game design at all
death penalty

She's has a point about writing the same characters over but lost it when she defined straight white or whatever as the main draw of a character

>more powerful than gods
Naw, that's a pretty high level in D&D.
But as a level 25-30~ character that lived forever he's pretty much at the point where he can challenge somebody for godhood given the right circumstances and preparations.
Vecna was about that level.

Torment level cap is around 128 (in every class) user, you'll get 25 in every stat and always have Warrior HP progression. Mechanic-wise, TNO is prretty much the most broken character in 2nd edition D&D bar the Lady of Pain (there are some foes you can't kill in Ps:T but that's for plot reasons).