Main menu changes as you progress the story

>main menu changes as you progress the story

Darksiders 2


A couple of visual novels

spec ops the line
nier automata
katawa shoujo

Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode 1
Half-Life 2 Episode 2



Knights of the Old Republic 2
Final Fantasy XV

Hitman: Blood Money


>loading screen needs to finish animation before letting you play


What does that?

Life is Strange.

Max Payne 3

Kid Icarus uprising

Why did he delete his comment what a fucking child, fucking redditors Jesus christ

>game has no main menu

>responding to every post

Time for you to join him...

Mass Effect 2, Witcher 3

I don't remember it in Mass effect 2, unless you mean the little spinny thing.

x-men 2 clone wars

I love that shit
who needs them

ME2 is biggest offender for this. Loading screens only take 3 sec at most, but they each need to finish their animations and THEN they go away.

Good, I always wanted to be a cat.

fucking no man sky, annoying as fuck

fucking LOVE when that happens

Oh wait now I remember, the stupid diagrams of the mass relays and the Normandy and shit. Yeah fukj that.

>Main menu has smooth instant transition into gameplay.

>game has 2 main menus

Nah it's just childlike man, I've deleted a post lmao

>Climax happens in the story
>Ending sequences with credit roll and everything
>The story is not even almost over

>just spam click the where the "load game" option is every time you launch the game so you never notice mundane shit like this

>main menu is the final location in the story, but you never even stopped to think about it until you saw it in game

any gta

I don't care if Blow is a pretentious fucktard - I really appreciated Braid and its design ;_;

Where's the any key!?

Edit:Thanks for the gold, kind stranger :)

GTA V did actually


Yoshi island

The hd GTO games did that
SA had mainmenu

pause screens n maps but not menu

>Witcher 3