Cities in video games

I have a thing for games with well-made urban areas, that let me explore as much as possible and have plenty of content, but I'm also aware that they're not really all that common.

Picture unrelated, because while Mafia 2 can look pretty, it sure as hell doesn't have shit all to do in it aside from the main story.


Bumping this thread for interest.

Bumping in interest. This is actually a surprisingly rare occurrence. I can think of beautiful cities, Bioshock and Transistor come to mind, but not living cities.

Assassin's Creed, notably Brotherhood with its giant Rome. A lot of collectibles and small quests.

Most RPGs tend to have cities just as quest hubs, but they can be enjoyable to explore.

Also, notable is Shadowrun Returns, which I'm currently playing through. Not true open world, but the areas are big and it's one of the few phones games I've found that aren't complete garbage.

Collectibles are shit. That's not content. That's filler bullshit.

I really hate Ubisoft and Batman games for that.

Oh and I played the three new Shadowrun games. Dragonfall is best, IMO, but really all three of the games are just... I guess small.

I thought it was pretty comfy.

GTA V has a top-notch map that feels very alive. Downside is that there's barely any real activities, so you'll have to find some mods to fill that gap or just simply drive around and explore.

> ywn play a game in a big lush city where you are able to interact with every character and enter every building

yeah, this game really was comfy tier.

Novigrad from the witcher 3, put it on the list.

That's the problem: either filler bullshit or nothing.

all modern open world games only offer you a fake sense of being in a living city, as soon as you try to interact with any random character you realize they are just props

Honestly, sandbox games in one small, highly detailed location >>> big open worlds

Saint's Row 2. It looks like an OG Xbox game but if you're not turned off by that then you're in for something great. Stilwater in SR2 is, in my opinion, one of the best vidya cities

I agree, but there aren't still any modern highly detailed sandbox games in a small location.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, though only hub-based and not open world, is fucking great

Anyone else here love urban maps in RTS's?
I think they are the coolest!

>need some money in mafia 2
>decide to rob a clothing store
>the second I pull my gun out I am gunned down by 2 gun wielding, freedom loving, apple pie eating americans

>this would trigger a european

Hong Kong was great, if a bit empty at times.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but they're mobsters protecting the store, not Clapistinians displaying their second amendment rights.
>Vito talks about needing to pay off his mom & sis' $2,000 debt
>rob a few gunstores and get the money
>not allowed to pay it off

Well that's a bummer. I saw them shopping so I thought they were just average Joes that had enough of your shit.

boston in fallout 4 was pretty damn well made

also the countryside is maximum comfy

Are you messing with me?

no? fallout 4 is maximum comfy. i really like the deteriorated look of the city and the countryside

yeah the exploration is one of the only solid things about fallout 4

I'm replaying NV for the second time, first time was at release. Though it is the better game overall, F4's locations and exploring were better. The problem with F4's world is it's empty as hell. Only raiders and muties to kill and nothing else.

i think that NV is really interesting and comfy game but it looks like shit, the graphics are shit, the world design is shit and teh animations are pure diarrhea. fallout 4 looks good and plays good but the story is shit.

fallout 4 failing to be an rpg is also shit imo

i don't really care about the RPG aspect, i consider FO4 to be open world shooter.

I liked how Mafia 2 allowed you to rob stores

Sleeping dogs is amazing. Though the camera angle or something else made me forget I was in an actual massive city.

And we'll never get the sequel because SE are a bunch of colossal fuckups.

>thinks there's actually open world games with actual content besides the story and some bullshit side missions

Liberty City is still a fantastic place just to drive around and hang out in, when it's modded up to the eyeballs it looks as good as any open world game released today.

Could you list a few mods for improving the visuals?