A friendly reminder that the SAG-AFTRA voice acting strike is STILL going on after over 5 months. #performancematters

A friendly reminder that the SAG-AFTRA voice acting strike is STILL going on after over 5 months. #performancematters

Five months? I heard about it a month ago and just assumed they came to their senses and gave up.

Fuck them, games were better when they were text only.
You could actually have 20+ dialogue choices with unique responses.

The're all be replaced by advanced voice synths soon anyway.

literally who

What? Are they still at it? Did they accomplish anything? Didn't they got all their demands accepted or something?

>voice acting strike
Oh yeah, that was a thing, wasn't it? I forgot about that months ago.

theyre on the brink of victory

I don't think anyone has noticed a difference. It's that insignificant.

well if theyre still on strike then they didnt get the things they needed.

the problem is that union power is predicated primarily on violence and the inability to find suitable replacements. but studios are all over the place and a soft fart would knock these faggots down at a picket line.


>mfw I've been trying to break into voice acting for years and this strike made employers look outside of their normal circles and hire me

You really got work? Congrats, user.

Post voice fagget.

Hopefully they'll keep striking for long enough so none of them can fuck up Xenoblade 2

Can't a riot police beat them up?
I mean unions exist solely so worthless, lazy fucks don't get fired for being worthless and lazy.
VA Guild operates more like a communist crime syndicate.

Nintendo doesn't use union actors

Maybe thats actually a reason for the shitty voice acting in andromeda?

Dosent explain the rest of the trainwreck of a game.

Good lets deflate gaming budgets in one capacity at least. Publishers have proven how shitty they allocate the money for these projects, and they act like voice acting is a bigger selling point then the game doing something new or being good overall.

So fuck it and fuck them.

Pretty sure Andromeda used union actors, games in development before it started were unaffected

What voices can you do?

>be tired of the same half dozen actors getting most of the major parts in vidya
>they decide to stop working because they think they're celebrities people will care about
>no one gives a fuck
>companies hire fresh talent
>they will be completely forgotten before their pride allows them to give up
The best part, the absolute best part, is that from day zero the companies agreed to every single demand except one. They didn't want to give a percentage of sales. That's literally all this strike is about.


>can't riot police beat them up for the crime of peacefully assembling?

I swear, you shitheads would burn the Constitution to ashes if you thought you could hurt "libcucks" more by doing it.

Figured it was over because Ashley Burch was getting new VA gigs.

Turns out she is just a scab and all her tweets "supporting" it were just for show

>unionized strikes
>peaceful assembly
Nice one, commie.

Japan's got em already and they aren't even on strike about anything. As far back as Tetra Trackers on GCN, I think. Japan's a based country like that.
I gotta learn moon so I can play this game.

>none of these essential jobs demanded a percentage of sales
>the literal least important job in the construction of video games demanded it
>they actually thought it would happen
Fucking lol.

What do you think peaceful means?

Were you the "black" guy on Destiny?

Yeah thanks to these super important voice acting celebrities now all conversation "choices" in games are like:

Sarcastic Yes
No (Yes)
Maybe Later

>refusing to work is inherently violent

Call me when fucking voice actors start behaving like the Teamsters. No matter what you say, a strike is not violent until the strikers actually start trying to hurt people crossing the picket line.

This does not mean I don't think this particular strike is smart or good. Workers can strike for very stupid reasons, and this is one of them. But it is their right as organized workers in a free country to refuse to work as a method of attempting to collectively bargain with their employer.

>This does not mean I don't think this particular strike is smart or good
*this does not mean I think this particular strike is smart or good

I've been awake for too long.

>All these fucking shitty performances from budget actors I've had to sit through thanks to these whiny fucks

>Tetra Trackers on GCN
this blew my mind first reading about it

Thanks for the reminder, I needed a laugh

same, Australia VAs don't even need skill you just need to sound obnoxious and occa as possible.

Salami Pepperoni

>it's a "kids who have never had a job get mad at people for wanting better working conditions and better pay" episode

uh... do you know the difference between peaceful and violent?

When i was dissatisfied with my workplace i just changed job.
Maybe they should try improving the quality of the serivices they render, instead of autistically screeching.

bouncing from a Best Buy to a Target is different from changing careers.

>start behaving like the Teamsters
i hope you're not saying teamsters are brash and violent


epic burn bro

>VAs are such a tiny part of the SAG they're just going to strangle them to make a point

I don't even care, burn the entire LA dubbing scene and give me another good Xenoblade dub.

So you ran away from your job instead of trying to improve things for yourself and your co-workers. How noble of you.

Even the other unions know that the Teamsters and the ILU are scum. In particular, both MM&P and the SIU hate dealing with the longshormen.

Why should the rights of the employer override the rights of the worker? Why shouldn't they both be equal, since they both require the other to survive?

But uh... they are not protesting on the streets, they just don't take anymore work.

fucking SCAB

No, i terminated my work with that employer and moved to one that provides me with better pay for the same work.
My coworkers weren't employed elsewhere, so guess they deserve what they get.

Because equality is a meme.
And unions are literally angry mobs yelling
>gibsmemoniez evil capitalist >:(

One of the demands was that companies who use union actors can't hire non-union actors. Unions sound great to an idealist, but in reality they're just constantly trying to become a monopoly seeking to fuck over anyone who isn't paying them dues.

>employer can't force you to work
>worker can't force employer to hire him
Seems petty equal desu

>The least essential people on 99% of game projects are fully unionised
>The people that actually make the games, somehow aren't
>The VA's are demanding percentage of sales over certain thresholds
>The actual developers are often, lucky to even get bonuses
>Or even compensated for unpaid overtime

Man, fuck these guys. The whole idea of this still makes me mad.

So is this the thing that will finally remove the blight that is voice acting from the medium?

They already have that.

They may be on strike, but that sure isn't stopping them from voicing their opinions!

The developers are perfectly capable of unionising too if they want to. The voice actors aren't stopping them.

A lot of the stuff they're striking for is basic health and safety. Stuff like being given breaks when recording intense, vocally stressful (yes this is a real thing) lines, and actually having first aid supervision on hand when doing stunt work.

I don't see how those parts are unreasonable. A lot of voice actors fucking wreck their voices due to poor standards, a job shouldn't force you to damage the one thing keeping you employed.

This must be the most uninformed post in this thread, congratulations.

I'm not debating that there aren't external factors stopping devs from unionising.

But how are those factors the fault of the voice actors? What the fuck do you expect voice actors to do about it?

>stunt work

List one hundred games that do mocap stunt work AND uses the voice actors for said mocap stunt work.

To continue virtue signaling and complaining about things on twitter.

Teamsters Rep in front of congress or on CNN: "We are just hard working, honest, peaceful citizens. We don't beat the shit out of people when we go on strike, we don't take payoffs or collude with criminal organizations!"

Joe Blow Teamster: "Yeah, we beat the FUCK out of that moolie scab. And then Paulie Vito showed up and started handing out the bonus for that freight what came in on Christmas Eve. Eyyyy, I love dis job! fuhgeddabout it!"

It doesn't really matter who does the mocap work, they'd benefit from having first aiders on hand either way.

>A lot of voice actors fucking wreck their voices due to poor standards
Any examples? Not doubting you, just curious.

Nobody is claiming the VA's are stopping them from unionising. The initial point was that VA's are delusional, self-entitled, and selfish. To even consider that they deserve these bonuses and privileges, over the people that actually make the video games.

What the fuck is "virtue signaling"?

A good capitalist system needs strong unions and laws to work. Checks and balances. Money should be the meta, not man. Anyone who disagrees is a faggot or a commie.

Would they also benefit from the royalties and the other shit the VA's are fighting the good fight for? No way, fuck them the real people who care about video games are the voice actors.

What about their move for better conditions implies they think they deserve more than the devs?

Fighting for your own rights isn't some kind of superiority game. They want to improve their own conditions. That isn't somehow shitting on devs.

>Interactive video games

Well mocap actors could easily join the SAG and be covered by the same union agreement. Might be a harder fight to find good employment, considering their names don't matter like good VAs do, but it's still an option.

is that why the zelda dub was garbage?

You know how people who never really gave a shit about racism or other "social issues" suddenly go on twitter and take up some random cause and start to zealously preach about how you should watch your pronouns, stop eating meat, not make offensive jokes, etc, on a weak attempt to make themselves look better in the eyes of others?

>All the external factors preventing programmers from effectively unionising are somehow the fault of voice actors retroactively
This sure makes sense, yep.

Yeah bro, they need more benefits too, fuck those geek developers video games are for fucking nerds anyway, did you watch Game of Thrones last night?

Oh right so a thing that doesn't happen because you can't fathom the idea that people who hold different views to you actually believe in those views.

There really isn't a point to talking to someone if they are this dense.

2deepvirtue signaling, chill out normie-man-woman.

How is one group of people pushing for their own rights somehow a statement of "fuck that other group"?

Cant speak out when hurting your own livelyhood/health. Holy shit these people deserve to get their voices fucked up if they are that stupid.


Oh, so like what you're doing, but you disagree with them, so you're not an obnoxious faggot!

The strike can go on forever. They're only striking against a small list of companies, so the SAG actors can still work and those companies can just get voice actors outside of SAG since they only make up 20% of pro voice actors.

So basically, the strike has no meaning and its just a bunch of people who gather to take twitter photos of themselves out on a lawn once a month.

switch tactics

Did you miss the part where the VA's wanted PERCENTAGE OF SALES?! As in when games pass certain profit thresholds, they get extra royalties. Where, again, the actual staff don't get shit, and regularly take huge dumps from higher ups because if they don't. They would be replaced in a heartbeat?

What? So either people care about a thing you don't, and you don't believe that? You can just disagree instead of labeling it so you can dismiss them?

Nobody claimed this. People just think VA's are self-entitled for demanding things the devs don't get.

Do you really think you can just say "hey I need a half hour break now" when you're paid by the hour and studios have no obligation to give you that break?

Maybe the "actual staff" should push for percentage too? The VAs certainly aren't doing anything to stop them.

You know I've played very, very few games where I've noticed the performance mattering.

Very bland, very generic performances, most of the time. I'm just saying, they're not the most indispensable part of game development.

What a bunch of entitled cunts. VAs are truly the worst and it hasn't hurt the industry one fucking bit since they went on strike. I hope game companies continue to ignore/tell them to fuck off.

Just give them non-paid break if they need it (^:

>VA strike win and get a % of the profit
>Rest of the team see this is bullshit and go on strike too
>Studios executives being as dumb as a brick will just ignore them and hire a bunch of drooling retards to replace them
>Every studios are now Bioware-tier and the industry dies

They were originally going to strike a year ago, but most of the actors had existing contracts they could not legally get out of. So once their main protestors were free (and saved their earnings) they forced a strike on the actors that are struggling to get by.

There is no zero reason for a voice actor to get a percentage of a game's profits. Unlike the movie industry, a video game's revenue is not dependent on a specific actor's voice involvement.

You're not entitled to extra money simply because you want it. You have to first represent that extra value.

All this shit was accepted though. The only thing they aren't going to accept is sales percentages because lending your voice to a character as a contractor doesn't mean you should get ANY percentage of the sales because you don't work for that company directly. VAs are fucking retarded and there's no other industry where contractors get a sales percentage bonus.

Do you not get it? It's not that VA's are stopping them from pushing for it. It's that it's insulting and idiotic that far less important workers think they deserve something, that the essential staffers don't receive. How do you not get this?

So everyone has to hold off on pushing for any new rights until the actual coders and designers do?

That seems kind of ridiculous and restrictive.

>big name VAs strike
>hire literal nobodies off the street for a broken shekel and you just might find some real talent

What are they trying to accomplish?

An early retirement

Hey, worked for Silent Hill 2.

You can ask for whatever you want. Doesn't mean you're going to get it.

>replace people who are on strike
I think that is, illegal.