This is my life now

>tfw it takes you 4 hours to beat Nier tutorial on Hard
>tfw it takes you 3 hours to beat Disneyland boss
>tfw college life has gotten to you
>I suck at games
>I have become a casual

>unironically wasting that much time on turtorial and going through shmup sections/doing cutscenes like 6 times
I'd rather kill myself.

Hard isn't really balanced for new players anyway.

tfw1 hour long prologue with multiple bosses, 1 hit kill on very hard, death sends you back to the main menu.

Dying and having a hard time with Nier Automata's intro stage on hard mode is nothing to be ashamed about.

Shit is brutal as fuck.

It's worth it, trust me. Once the game opens up, you'll be glad you picked hard, because when you get decent chips, you'll murder everything, but at least on hard they can murder you back.

I'm aware you can change difficulty any time, but that's for casuals.

Yeah, It's a bit autistic, but I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. I have mixed feelings about the game's difficulty on Hard. Anything that doesn't one shot you is easy, and the things that one shot you always send you back at least 10 minutes progress-wise. Normal feels too easy.

Hard gets easy from route B onwards.
It's pretty much designed around using good chips. Melee defense + extra hp is going to stop almost all the oneshots.

Hey, thanks. That's what I'm hoping for.

On a different note, whats with the majority of people saying that Automatas PC port was bad? I haven't had a single buggy episode or any issues with it yet, aside from how weird the steam overlay works in game.

Also some injector things that another user linked in a PC thread made shit look pretty stellar, just some extra sharpening and AA to layer on.

Not really autistic, just want to be challenged again senpai. I'm not playing on hard just because I wanted to breeze through most of it (boss fights were still really intense though) and I'll probably crank it up to hard when i do ending 3.

Currently a few hours into the game, just finished the first few quests at the resistance camp, and I gotta say I'm bored out of my fucking skull.
Does it get better? Right now it really just feels like a slightly less shit Final Fantasy XIII-2.

At least you'll be able to put that you beat them on your resume.

I couldn't beat the opera singer's super mario phase at all
I only won because I managed to skip the final phase with taunt + melee attack up item cheese

i've spent over 80hrs on this game and everyones finished it at 40-50hrs and stopped playing.

it makes me mad, fuck you stupid cunts why did you even bother wasting money on it.

I get pretty distracting freezes when bits of the overworld are loading in, also can't get rid my cursor showing over the game. Global Illumination fix made my fps top notch though. Playing on a 1060.

More like
>Either excellent or at the very least competent at any game you play.
>Discover that genre or game you just can't fucking play.
>Discover what it feels like to be utterly crippled from match to match.

I've finally reached a level of decency at fighting games that I'm satisfied with, but fucking Supreme Commander man. Getting better, but it feels like I'm leagues away from passable.

I died so many times with her on 5% HP because she jumped on me and hit me with that Jupiter-sized hitbox.

Seems like everyone with issues when playing was on an nVidia card, cause i have an older R9 290 and nothing was really giving me issues.

Also the global illumination thing doesnt even change how the game looks does it? just some shitty fucking programming goddamn

don't play this game on hard
combat doesn't have any depth and you can't lock on for some retarded design decision
just get running speed and evade distance chips and game is pretty fun

It starts off great and gets better.
Also where you're up to, nothing has happened at all. It's just getting you acquainted with the world.

What else do you want me to do? Spend 20 hours fishing?

Complex shaders that have little to no effect on how the game looks as far as I know. Didn't notice a fucking thing change and I got 20-ish fps out of it.

i played it on a titan x and 1080ti

it only affects 900 series specifically the 970 ala the 3.5GB card everyone was warned about.

Speaking of fishing, is it a reliable way to make money? I keep blowing my stash every time I fuse chips.

I'm playing it on a 970 and getting a silky smooth 60FPS.
Granted it was using 90-95% of the GPU to reach that before disabling GI, but once disabled it cruises along at 50-60% with little trouble.

You can fish in that game?

I platinumed it at 55 hours and no bought achievements, with at least 5 of those hours being idle. Just cuz you're a slow fuck doesn't mean everyone is

I got this game yesterday. I had almost gotten to the part where you fight that last boss when I remembered some memester here posted how removing your OS chip would unlock your true potential. Figured the game was only going to get harder so might as well. Removed it and got sent back to the title screen and realize I have to do it all again. Got done on the second try, but still. Fuck you user from that one thread.

maybe early game? murder is much more efficient

i've finished the game 4 times on the hardest difficulty

The fullscreen is fucked up, but this is the only major issue.
MKB controls are retarded I'd imagine, but you have to have brain problems to play ARPG without a controller.
It's probably the general "It's broken on my machine" crowd or jelaous console untermench crying.

I finished the first couple of quests in the Resistance Camp, and I've just been sent to the desert.

The reason I was hoping things improved is that the first couple of quests you're presented with are awful mmo-tier "collect X items off the ground" quests. This is why it reminded me of Final Fantasy XIII-2.

Also I haven't grown any attachment to any of the characters (yet), so far they all just seem like anime cliches.

Enjoying the combat, still learning, but looks like it has a lot of depth to it.

I started playing recently too, so I know how you feel.

You'll be able to jump between access points soon, which helps things a bit.

>awful mmo-tier "collect X items off the ground" quests
These two are the only main quests like this. The story starts at the desert.
Some sidequests are stupid fetch quests though, but typically with a great story