Can i get a quick rundown on this game? Im about to play it for the first time

Can i get a quick rundown on this game? Im about to play it for the first time

Campaign was great, it's well designed.
Multiplayer is decent as well.

Enjoy it OP, it's fun

Cool thanks

Titanfall bows to the Bogdanoffs

Campain is really good.
Multiplayer is dead on PC
Overall disappointing that its dead on PC because the main mechanics are pretty good

if you're going slow you're doing it wrong

Should i take my time in story mode to look for collectables or just sanic?

sanic during fights, do not touch the ground then hop around the maps to find the helmets. They glow blue so are pretty easy to spot

dunno, I'm one of those scumbags that went straight to the multiplayer.

either way, look up some movement tutorials on youtube to try to familiarise yourself with the basics, then practice in the gauntlet

>Multiplayer is dead on PC
How come I can find a match in under 10 seconds at any time of the day then?.

It fills the void Tribes left in my heart.
Singleplayer is ok, the multiplayer is where the real fun is at.

Get good at going fast and it's the best modern FPS you can play nowadays, at least until Quake Champions comes out (hopefully)

>dead on PC

When will this meme end? There's thousands of players on at any point in time and you can find matches for any game mode you want at any time of the day on almost all regions.

Best FPS on the market right now, it can get pretty dead on PC though but update and free weekend next week should spike numbers for a while.

Learn how to bunnyhop and slidehop, it will help a lot

>Campaign is really good
Come on now, campaign was a typical AAA garbage where you run through linear corridors shooting some of the least responsive enemies I've seen in fps.

The only good thing about campaign were Titan segments which is funny because in multiplayer titans are the least fun thing to play.

I haven't played in forever, but do people still only play attrition? I sincerely doubt you're going to find a game of capture the flag in under 10 seconds.

With the new MM system it much faster.

People play everything. My mixtape is basically all modes and it's entirely random what I'm going to get, all modes are played equally except maybe pilots vs pilots and FFA and even then I've rolled 5 FFAs in a row yesterday.

I haven't played since the Angel City update, what else have they added?

The new Live Fire game mode, a new execution, I think more camos and I think that's it.
I don't know, really. I don't pay much attention.

OP here. I hate it. Sorry guys

That's a shame.

What's live fire like, guys?

real OP here
i dont hate it

greetings guys!

I rented it from redbox so it was only 3 burgers. Glad i didnt buy it

On Stacks, it's amazing.
On Meadow, it's cancer.

There's a new map coming this month i think.

Campaign is the most fun 5 hours I've ever had for a multiplayer focused shooter, miles above Battlefield or CoD imo

Multiplayer is my goto since I droped BF1 after 3 matches, population is decent even on PC whare I'vs never had problems finding a match (even more true now that the mixtape and matchmaking update rolled out and made all mods playable at more or less any time), the TTK is low and youre gona have to get used to it, try to never be on the ground, always in the air or on a wall, no kiding (otherwise you become a free kill like in webM related)

Your mother sucks dicks in Hell.

>dead on PC
yeah, sure, I'm finding matches more easely in Titanfall then in Overwatch and I just broke the 200 hours mark on it but the multiplayer is dead....