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Press S to spit on grave


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objectively not vidya
YL is a Sup Forums diversion
devs are all white Sup Forumsacks

Why alt right babies even considered buying a game for toddlers is beyond me


meanwhile banjo kazooie still holds up better than any sjw made "game"

Knowing that Sup Forumsirgin Sup Forumslack crossboarders are underaged newfag goobergaters is beyond you?

That fires in spurts?





What does JonTron have to do with the alt-right, morons?

ugh i just read the art of war and it gave me such a good insight into my cultural studies degree ugh

time to dye my hair a different shade of blue ugh im such a retro nerd


This desu, I was considering buying Rare Replay but after watching some videos literally none of the games appealed to me.

jontron, pewdiepie, and boogie are a few e-celebs that according to Sup Forums have become redpilled and are redpilling the youth via their channels. Whether they actually want it or not, Sup Forums has started associating itself with them and bombarding other boards and sites with their "redpilling" messages using their imagery.

>Sup Forums made this shitty ass nostalgia bait western indie trash unable to be discussed without getting banned

>cancer was drawn to cancer

Now if we could just chemo it all in one fell swoop

Yes I know but their views are actually very modest. It's only retards on the alt-right and SJW's that would be ignorant enough to associate these content creators views with neo fascism.

>pol kills another video game

You don't understand, if you're not far left you're alt-right. It's why people that are very liberal/centralist are being attacked and labeled as alt-right/conservative these days.

Even sky williams, a gay black youtuber was slurred and shunned for shitting on a "all whites are evil" video.


Can someone fill me in? What happened?

I know. We are on the same page here

Jon said some stupid racist crap online, so Playtonic removed him from the game.

What does this games have to do with SJWs?

*mentioned objective facts

facts can't be racist

people can be stupid

youtuber said dumb shit
company removed him from game
company is harassing everyone who wants to refund game
Sup Forums doesnt like a company being dicks
everyone is yelling

Rumble in the Bronx, 2 wounded 1 dead more at 11

first post best post

>jon is in yooka
>jon says some reasonable shit, but he's not very articulate
>gets labelled as a white nationalist despite not being white
>Yooka devs cut him from the game from fear of lost sales
>make a statement how they're all about diversity and shit
>donors start asking for refunds
>they start banhammering and making fun of their own funding base

I love you user.

>Yooka devs cut him from the game from fear of lost sales
What's funny is they already lost 3,000+ sales just off Steam refunds alone because of their behavior.



I expected this game to bomb but it looks pretty comfy. Shame I don't like platformers.

Is the hype gone because they dropped jontron?

Sure looks that way. It was dropping a bit beforehand, though.

Facts like what?

>3000+ sales

[citation needed]

Jon relayed state department facts to a YouTuber called Destiny. NeoGaf got triggered and demanded his removal from YL. The devs caved in, and apparently people who disagree with this are evil Nazis who go on Sup Forums, well according to nu/v/ anyway.

>$2000 a year on insurance
Wow how the fuck did he managed to get something that cheap? Many plans here run $600 a month.

Nah famm, the hype was never there.

I actually forgot this existed until the Jontron shit happened.

The only reason this was so hyped up was because of the underage "le born in the wrong generation" crowd wanting it to succeed as a fuck you to the modern industry.

Well yeah, they weren't very clever about it
Plus jon is a reasonable guy, they could have told him and removed him privately, instead of being all "LOOK WHAT WE'RE DOING AREN'T WE SO COOL?"



If he shoots ya?

>state department facts

Can we stop perpetuating the lie he stated facts instead of a poor interpretation that completely misinterpretated the facts?

Jon said blacks commit more crimes, that says blacks are more likely to get incarcerated. He misinterpreted the statistic and got blown the fuck up for it.

But then neogaf would keep attacking them.

>jon says some reasonable shit
Technically that's true, but Jon did say some utterly retarded shit as well.

I think that's how it started, but it snowballed to hell once they started going full monkey to any and all inquiries.

They don't deserve support after that.

Misinterpreting statistics doesn't make you a white nationalist nazi

>leftists are THIS desperate to protect their pet coons


I take it retarded as in "True but not something you would sensibly say to a crowd of people", not as in "Wrong and dumb".

>Jon isn't cynical and trusts in the American legal system, despite being of Middle-Eastern descent

>Can we stop perpetuating the lie he stated facts instead of a poor interpretation that completely misinterpretation the facts?

I'm sorry that you're so jaded, but good people tend to be trusting.

Ban Sup Forums

Ok so no hype, but all this is a reaction to cutting kontron?

The alt left is just as retarded as the alt right. Who would have guessed?

It was enough to throw Jon under the bus. Besides he was the one who start ranting how they should assimilate into our gene pool.


They're even worse than furries at this point and just as whiny

> he was the one who start ranting how they should assimilate into our gene pool

mfw leftists can't interpret reality correctly

You know, I'm starting to think a lot of this outrage is 100% genuine and not shitposting.

That is fucking retarded.

>im assblasted that my favorite e celeb got removed from a game i wasn't gonna buy grrrr

Jontron's an uncle tom fuck and I hope he gets beat to shit by the white nationalists he's courting

>not because they're more whiny
How else could they be worse?

Because if you actually take a step back and look at the bigger picture it makes fucking sense faggot.

We're living in a world where everyone wants to fucking virtue signal and feel like they are the good people. PlayTonic only had two ways to handle this situation and only one made fucking sense if they wanted to make money. It was either risking your game by making a political statement and having the likes of Neofag, Tumblr, and the general newsmedia who are on their side shitting on your game for years to come telling potential buyers that your game is a harbor for Nazis, or upsetting a couple of literal-who chucklefucks like you from day 1 and losing out of their money from the beginning which is easily recuperable.

what the fuck did jontron actually say?


Developers started to ban / mute people who dont agree with them

People want a refund but they cant get it because the dev wont give them back their money etc

They're quite literally worse than furries.

Something about islam not being a religion of peace

>im assblasted that my favorite e celeb got removed from a game i was gonna pirate rrrrrrr

he said niggers commit more crimes and was talking about actual statistics not bullshit

he said whites should be the only race in the world

>retarded feminists cherry pick statistics and use them out of context to make it seem as though the wage gap is real
>this is an outrage
>retarded e-celeb cherry picks statistics and uses them out of context to support his viewpoint on black people
>this is fine because he agrees with me

truly makes me consider

The latter works out because if it sales poorly they can just blame "alt-right" for killing the game.

yep, redpilling with frogs

No, retarded as in it suggests he has actual brain problems. Is there really no oppression in America? Colonialism being good for the 3rd world? His stuff about blacks and "the gene pool" sound like plain racism, but he really comes across like he can't think before words come tumbling out of his mouth.

>jontron advertises the game
>i pre-order it
>they throw him under the bus
>i get a refund

it's okay.

There's a third way
Do it discreetly and be sympathetic and supportive of the concerns of your donor base.

He said he wants open borders and unrestricted immigration

It does sound retarded until you put it into perspective. No oppression? Well, not compared to countries such as Korea and Russia. Colonialism? While it would obviously cause disruption in their lives, it would also provide a stability, which the benefit vs con of is debatable, and the stuff about rich black kids being more likely to be in jail than poor black kids is unfortunately true, as evidenced.

The problem is that these things do sound pretty horrible to say out loud like that, however true they are. So in that respect, it was pretty retarded, yes.

I don't get why blacks act like they're so unfairly treated and discriminated against by police and other people. They act like everyone fears them and it effects everything they do.

It must be pure racism as opposed to them being treated like this because of a huge majority bringing it on themselves.

You don't see asians acting like that. Of which one of their races literally attacked murica and got bombed to shit for it.

Blacks got way too far down the hole and pretend that statistics are racist while they keep doing the fucking things they're accused of.

My favorite is all the "activists" who use that "they should fire that one bad apple police officer and stop rewarding them" mentality. What about the supposed bad apple blacks the culture just keeps letting be dangerous negroes? Nobody tries to make them be better people to keep the race from looking bad. Yet we're supposed to think police are bad because a couple "bad ones" but you can't point out ridiculous statistics from blacks?

Fucking hilarious

This whole damn story is Why Trump won.

It's weird how the left shut down conversation then wonder why Brexit and Trump happens.

You will never truly silence someone this way.They will speak at the voting booth. Why can't you people understand this?

>butthurt nazis won't buy the game
>everyone else will as a sign of solidarity
>sales skyrocket, nazis still assmad

Can't wait desu

I'm pressting S-H-I-T to SHIT ON THEIR GRAVE



>thread devolves again into Sup Forums

Ban Sup Forums

When I see shit like this it blows my mind. God bless Europe and it's countries national health systems.

>It was either risking your game by making a political statement and having the likes of Neofag, Tumblr, and the general newsmedia who are on their side shitting on your game for years to come telling potential buyers that your game is a harbor for Nazis

Why the fuck are people pretending that anyone but ten or so retards on Neogaf even knew some racist guy was going to be in the game before the announcement?

>racists being called racists is why trump won

Trump won because Hillary didn't actually go out and talk to people, Trump was able to rally the misinformed into believing he was going to "save" them

Sorry Sweetie, but Sup Forums is here to stay!

Just like how nobody is going to vote for Drumpf, right?
I'm with her!!!

Remember how well that tactic worked for Ghostbusters?

>This is what these bigots believe

I pity you.

Um, no. From what I can tell, Hilary lost because she assumed she was a shoo-in against Trump and spent most of the fall insulting people.