Nintendo Switch FPS drops in BOTW are linked with temperatures

Nintendo Switch FPS drops in BOTW are linked with temperatures

In other words the Switch THROTTLES in breath of the wild, causing those stutters and fps drops

They fucked up

>buying a console at launch

Single fact to back that up?


The video.

Glad I didn't buy this thing

The graphical spergouts on the switch are caused by the GPU melting. It's not too unbelievable.

>is no better than Wii U
>on the verge of being emulated already
>bugs galore
>design is still gimmicky retarded crap
>no games
The worst Nintendo console yet. They're going down the shitter and fast, apparently.

Get better cooling on the switch for 30fps.

>implying Nintendo fucked up
>implying people won't go out and by cooling products

If a ton of people bought tempered glass for their switch screens then they'll buy some sort of cooling system for it as well.

>use shitty Maxwell X1 barely stronger than Wii U instead of Pascal X2 that is about on par with PS4

>be surprised the hardware is a piece of junk

>on the verge of being emulated already
cemu is for wii u fool

I can't wait for someone to put a custom cooling solution on the switch to see if it fixes many of the FPS drops in BOTW

Mine does get mighty hot but only when docked, when handheld it doesn't even get warm...

>>on the verge of being emulated already
It's not. CEMU is a Wii U emulator, it's playing the Wii U version of BOTW

>not keeping your switch in the fridge
dumb sonynygger

So is it the wifi, the temperature, or the X1?

Can someone please make up their mind and get back to me?

X2 is 1/2th as powerful as a PS4, if even that

>I-it's going to be emulated!! Says increasingly nervous user for third year in a row

Wouldn't be surprised if Switch got emulated this year since it's such a flimsy mess.

yeah and the FPS drops in BOTW happen while docked

it's memory bandwidth and temperature

and of course the X1 being weak

it's a 404 multifail device

Which makes me wonder what makes the console go from nice and chilly to gpu-melting hot, is it just the higher resolution?

Yeah and X1 is like 1/8 of a PS4

>design a box with very little ventilation
>the switch gets really hot
is that nintendo lack that much foresight or is another case of them being jews
just given that they let this slip by, it seems like they didnt even test the thing

higher resolution quickly increases GPU load

>Nvidia shit being emulated


this is legitimately a crippling flaw, the chip can't even pushed to any limits without it throttling and even when pushed it's weak

You don't know how emulation works.
The only reason wii u was emulated was due to two things.
1 - Being similiar to the wii hardware
2 - Cemu devs having inside information from an unhappy indie dev.

It can't be cooled effectively from outside the case, tard.

The X1 is a huge piece of shit. It's runs too hot to be in a Switch sized handheld. But nintendo only cares about getting shiny shit out to market for their hyperconsuming loyalists, just like Sega in their last days.

Nintendo are literally retarded for releasing this.

any one can get a TX1 dev board, which has the same SoC as Switch

Makes sense.

Do you want your switch to fucking melt? It's a console in your hand. It's pushing quite hard.

>cucks of Sup Forums trying to shit on every aspect of the switch again

Anecdotal evidence =/ evidence


>Implying nintendo rushed the console after their last console flopped spectacularly

>implying your average consumer still won't buy a cooling product.

I agree Nintendo is retarded for releasing it so early.

you don't even know what anecdotal means

this is a case of finding the cause for the correlation and it's reasonable to figure that throttling is the cause

stay in denial

I'm eagerly awaiting the next Splatoon 2 testfire, I never played the first one but I was amazed that on Wifi with presumably mostly east-coasters and foreigners there was zero lag and no disconnects. So much goddamned fun.

Who else has a perfectly working Switch with no issues and doesn't have to shitpost on Sup Forums constantly about not owning one? So glad I skipped out on the Wii U.

when not underclocked like the Shitch, sure.

It shouldn't have been released at all. It's an abomination.

this has nothing to do with OP retard

they clearly did since there are flaws in almost every aspect of it, that should have been spotted before release


Now look at them, they're just that extra console that people get but only play for a bit. Nintendo can't make it as a primary gaming console anymore. People that want to play games will have to be forced to get a ps or Xbox. There's no way someone can survive solely on Nintendo shit unless they're some kind of sperg.

Nintendo tarnished their name with the bs they've been doing.

>Use X2
>Millions of people get 3rd degree burns after playing for 1 hour straight

Should I just set up an electric fan next to the dock when I play?

My Switch works just fine, even after a long play session, like eight hours or so on my days off. The only issue I've run across is it won't go into sleep mode after a long time so you have to manually hold downbthebpower button to shut it off. No stutters or anything. Its gotten hot, but then I just take it out and have it sit on my table while I go shit or get something to drink.

X2 would have allowed X1 performance for half the consumption though

which would have solved the throttling issue, it would also have allowed for a better battery life

*down the power button

Sorry, phone keyboard.

I'd love to buy a 500$ tablet that only used half its power.

BOTW objectively drops FPS everywhere when docked

stop with your anecdotal bullshit it's worthless

I'm sure everyone would have rushed out to buy the Switch at $350 with 2 hours battery life.

Take 30 seconds to think before posting.

Dreamcast was fucking amazing at launch.

LONGER BATTERY LIFE, so more than 2 hours, tard
the X2 die is smaller

also to you both retard


so if one costs 30 bucks and the other 40 bucks, the console wouldn't have to double in price

i never never mentioned anything about my fps.

That's definitely how console manufacturing works.

stutters are caused by FPS fuck ups

Then what stutters are you referring to fag?

>Nintendo Switch FPS drops in BOTW are linked with temperatures
Nice conspiracy. Source?

The ones I don't get but you guys seem to?

see the video and he explains his testing methodology and shows a few graphs explaining what's going on

Shut up, you're upsetting people. Sup Forums is a Nintendo-approved safe space.

yeah so it goes right back to this:


PS4 slim is on a 16nm node by the way

meanwhile switch X1 is on 20nm

the smaller node is more energy efficient, which fucking matters on a handheld device because of cooling capacity and battery

nintendo has no other excuse other than them being fucking cheapos

It still varies per console. I'm sure not every Switch is suffering, just like not every xbone got the red ring of death.

I mean I'm having fun, I'm sorry your fun was ruined on your switch.

>asks for source when it's right there in the video

t. some tard who doesn't know what he's talking about

even die hard nintentodds admit that zelda runs like shit when docked, no one denies it, every single fps test online confirms fps drops

I know that my switch isn't experiencing this melting that yours is. You being sour isn't changing anything.

it's not because it throttles, tard


They'll patch it

Eh, I don't have problems with mine. Maybe he has those issues because he opened the console? No need to take one faulty unit as the general fact.


every single report on the internet confirms that BOTW has numerous FPS drops when docked

no one denies this

So, DigitalCuckoldry """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""streaming issue""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is just them being complete retards and not knowing how anything works?

It seems me saying my switch isnt melting and I'm having fun seems to have triggered you in some way. I am so sorry that this has ruined your gamig experience forever.

seems like you are moving your goalposts when you realized you are wrong and now only thing you can resort to is backpedaling, enjoy 20fps zelda because the switch can't cool the SoC so it has to throttle

You are acting like this is some catastrophic event for mankind.

it was their guess basically

though it could still easily be the cause for many of the FPS issues, but seems like many FPS drops are paired with throttling

I am enjoying it, thanks for noticing senpai.

All he said was he is having no problems with his Switch. You really are a salty bitch.

So it's a launch 360 and/or ANY phat PS3.

Switch did nothing wrong.

no he didn't

learn to read, he's trying to push some blatantly false anecdotal shit as if it was true or had any worth

all the proof points otherwise, he's basically just throwing an empty claim

>PS4 nm being relevant when every other component chugs power like crazy while switchs internals are specifically designed to be low watt usage

You should know that people only voice their opinion on the internet if they have issues. This in return will lead people like you to belive that it's the majority. Now, how many Switches did Nintendo sold and how many reports did they got? I doubt it's the same numbers, maybe less than 0.1%.

>anecdotal evidence
Ok, nice fake video

I fucking hate retards like you

literally post any switch gameplay video of breath of the wild and you can find a part where it runs at 20fps

the shrines run at 30fps though

>my Switch works just fine

That's literally what he said first. There's plenty of people who have working Switches with no major issues, that a hard to believe? Maybe you should get some a/c in your house so your consoles don't melt.

it's not anecdotal evidence you fucking retard

Well, if the thing maintains 30 when not externally powered, I don't know how can anyone assume that the lag spikes while docked are because of streaming data. It's the same fucking game which is being loaded.

kill yourself

the FPS issues in breath of the wild HAPPEN ON EVERY SINGLE SWITCH

it's like me saying that my PS4 (don't have one, fuck sony) runs at 4K

DF figured it's because the resolution increase and increased texture filtering

lack of memory bandwidth to handle that

which is very logical

But ps4 runs at 4k? Sony doesn't lie.


the PS4 slim is on a more efficient node even when it doesn't matter while switch is on a less efficient node when it matters


I know bloodborne runs like shit one everyone elses PS4 but it runs at solid 60fps on mine

works on mine

kill yourself

But it's irrelevant because the actual components themselves are power chuggers

you fucking worm brain


PS4 slim went with 16nm even though it doesn't even fucking matter

meanwhile nintendo didn't when it would have mattered

But that's not a "streaming issue" at all, isn't it?

bandwidth being taken by the GPU not leaving enough for CPU to handle that streaming shit

wew lad, anything they said led me to think that, but I guess it's very plausible. But these fuckers said that the framedrops happen when some temperature hits certain level, are both "problems" related?

I think both scenarios could be true

some instances are bandwidth limited and some cooling limited, thought that's just my retard guesswork, the throttling thing seems pretty clear though while the bandwidth thing is more of a guess, so if one thing's the cause it's probably the cooling if you ask me