So what is currently the best controller for PC...

So what is currently the best controller for PC? I've heard the switch pro controller is good but the price is kind of steep. Maybe a DS4 or xbone elite is better?

i like the good old xbox 360 controller. wired or wireless.



switch pro, but it's stupidly overpriced

Elite is just as much as the switch. If money is tight go with the 360 controller, but if not the switch is more than worth it

pick between:
DualShock 4
Xbox One
Wii U Pro
Switch Pro

I havent used every controller under the sun, but I really like wired XBONE.

Don't buy wireless!

There's enough frequency pollution in the world, and you're not every going to be more than 6 feet away from your PC

ps4 controller.

people saying switch controller are viral marketers or soiled diaper nintendies. switch controller doesnt even have xbox drivers so its absolutely worthless for pc.

nigger ya gotta use software for a ps4 controller on PC.

DS4 is my favorite. Most utilitarian layout and I can swipe the touchpad for 4 more bindable inputs like screencaps.

yes you can use open source xbox driver to use ps4 controller as an xbox controller which makes it literally compatible with everything unlike the switch shit controller which is compatible with nothing. and?

DS4Windows takes 5 minutes to set up and allows for more customizability than any other controller suggested in this thread

original xbox 360 is still the gold standard. xbox one is acceptable alternative if new 360 pads stop being cheap and your current one ever wears out (mine is over a decade old and still perfect)

nigger the xbox(360/1) controller is plug and fucking play.

shill, plz go and stay go

switch pro controller doesn't have analog triggers right? So it could never be a good choice for a general purpose controller.

steam controller and xbox one controller (the dpad is much better than on the 360 pad)

I use my DS3 because it was easy to setup.

Never tried DS4 even though I have one.

The only annoying thing is the button prompts don't match the controller.

If you emulate old games then ds4.

Dude, Switch pro uses Direct input, same as DS4. It works on most games natively, and would work on any xbox input mapper.

I wouldn't say much better, it's still pretty shit.

Wii U Pro if you don't need analog triggers

Xbox 360 if you do

That only matters if you play driving games, I don't think many games make use of analog triggers.
I mostly use a controller for emulators.

You're the one shilling

Why not Xbox One?

I'm assuming price? Otherwise they are very simmilar

for emulation off the top of my head metroid prime, luigi's mansion and mario sunshine all used analog triggers.

I don't know about other games but it's best to just get a controller that can do it just in case you need it.

Haven't used one yet, and 360 controllers are regularly 20$ on amazon.

>switch pro controller
How, literally how, defend your opinion. Even if it was just 40 bucks and not 70, how can you defend this against the competition, even against the much cheaper Wii U pro controller

I haven't tried to emulate them so I didn't realize. I'm using a 360 controller at the moment but the dpad is enough to make me want to change even if it's great in every other way

no, i'm the one who uses kb+m 99.9% of the time and on the rare occasion i pirate a console port i use what works.

fuck all that installing shit when i can plug and play, only to delete the game i borrowed 30 min after playing it.

Sure as hell not the Xbone's. I use it but the d-pad is shit and takes a lot of pressure to register. I've heard a lot of cases of people's stop working altogether. Just the d-pad though. The other buttons on it are great if that's all you need is sticks.

It really does boggle my mind. You are paying a premium for I guess the rumble, which wont even be utilized on PC.

The fuck are you talking about? The d-pad is great.

It's basically an xbox controller but with a better dpad and battery life.
Also I prefer symmetrical analog sticks

It's very loud and mine at least the up barely registers anymore. PS controllers d-pads are way better but I just can't be assed setting one up for PC.

right now the Xbox 360/One and DualShock 4 controllers are perfect PC controllers. Especially for the latter since Steam now has native support for it, and you can configure it almost exactly like you can with a Steam controller

Does the Pro controller have gyro? I always wanted to try it for FPS games, but since I only have a bunch of DS3s, I can't. What's the cheapest non-shit alternative with gyro that isn't the Steam controller?

Yeah, using a 360 dpad is suffering. I own a switch and pro controller so I use that for retro emulation and the 360 for everything else.

Switch controller has no analog triggers or Xinput drivers, so it's completely worthless and everyone who says otherwise is obviously a Nintendo marketer.

PS4 and Xbone are natively compatible and many games recognize both controllers natively, even Steam. Both are also natively compatible with android and the PS4 controller even has a phone bracket available.

So get either the PS4 or the Bone controller, I prefer the PS4 because it has a more precise Dpad for 2D games and I prefer the stick placement.

DS4 supports Gyro.


Haven't tried the Switch controller but XBone is really good. I've tried and I can't go back to the 360 controller. The face buttons are too far apart.

I replaced my old 360 controller with the xbone one. I took me a week or 2 to get used to the new pad. Now i can do more moves at guilty gear but 360s and TK are still a bitch with the pad but i started to used the analog for those.

Pro Controller has gyro but it's probably not supported on PC yet. DS4 has gyro that's supported by Steam, not sure about DS4Windows.

By the way, let me add that with the switch controller you can't play or emulate games that require analog triggers, such as Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime and most racing games.

The steam controller is actually pretty comfy.

Fuck anyone who says dualshit. Get a Switch Pro controller, its godlike.

xbone is good and all the buttons match unlike ps4 which annoys me a little