Alt-right BTFO

alt-right BTFO

we know. You're not the first person to post this. Give it a rest with these YL threads.

What did they mean by this?

Woah it's like people making a videogame aimed at children don't want it to be associated with racist trash!

What did they mean by this?

>opinions I don't like are racist
make sure to punch them all

>the truth is racist

UK is just completely cucked. Someone nuke it already.

I think more children like Jontron than children that have heard of this game.

Jon is so popular among kids, there's been articles about fear of him redpilling them.

As much as I consider alt-rightards to be subhumans worthy of exterminating, what Playtonic is doing is immature and distasteful.

Is gross the new problematic

Sweden first please, I'd rather have nuclear winter


when did video game companies start acting like children

>I don't want my kids be associated with racist trash!

So we're boycotting Bioware then?

How can john Tron recover?

No, opinions that are racist, are racist.

You're confused. The objection isn't that JonTron was speaking the truth. It's that he was spouting racist garbage that isn't true.

Bioware isn't racist.

You probably don't think that little of the alt-right if you're actually synpathetic to JonTron


He can't. He's a retard that went to debate while being unable to debate.

facts are racist now?


He lost like 1k subs out of about 3mill. I think he'll be fine.

>Bioware isn't racist.
At least one of their employees is openly racist.

He could stop doing cocaine

JonTron didn't say any "facts"

Bioware literally supports and pays a guy that wants to kill while people

It's less about JT and more about
>haha take that evil people I disagree with, you are this uncool dude

But he doesn't work there anymore???


>playtonic gets rid of race baiting eceleb cancer from their game
> they also btfo Sup Forums and said ecelebs cancerous fucking fans

christmas came very early this year

I don't really care about jontron being fired, but doesn't acting like this only alienates potential consumers even further? As someone who doesn't give a fuck either way this reaction seems childlike.

No they don't.

rich black people do commit more crime than poor white people that is a fact

There are plenty of racist facts

Facts are wrongthink and not recognized here.
They are not allowed.

You must be taken outside and shot.

What's the UK got to do with any of this?

Studies and statistics should be outlawed. They're just as damaging as evidence in rape cases. It's more about how the victim feels!

>No, opinions that are racist, are racist.

Whatever you do, DON'T read pic related.

Bringing up that wealthy blacks commit more crimes out of nowhere is what's racist. It had literally no context prior and there's no good reason why he brought it up other than to be racist.

Can someone please summarize me what happened with this game that got people so butthurt?

Yeah but it isn't.

Ah yes, some unsourced numbers with races at the top. The staple of the far-right.

>We now live a world where truths are consider racist

Keep pushing people into the alt-right

>it's a 'racism against white people exist' outrage

Daily reminder that social justice is a communist ploy to destroy western civilization.
Commies get out

JonTron spouted far-right racist nonsense and the far-right racists on Sup Forums got mad.

Forget the fact the most recent date on it is 25 years ago.

Facts are racist
Truth is oppression

So what the fuck did he say to warrant all this hate?

Yes he does. He's the only one anyone knows that works at bioware anymore

>mfw playtonic mining salt and drinking tears instead of pussying out to lynch mob

Spinning statistics to try to fit your preconceived notions on race is not the truth.

The tweet in question wasn't about JonTron though

What did he say?

He supports making sure refugees aint gonna blow you up a month later by taking a more cautious approach to immigration; I'm more left than right and this seems fine with me.

systemically, no. But ideologically, yes. Just wait until whites are a minority and its still okay to hate them

He spoke about his personal opinion on immigration.
But wanting anything less than full immigration where the state pays for every little thing they need forever is problematic and you should be taken to the gulag for having such a racists opinion.

implying rightwing scum is buying games

they already pussyed out to the Neogaf hate mob

I'm not even entirely sure if jon tron was actually defending this thing.

But no one will check and will keep the story yes.

Worldwide speaking whites ARE the minority.

why is neogaf so cancerous

do they take estrogen as part of their membership requirements.

is it racist to notice patterns?

the truth cannot be racist. It just is the way it is.

But pussying out to the lynch mob is what they did by removing JonTron in the first place?

>Snowflake referred to people that believed themselves to be 'special' or above everyone else
>The left uses snowflake like it means stupid

ugh, no they aren't sweeite, no matter what you think and whatever 'alternate facts' you can make up in photoshop.

Various dogwhistles that other races were genetically inferior

Then he literally brought up the genepool and dropped all pretences

I wonder where jobtran would be rn if people in power shared his views and never allowed his impure genetic family into the USA to begin with

If that's how he interprets the statistics, that's fine though. He's allowed to have his own opinion on things. It's not like people don't generally base their opinions on shit they haven't researched particularly well anyway.

the truth


Why is Reddit so cancerous too. They should go back, or at least back to Sup Forums.

The stupidity and lack of self awareness of the liberal/progressive left is astounding.


And people who hold badly researched opinions should get mocked for it.

they took a simple market decision.
nike did it with that amputee killer.
can't you deal with free market? are you a fucking commie?

Yes it can.
You either draw facts to make racism and hate
Or you draw them to have love and equality.

You can't simply look at a that chart and see that it wasn't built on a platform of hate.

If you're upset that people call you racist when you say racist things, try not saying racist things

Blacks in the US commit far more violent crimes than whites. This is a fact. This is why the vast majority of high security prisons are occupied by blacks. You can't deny this.

he's provided more evidence for his argument than you have.

You will need more buzzwords to trigger me sweet cakes. I've been getting mad at the internet for 14 years now.

>Real statistics
>Not truths
Statistics can't be racist, it's how you use them and last time i checked, Jon doesn't used them to said all blacks should be gased

>let's just ignore three decades of FBI statistics because of an arbitrary cut-off point

wew lad, is that the best you can do when faced with facts?

it's what happens when you don't slap children.

What a flip-flop, why do people care about these peoples opinions if they change on a dime?

Game is targeted at nostalgic millenials who played banjokazooie

Aren't we all forgetting that Jon, as a half-Iranian and half-Slav, is not technically white and therefore CAN'T be racist, since racism is a direct symptom of white privilege and only people in a position of privilege can be racist?

And this is why the best choice is shutting your mouth.
In a perfect world, people should be able to state their opinions (no matter how awful it is because its their right to) without repercussion, but sadly thats not the world we live in

>You can't simply look at a that chart and see that it wasn't built on a platform of hate.

What does that even mean? If the chart was showing mauling deaths by dogs divided by dog breeds, and pitbulls replaced blacks, would that mean the stats hate pitbulls?

So jon doesn't even use facts but says all Blacks should be gassed?

And you support him sweetie?


He was spouting lies

are you an actual moron


Fucking racist jew, I'll tell ya hwat.
On a different note, does anyone here have the "TheOnionKing" compilation? Might be of use right about now.

What evidence do you want from me? I'm not here to spoonfeed you.

That is true.

But when retards online try to spin these statistics to fit whatever argument they want to make, it stops being the truth. You can mold statistics to fit any argument you want to make.

>tfw Yooka Laylee was already gonna sell like shit for being an empty soulless nostalgia grab but now it'll sell even less for being a special snowflake platform

Facts cannot be racist as they are merely a representation of the truth.
Maybe instead of social dance class you should have taking some basic philosophie.

Jon "Japan is the gold standard of society due to all inbreeding" tron

Because it's funny and it triggers the special snowflake alt-rights who can't seem to handle dissenting facts outside their safe spaces.