
Why did it have to end this way?

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It was never going to end well.

It had the core Rare team of old, including Kirkhope and Wise. It should've been perfect.

So why isn't it?

Does the game look lazy or unpolished?

Isn't this game just a 3d version of "bing bing bing 1-up wahoo"?

It looks like a kickstarter prototype, not like a game that's supoosed to come out in a few days


is john tron already finished?

You're a retard. The only thing that I would have improved is the textures inside those coin pits to look more 3D.

Looks fine to me.
I mean it looks kinda empty but I get the feeling that's what they were aiming for.
Most N64 platformers looked like that.

Because we live in a world where game devs feel the need to bring politics into everything.

I always knew Sup Forums was autistic but the amount of threads people make about this actually shows they're not only autistic. But retarded too.

Bada Bing
If you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Its all so tiring these constant threads, all of the politics. I just want to talk about video games.

gotta go to /vg/ for that m8

Yeah, why did the mods have to allow Sup Forums to run rampant?

Aren't they full of autists, furries, autstic furries, and people who Sup Forums hates?

Cant have a proper thread there about games that dont funnel into a proper general. Bigger generals are terrible. I miss 2007 Sup Forums, irony was a mistake

Not him:
Sup Forums
>Furries/autistic furries
Also Sup Forums. Maybe in threads I don't visit at /vg/. Threads I've been in such as Stalker, GERG just talk about video games.

The sound effects are weirding me out.

make a thread or support a good one. the only thing I'll on this Yooka-Laylee nonsense is that I really don't care and am just waiting to see if it turns out good or not

You mean /vr/ right?

because they partnered up with a bunch of millenials, the most entitled, and worthless generation of human beings to ever step foot on earth, to do pr. and then they caved in to neogaf, a place full of pedophiles, overweight virgins, and losers that will accomplish nothing in life, to disparage some guy on the internet. yueah, they deserve what's happening to them. theo nly thing we can learn from this is that jontron got all his subscribers back, and then some, and yooka laylee has already refunded almost 50% of their pre-orders. game developers are fucking retards.

We are talking about videogames. This shitstorm not much different from the ME:Andromeda release. Not saying its a good thing but these are the times that we live in

Because those idiots listened to the wrong people.

it's not about video games
it's about the voice actor of a very, VERY minor character getting removed because he said controversial things that the company disagreed with
everything that could've been said about the topic has been said
move. on.

I do make threads, they get bumped off the board quickly because of the possibly hundreds of these threads being made in a day. Again, i miss 2007 when i could not only bump my own threads but I could come back and my thread still be around after some time.
You are talking about e celebrities and politics. It could at least stand to stay in one thread.

>furry tripfaggotry and ERP autism

Making nostalgia games shouldn't just be about copying everything from the old times but taking what made them great and ironing out the flaws. But that's just my opinion, so, who cares.

It's not about that, it's about game developers publicly taking a political stance mere weeks before launching their very first week, and pissing out and outright mocking a lot of their potential buyers. So a JUST situation through and through.

you just proved my point

Someone convince me to cancel my preorder of this game with a reasonable argument and without sounding like a massive fucking retard.

You can't

I'd love to but after Playtonic made a tweet about a character with "I have no dialogue but please look forward to my inclusion" its hard to ignore that and feels like PR themselves are trying to kick up a storm.

I had 0 interest in this game before all this and seeing how mad it make all you retards is wonderful. I kinda wanna give it a try now. Was that their plan all along?

>Make a game that has no politics in it
>Suddenly one of the HE DOES IT FOR FREE voice actors in your game goes crazy with politics drumming up a shitstorm for himself
>Want to remove him to keep politics out of your game
>Remember Gamergate, be transparent and tell everyone you're removing him to keep recent politics out of the game
>Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumstards freak out and make thread after thread after thread

This is why you're not transparent. What the consumer doesn't know won't hurt them.

>their very first week
And by week, I meant to say game. Never rewrite your sentences without checking them out afterwards.

But how is this video games?

collectathons are essentially shitty time wasters. go waste your time in botw.

>preordering a video game

aren't they just musicians?

>youtuber voices a character

That's where it went wrong. They never should have done this.

that hallway of moving bars you have to hover jump does a great job of emulating the shitty cameras of the N64 games. Good job.

I'll be surprised if the game has no politics in it.
I mean, the big bad guy is a money hungry capitalist

Sup Forums needs to enter some kind of post-modern age where a lot of its users are anti-anti-SJW.

Those people are ruining the board more than arbitrary contrarianism, shockingly.

Ecelebs are always cancer. So with this shitstorm, maybe we can convince the mods to ban them from Sup Forums along with Sup Forums

I scrolled down with my mouse wheel and looked to see what this text was. I'm shook, fuck you.

It's JonTron who got political, but nobody is raging at him because they're too busy screaming OURGUY and JONTRON WAS RIGHT

Meme all you want but don't expect people not to see what disingenuous shits you're being. Plus threads on Sup Forums and faGGotchan have discussions about sending "ground troops" to Sup Forums in order to stir up more shit in a pathetic attempt to radicalize a handful more retards to the "cause"

>eceleb trash

your point was shit. go shit in a diaper and fap to pokemons you filthy subhuman LMAO @T UR LIFE FAGGOT LMAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO

I swear every on of you nighers who tries to make people go to /vg/ has actually never been to /vg/. You have heard it's intention, but never gone and had a look

I literally can't

>Meme all you want

Did you reply to the wrong post? Did you even read my post?

Yes, bud, you fell for the contrarian meme.
Make sure to buy it on all available platforms and call everyone with negative comments about it a butthurt alt-righter.

Its not really transparent, the characters speak in mumbo jumbo so even if Jon did speak I'd never tell, but removing what little dialogue a character has instead of replacing it is lazy.

NeoGAF go home

Ok ill bite.

>People giving up on a game because of a random voice actor

I knew that 3d platformers were always shit but i didn't knew that even the guys who backed it were in because of it

If someone went to Neogaf and told them about JonTron being in A Hat in Time, they would get him kicked out of that too I bet

That was meant for all the retards getting into a spin about it, not you specifically. Calm down, let's get icecream.

>move on and forget these things happen

This attitude is why both AAA and indie will alway repeat the same bloody mistakes.

So literally nothing, just generating gossip about the game and getting pissed as if the video game industry ever had any integrity.

Because SJW/pol/ political shit always ruin everything.

>It's not really transparent

They cannot get any more transparent.
>Don't announce that some youtuber is going to be in your game
>Decide to remove him, announce it despite never announcing him to be in your game in the first place
They could not be any more transparent.

>the game has politics if jon is in it
Maybe if you're a hypersensitive retard who wasn't going to buy the game anyway. All Jon does in the game is make noises, absolutely nothing involved with promoting his opinion.

Just to emphasize, the vast majority of people who want Jon gone do not buy games.

I think it's a dumb move but the outrage that has resulted from it is exceedingly dumber, mostly since it's resorted to accusing the game itself of being forgettable and shit out fucking nowhere.

Because you are invested in it due to politics now instead of getting a fun vidya. Don't let political decisions make you spend your hard earned dollars. You cannot deny it, otherwise you wouldn't have posted in this thread.

These kind of replies to nothing more than draw attention to the fact that you have no counterargument

Sorry, I meant to say Fuck off Stormfront

I don't give a shit about whether he's in the fucking game or not. I'm explaining the reasoning behind him being removed. If they kept him, legions of SJWs were going to rage on the internet for a month. They removed him and legions of Sup Forums tards are raging.

Because whoever's in charge of Playtonic's PR is a colossal moron.

What isn't racist these days? You could just be wearing a brown shirt and be called racist.

what happened to high effort bait posts huh?

But they have created polotics by making a big deal and removing a garbled voice clip. Sounds like you have no clue on what you are talking about buddy


t. Millennial

>le fat reddit mudslime
Not vidya. Sage.

Sup Forums is fucking retarded
>Sup Forums wants politics and political shit out of games
>jonntron makes things political so the company gets rid of him because they don't want politics affecting their product
>Sup Forums gets mad at them for "making things political"

Not even to mention how much ecelebs get shit on here. This is a den of hypocrites.

>But they have create polotics


Fuck the guy who shopped this for not making the bat his pet bird

How is someone ment to reply when majority of your arguement is shitflinging

It was just a really dumb move made just weeks before the game launches, now that is going to be in the back of everyone's head instead of the game.

I thought it was mentioned that Jon would be in at one point.



>Because you are invested in it due to politics now instead of getting a fun vidya
No, my preorder was placed before all this happened. I still want my fun videogame. No gameplay change has been made. Some unintelligible mumbling from JonTron will be removed, simple as that.
To cancel my preorder would be a political decision. So you're saying I shouldn't cancel it because of politics? I fully agree user, and I hope you'll tell everyone else the same thing in the Preorder Cancelled threads :^)

I want to know the mental gymnastics that got them to that news story though

>Legions of SJWs
>The 100 or so people on neogaf
Whoopdie fucking doo.

If they just stayed quiet and said "Jontron's opinions are his own business and that the company's opinions are a separate matter entirely" and left it at that without removing him from the game, none of this shit would've ever blown up like it did.

No, it was never officially mentioned. The most people have is a tweet to Jon where they say "Hey, there is a microphone with googly eyes coming your way!" Of course, you can literally interpret that as a physical microphone. Or interpret it as him voicing a character.

>everyone against censorship is Sup Forums
Stay retarded.

Great arguement buddy.

you know the "team" making Yooka Laylee is actually made up of guys from the team behind Nuts and Bolts right?
Most of them never worked on the originals

>The 100 or so
Did you forget the fucking media that loves to drive narratives and dictate everything?

>None of this would have blown up
This shit is blowing up because Sup Forums are thin skinned special snowflakes like the fucking SJWs.

I think you should buy two copies and cancel one. But you wont
You pussy

So you can't


Need a citation there, Sup Forums

What? Shit blew up cause people cried about Jontron. If you deny that then you are straight lying theough your teeth

>>jonntron makes things political
>all of his lines consist of "gurgle gurgle"

You don't know what the word means.

The only reason it even registers to me after it was "revealed" is because you shitty fucks wont stop making thread after thread about it. WE LITTERALLY HAVE SHITTY FUCKS FROM OTHER BOARDS AND CHANS TRYING TO "RALLY TROOPS" FOR GG 2.0. FUCK OFF YOU ARE THE DEATH OF THIS BOARD YES I'M MAD.

Didn't you know, companies exercising their freedom to hire and employ who they want is now censoring those they choose to not hire or employ.

>be black
>love JonTron's videos
>been watching for years
>"I hate niggers! ECH!"
>y-you too...

I think that the situation is a little more nuanced than what you're interpreting it.
You see, when you see anons complaining about SJWs and politics, it's because they're actively forcing their political views within their chosen medium, while JonTron's political views had nothing to do with any games, he was just expressing his opinion as an individual. It's different.
I'm not saying that Sup Forums doesn't have a lot of hypocrites, but you're oversimplying.

Thats interesting to know, guess they were being transparent.