Sup Forums, I've never really tried to hide/report threads, but fuck this shit

Sup Forums, I've never really tried to hide/report threads, but fuck this shit.

How do you guys combat this? I'm not going in the threads, but jesus, I want to at least hide this cancer.

Besides filters how the fuck else can I get rid of this shit?

I'm making this the meta-thread.

Sup Forums, why do you hate all your splinter boards? Is it because they still enjoy video games while you're sitting here trying to convince everyone that cancer has infested every facet of the industry and you're the only ones who can see it?

Why being over 18 years of age and hiding threads i don't want to see

Anything I don't like is a circlejerk and belongs on reddit ;^)

Personally don't hate /vp/, incredibly useful resource for hacks/injecting on 3DS. /vg/ has it's uses but is mostly tripfags circle jerking with very little discussion.

Should be reporting the NIER ASS thread

We need either more mods or harsher mods.
But then again, going around banning people left and right will decrease the amount of viewers for the precious ads, so it's not gonna happen.

So what about /vr/?

Never browsed it, don't have an opinion.

The only people who have power to stop Sup Forums cancer are mods who need to ban the retards. But that's not likely to happen.

But that's actually about video games

Banned users can still browse and view boards, they just can't post

And it's not like everyone isn't using an ad blocker anyways now that gookmoot has completely fucked up the chill that Sup Forums ads used to have

There are threads on Sup Forums and faGGotchan about sending "ground troops" to Sup Forums in order to stir up more shit in a pathetic attempt to radicalize a handful more retards to the "cause"

Filters for words,filters for images,have an ass long filter list that currently is hiding 77 threads,when I check it mostly the same words are being used 24/7 by some autistic faggot who mades the same thread,or shit like what went wrong,dust,what are some good games and shit like that.

Plus all the eternal FOTM threads and shit I don't like,



These people legitimately need to die.
Bash the fasch.

yeah, right now is particularly shit. This is not average though, but don't expect the board to change

I'm gonna play some videogames and come back in a while, you could do the same

>Banned users can still browse and view boards, they just can't post

Wasn't always like that.

I went looking for tripfags on /vg/ and there aren't any. Why do you lie like a faggot?

>posts just a minute apart
>poster count didn't increase
>samefagging this hard about the GG boogeyman


>boohoo people arent posting about weebs and shit that i wanna post about

Yeah, sorry not sorry that the topics arent related to whatever bullshit that you enjoy.

Fuck you.

Outstanding, Sup Forums is eating up the "Sup Forums = enemy" narrative like children.

You're a fucking idiot
You're part of the problem

It's the next most important event in Sup Forums's history since gamergate. Of course we're excited about being part of history.


What a fucking joke
None of it fucking matters
You didn't do anything
It's a video game

I'm so sick of hearing about fucking burger politics every single day

Blame Sup Forums for shitting up this board like usual.

>It's a video game
No, it's about the stranglehold SJWs and leftists have over the video game industry. GG turned into a disorganized mess and didn't result in much change. With shutting down Playtonic, we're sending a clear message to other developers that they need to grow some balls, stand up to the SJWs or else we're not going to support them anymore.

All they did was remove an NPC that probably didn't matter and was there for fanservice anyway.
If the game ends up being good anyway, why give a shit?

>durr burgers did it all
Our leftists got all of their inspiration from Europe, you realize. America has always been strongly conservative and religious until our soldiers came back from WWI riddled with venereal disease from loose French women.

Sup Forums has wiped this site out of anything interesting.

Maybe it's changed in the past year since I browsed it.

I don't care who started it, I'm just bored of Sup Forums flinging shit over politics instead of videogames



git gud

>How do you combat this
I stopped cause I got a 3-day ban for "falsely reporting" threads just like those a few years ago. Now I just shift-click and ignore.

for starters, you could try not adding to the problem

I frequent all of them except /vr/. I wouldn't say their bad boards but they do get a bit too circlejerky with the tripfags. /vp/ especially is hilariously awful for this; if you've ever seen their wi-fi general threads you'll get blasted in the face with circlejerking in its highest form. Feels like I'm looking at a high school clique of all the ugly/fat nerd girls there.


Sup Forums falseflagging needs to be made a global rule.

I find it interesting that in the face of SJW's being annoying, the alt-right decides it's appropriate to become equally as annoying.

It's like being neutral/moderate has no place on the internet anymore. This "with us/against us" attitude is absolute cancer.

Thank you anons for the rational answers here.

Looks like heavy filtering and shift-clicking is really about all I can do about it, besides just fucking leaving to play some vidya.

Also, I agree with a lot of anons in this thread. Sup Forums has so many fucking underage retards that crossboard to here because they're 14 and play videogames and can't understand that we don't give a fuck about politics, we just want to discuss games.

I appreciate the feedback. Looks like this just has ups and downs.


Don`t you know? its Sup Forumstime

You can also make a text filter for obvious stuff like cuck, nigger, etc

>something in international politics happens
>can bet a hundred bucks that there will be a "What are some games where I can invade other countries?" thread

I report shit threads and usually they're gone after a few mins but why do I feel like I have to clean up the board from these faggots instead of mods just banning them.

You can shitpost at us all day long but you know we're right.

I just gave up like a disappointed parent


>just fucking leaving to play some vidya.
The only real way of dealing with Sup Forums invasions. I still got 50 shrines and 638747 korok seeds to find. Hopefully this shit dies down by the time I'm done. Godspeed, user.

I see what's happening, and I see your point, but my intention was never to contribute to the problem, I wanted to discuss what I can personally do to just keep this shit out of sight, out of mind.

Sorry man.

And where the fuck are the jannies?

Seriously, why do they keep having to make new ones every few months? Pick some fucking reliable jannies fucking hell

Sup Forums was always shit, but it had a certain culture that everyone more or less agreed with and standout shit like this was more easily stompted on. Now that Sup Forums has gone mainstream the place is filled with with social media types who don't really want to be part of the culture of this board but aim to stand out by acting like a edgy Sup Forumstard or hardcore SJW.

This is the problem with anonymous posting. It's pretty fun if everyone more or less flows the same way but the moment you get invaded by these attention hungry Social media types it just turns it just becomes about people trying to get attention by shouting whatever they think is contrarian at each other with speakerphones.

shut up, you'll attract Sup Forumstards

Maybe stop being a little bitch

Thanks, user. I've got some games to play, gotta beat beseria and nier still, wish I had a switch to play BOTW though. DaS3 also just had a major update, might check that out.

If we leave the board to play vidya, the Sup Forums idiots are just talking to themselves I guess. A good idea overall. Just disappointing I have to do all this work to combat their shit.

Well said

exodus when?

Trying to get mods and jannies to work on Sup Forums is a lost cause.

I wish we have the same level of stringent moderation that Sup Forums has.

When Bob Marley damn well feels like it. He'll play what he wants, and you'll like it.

For the love of fucking goddamn Christ can you guys be a little more NOT 16 to 18 years old?

I mean the way you fags argue politics couldn't make it more obvious that you're a bunch of fucking no-life-experience teenagers who are still in their "hurr durrr I've seen it all, I know it all." phase of youthful arrogance.

Come talk about politics when you've been living on your own for more than a year. No, as a matter of fact, Don't talk about politics at all.

It's amazing just how everyone, regardless of their political view, is the exact same entitled, arrogant piece of shit who screams at people to change rather than change themselves to inspire others.

Is there really ANY board on Sup Forums that has what would classify as "stringent" moderation? I have yet to see it.

That being said, I don't visit Sup Forums.

Funnily enough, the porn boards stay on topic pretty much all the time. Make an off-topic thread and you're going to get banned.

Unless you blantantly break a major rule or repeatedly break smaller ones to the point of autism, Mods will NEVER give a shit about small offenses.

In a way I perfectly understand, you'd need a huge team to be able to keep the site under control considering the ammount of transgressions happening every fucking minute.

most boards are actually pretty well moderated if you report

mods don't see things very often otherwise

yes on slow boards such as /wg/
Mods do care about the threads on Sup Forums. If you check the catalogue and sort by creation date you can see that they are preventing the literal shit threads.
They just dont have the guts to ban anymore for low-quality shit

That's because porn is important. Games are a hobby for kids.

>which map would be the most fun to explore as a videogame world?

sounds interesting, I'll go take a look, why is it cancer?

You missed two YL threads.

It's literally just a Trump bait image showing who voted for hilary and who voted for trump. Even if it could lead to interesting discussion, every retard and their mother jumped at the chance for more political shitposting.

I guess that may be because you can't really grey the lines so to speak on that topic. Porn is porn. That's it. Easy to moderate there.

I want to report shit, but a situation like
I don't want to happen.

Also, anyone have tips on hiding threads? I mean, I can filter away and I've started making a filter list that's working nicely, but some words just aren't consistent or will filter threads I DO want to see.

Do you guys just shift-click to hide, then go into your hidden threads and report them all?

Seems like a lot of work... I just wanted to talk about vidya. Do a lot of you guys report shit? If its a group effort I'm all in.

but i like ass

I figured I'd outlined enough for you guys to get the idea. But realizing I did miss 2 YL threads is kind of depressing.

Doesn't this violate some kind of argumentative fallacy?

To assume that the only justification for objecting to something is to make up for or disguise a failure somewhere else?

yeah, you're right, the thread fucking sucks

>Sup Forums
>5 threads
Great video game board.

Nier threads are full of discussion about the game and ass posting is always kept to a minimum. Quit fucking whining faggot.

>not two eceleb threads
>not nintendo thread #11475
>not jap vs west bait thread
>not mass effect thread #5751
>not steam thread

YOU are the cancer.

Perman ban those Sup Forumstards who post literal porn and sluts on Sup Forums every weekend. Big-boobed dumb-faced sluts are for N1GG3RS.

>>not two eceleb threads

What do you think YL threads are? Actual discussion threads?

They're nothing but Jontron cancer.

thank you man, you just gave me a TON of filter ideas.

desu I'm not not interested in the game so I never visited them to see what they are about.

You say that, but those are all now on my filtered list. Just because I didn't outline all of them, doesn't mean I don't agree with what you're saying. I made that pic pretty quickly.

>Waah Sup Forums is getting flooded with CANCER

The audacity of the niggers in this thread. You know what REAL cancer is to this board? August 2011-January 2012 when out of any ten threads on the front page only fucking two of them would have prefaces to discuss video games and then get derailed to kingdom come by shitposters. When there are threads with legitimately ZERO implications about video games (straight up "Why don't bongs tip the pizza guy?" threads) THAT is a problem with the board which luckily hasn't really reared it's ugly head on here for a good five years so most of the problems you're seeing is largely superficial.

Why did you circle the usb cable on the switch picture?

just ignore/hide, who fucking cares

you can't stop shitposting, trying to fight against it is pointless

>tipping threads are worse than trump
Not even close

Check again, user. That's part of the picture. I didn't do that. Red boxes are me.

id be hiding almost the whole board

Are you kidding?