ITT: Red flags in vidya

>has dragons in it
>has the word "dragon" in the title
>female protagonist

Other urls found in this thread:

EA games or UBisofts logo during booting

>made in japan

>made by platinum games

>Cutscenes or Dialogue comprise more than 30% of the game

Would you not play a game about a female dragon hunting for knight dick?

I would play a game about a male(male) knight(knight) hunting for dragon vag.

>has the word "dragon in the title
>doesn't have dragons


>not liking dragon pussy
fag, bet you like traps and futa

Furfag leave

>popular user tags: indie, open world

Drag-on Dragoon may be the gaming for you

>am i fitting in yet, Sup Forums?

> survival horror
> crafting
> Roguelike

>it's yet another game in an increasingly generic and average franchise episode

I like to fuk ur mom in the ass while you fap to dragons and futa, fag

>early access

>fap to dragons
>and futa
no, disgusting homo shit

i agree


You clearly thinking about it, faggotron. linking this generate shit to disliking dragons in vidya. Where did futa and traps came out in this discussion if not from your brain?

Dragon's Dogma, faggot.

>online multiplayer

Sup Forums is full of homos and trap/futa is Sup Forums's favourite fetish so it's normal to associate you fags with that

>It exist

>not made

op said dragons, not dragon's you complete idiot

Dragon Knight saga was pretty good tho.

>Tags: Open World, Survival, Zombies, Early Access

>marketing talks about a character's gender/sexual preferences all the time
>"You can do ANYTHING!"
>no discussion of gameplay or mechanics by the devs whatsoever

>Made after 2013

>female protag
>character creation
>all characters are over 18


I hope you fags and futafags will kill each other.

>by installing this you agree
you assume to much generic terms of service notice.

>female protagonist
hope this is bait.

Futa is the least gay.

It's shit you faggot.

>"cinematic experience"
>any kind of "PR speak+experience", really
>most articles and discussions about game unironically use terms with "ludo-" prefix
>devs and journos make statements about game like "it redefines gaming and what it means to be a gamer"

lol you wish trapfag

already know it's gonna be average at its best

>open world
My steam friends eat this shit up, i don't know how they don't get bored of it. One of them has like 1k+ hours in that shitty minecraft zombie survival game

>>all characters are over 18
yeah don't you wish disgusting pedofag

fucking this^

first post best post

Leader writer is a woman

>Obscure shitty game that Sup Forums worships

Name one game that does this that's not by Bioware or by a Japanese dev.

>Dialogue wheel

>game has a forced tutorial section that you can't speed up or skip.

>Dragons are just a human model with tiny wings and horns.

God of War
Legacy of Kain

Did you get raped as a child? Y/N.

>Dungeons and (((Dragons)))
>There are SEVERAL dragons in it

Gaming was doomed from the start.

And all of them are objectively great though

>inb4 you know what

>called a Spiritual Successor, but looks like a blatant ripoff of the original

I can even provide examples from the same company/people
How to do it right: Goldeneye > Perfect Dark > Timesplitters 2 and 3
How to do it wrong: Banjo Kazooie > Yooka Laylee

OP is a fucking faggot. Dragon Age Origins has all of these and its a fucking great game

>any game Sup Forums likes

>Male protagonist
>Made in America
>Made in Canada
>Female protagonist
>Praised by Sup Forums
>Hated by Sup Forums
>Scored high on metacritic
>Scored low on metacritic
>Doesn't exist
>In a state of being and non-being

There are literally no games with dragons you can marry though.

Actual fantasy dragons and not " can turn into a human" type of shit.

Suda 51, Platinum or NIS America is on the boxart.

>Dragon Age Origins has all of these and its a fucking great game
>and its a fucking great game
Wew, Bioware's always been garbage kid and that game was shit

Fuck off kid, just because something is shit now doesnt make it shit before.

>Not made with Jack's Non-Newtonian Marinade
Immediate red flag

That last one is accurate though

See: Duke Nukem Forever

>Walking Simulator
>Story Rich

You dumb furfag can cry and call people trap fags all you want, it doesn't prove you right or make it so you imbecile


Dragons don't have pussies, you dumbos
Dragons have cloacas

Does it at least have thicc lolis?

>set in medieval time
>fight with magical sword
>battle royal
>craft shit

>Game has a political nessage

>also it is mandatory for every new gameplay
>even worse: the game is great and has lots of replayability.


>It's a video game
That's all the red flag you need these days.

>I can't play and wank at the same time
I gotcha

i'm suffering user, i want dragonfu


>teenager main character
>multiple female side characters
>1000 year old lolis

You seem obsessed with traps and futas, secret homo.

>his game was developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs

>OP likes it

>excrucianting ammounts of Lore and story
>female characters emasculating the protagonist


>95+ on metacritic
>chin down eyes up
>Troy Baker


>female protagonist

Look up good MMO on google.

Bombarded with imagines of girls with bikini armor.

You aren't forced to play a female protagonist retard. Default is human male noble

Go to bed, grandpa.

>You seem obsessed with traps and futas, secret homo.
sure thing user :^)

Traps? No.

Futa? Automatic yes.

>Dirk is a female

>made by Tim Shafer

>not getting TS4

Feels bad man

I have that game:D

>implying his girly screams wouldn't make him one

i wonder how you would scream if spoopy skellingtons tried to kill you

>zombies on the cover

Ventiswill is as close as we'll get.

>Has more than 1 thread at the same time on Sup Forums

>download game
>files are in .001 .002 .003 (...) format