I've stopped looking forward to this, who's with me?

I've stopped looking forward to this, who's with me?

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I didn't know they revealed Flying Battery zone was in it and I got some more excitement for it's release thanks to you. Is there gameplay or more importantly the remixed music for it anywhere?

I'm even more hyped now. Thanks OP.

Why. Did they say something political.

>sega tells you the game will have remake stages
>be surprised that the game has remake stages

i've replayed snk3 a billion times so I don't know why they added that zone, or why its that specific zone.

then again I get the music liscense thing and there probably arn't that many without mj music.

As far as I know there's just the reveal trailer so far:


Hopefully more gameplay will surface soon.

They could remix the shitty S&K Collection music.

I dunno. But "FUCK THIS GAME, IT WAS REALLY SHIT ALL ALONG" seems to be all the rage right now.

The people who played S2 a billion times won't know why they added Aquatic Ruins

ew, are they choosing shit levels on purpose?

I mean flying battery is no ice cap, and aquatic ruins is just ew.

Why aquatic ruins and lot like something like casino night?

Pretty sure that was a hypothetical.

Yeah but I stopped looking forward to it after seeing the video of Greenhill Zone Act 2 which looked like garbage despite the level design being entirely new. I don't have much faith in the level design for a game with a lead who's biggest claim to fame is porting Sonic CD (which has probably the worst level design of any Sonic game).

Pretty sure they confirmed that S3 and S&K will be considered different games

He also ported Sonic 2 which many claims has the best level design of any Sonic game
What now?

>Getting hyped for a Sonic game
You only have yourself to blame for this.

I never had any hype for it to begin with, games straight up copying old games are pretty fucking uninteresting, i'm more hyped about the 3d sonic game we know nothing about to be honest.

He also fixed the ports of sonic 1 and 2 and added stuff sega never did.

I'm still not impressed by anything I've seen of Sonic Mania so far, so nothing I guess? It being delayed sure doesn't instill any confidence for it in me.

Oh well, that's still cool that they added it, I liked Flying Battery and it had a lot of neat little tricks in it.
Keep in mind that while they'll probably add the features from the original levels they're also going to be doing a lot different and this is mainly the visuals they're choosing, and Aquatic Ruins was a pretty nice looking place and covers a lot of bases.
Did they confirm Aquatic Ruins too? Shit I'm pretty out of touch with this game.

It looks good. I am glad it's being made and it will probably be pretty fun.
It's like shovel knight for me, I will enjoy it because it's well made and fun, not because it's groundbreaking.

I was excited, but then I learned that like half the levels are going to be old ones and lost interest.

They didn't, but the reveal trailer has Sonic going through Green Hill, Aquatic Ruins and Flying Battery

It's not supposed to be "ground-breaking".

People want a sequel in the spirit of the old games for once with a marginally new gimmick or two.

Sonic 4 was supposed to be this but thanks to a god awful release plan and awkward physics and level design it fell far short.

my bad.

this doesn't effect anyone who has owned both since the 90s. or anyone with the ability to type megadrive roms into google ie everyone.

They sure love memeing over on the official Facebook page but if they meme about the Yooka-Laylee debacle I'm going to be pretty disappointed.

Even if its "don't worry, we're staying true to the original titles by not having voice acting :^)"

They don't use memes that are any less than three years old so I don't think you gotta worry.