Easiest game you've ever beat?

Easiest game you've ever beat?

You're moms pussy lol

Bonks adventure.Or the sequel.


Warhammer: Kill Team.

>7 Hours on Record
>All Achievements Completed

Lego Island 2 for GBC.

Basically anything by Telltale.

Took me like 12 years to beat this shit.
I was super pissed when i was 6 and my mom beat Felix right infront of me.

>Get this game for my birthday when I was a child.
>Mom invited my cousins over.
>In about an hour or two I beat it.
>Everybody is gasping wondering how it was possible.
>Go to where the parents are.
Sweetie, why aren't you playing your new game?
>I beat it.
You couldn't have beat it yet.
>The other kids come out of my room saying he beat the new game.
>Mom looks like I shot her in the heart.
She expected it to give me entertainment for more then that I guess, I played it a whole bunch afterwords for shits and grins.
I honestly hated my Nes a bit, less then my Atari, but the Nes had so many bad games on it.

Then I got the SNES and shit myself at all these great games.
>Contra 3 holy fuck.
N64 was a let down.
PS1 was a fucking TREAT!
Ps2 was a let down.


>lego harry potter 1-4 on DS
Can't blame it, made for kids, just run through everything easy
>Outrun Coast 2 Coast
You can't lose, I don't think
>Fable II and III
impossible to die. I had to let myself get hit enough to fall down but then you get back up after rising up and knocking all the enemies down. you don't even have MP, cast as much magic as you want

Why did I play this

I rented it too so I didnt even get the free movie ticket


The Witness

>tfw too smart for puzzle video games

>he didnt play nuzlocke
casual shit

Your dad's cock is easier. It's also shorter.

>Why did I play this

You know, user, you really are Curious George.

You're making it harder, it isn't the game being difficult. Wear a blindfold and beat solitare

if you say so

I beat the new Nier in a couple of hours, what a shitty game that was. Story didn't even make any sense.


>PS2 was a let down
>NES was a let down
Nah, son, you just got unlucky with the games you got for it.