Fuck this weapon

fuck this weapon

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*silently approaches from behind*


dental record time

Fawkin sprayed his ass everywhere

If you died to the magnum you were trash desu

sounds silly and probably biased cuz conker is literally my favorite game ever but damn did they do the revolver well. its just a fucking hand cannon and it roars out

only issue is the AI are fucking cheaters on Genius and isntantly one shot you i nthe head

also only true patricians use throwing knives

>noisy motor with heavy panting
You'll never sneak up on handcannonfags that way.

>tfw Sup Forums will never get netplay groups going for this game

I know that feel. Shame you can't Dolphin it since there's no VC Conker for Wii.

>sniper scope with laser sight
>AI can headshot you or get lucky shots instantly

isnt kaillera only good for smash and mk64?

The stunlock submachine gun was worse since you needed less aiming skills and it took longer to kill you while you can't do anything

>literal god tier MP modes
it's not fucking fair

take me back
the multiplayer on this game was some of the best shit I ever played in my fucking life

I would kill to be able to play raptors again

>mfw when watching a high level AI still move while aiming at my head with perfect accuracy
I have a friend I get together with where we go into death match and work together just to survive against a single AI. It's like a horror movie.

Isn't there an N64 emulator with netplay that supports this?

What if we were to give this game, say, twenty intelligent people? I mean, what would that do? Let's face it, what would it do?

Very sad indeed i spent much of my childhood playing multiplayer with friends

>headshotted by a bazooka while falling from a tower


>killing someone with the throwing knives

I know you could still strafe while aiming the revolver, but the scope prevents you from moving forward and back with it. That might actually be a flaw for it disguised as a perk since the scope doesn't zoom enough to be that helpful and it's a killing blow even without a headshot.

Only one of two games to ever do capture the flag right. God damn did I love Colors.

Katana > chainsaw

fight me

Fuck I think I can still remember some of the cheatcodes

Is the buff teddi rustysherrifsbadge?

Man I remember skipping some days in highschool to go play this game with5 other friends and we used to take turns playing MP.
Best multiplayer game I've ever played

Get you a good problem
Thing is, this fucking guy was moving forward. Literally cheating.


>all the cheats are british slangs for sex stuff

I don't think anyone will argue with that. Both are instant kills but the katana gives you more mobility and radar invisibility while the chainsaw makes too much noise

I remember draculasteabag but I forgot what it unlocked

That is indeed it, and it also gives you the Squirrel Sargent. I also remember beefcurtains giving the villagers and billymillroundabout giving Greg. I remember eastereggsrus being one as well, but forgot what it did.

>that headshot animation where they just stagger and twitch for a bit and fall limp to the floor with the knife stuck in their head
I miss when more games tried to be fun.

Seriously, in multiplayer what WAS the advantage Squirrels had? Teddiez could fall from higher places and were overall smaller, so harder to hit. Squirrels had fuckhuge tails and if they fell from a high place they'd die.

Respawn speed.

Katana was 2 hit kill, chainsaw was 1hit. But with Katana you could fall from higher places and I'm vaguely sure you even moved faster.

>raptors on HARD

shit was fun

Their base in colours had a good view of the teddies entire base since the squirrels were uphill.

Wait seriously? Never noticed that

I don't remember Tediz being any more tolerant to high places than Squirrels, but I do remember their AI in Colors being a little too passive and never actually going for the flag, instead just going to the base to aimlessly fuck shit up until they get killed.

I meant Squirrel AI being too passive, god damn I just woke up.

>Teamkilling the AI would make them call you a spy and attack you
>Enemy AI would leave you alone and let you inside their base
>mfw I would do this deliberately and then steal their flag anyway

2 hit? Everytime I got close I would just mash the attack button and they'd die without doing anything. I guess the first hit stuns them so it's almost the same thing.

Katana also lets you do the ninja jump

Tediz could jump off the roof of the base without taking fall damage.

I am absolutely sure they could fall from higher places, me and my brother ate that game for years.

>that base with the mounted gun
>hop on it and aim for your back when someone is breaking

And those fuckers kept killing me later.


they can run away from the 1st hit and the katana has worse range than the chainsaw.

Who /heist/ here?

Tommy Gun Master race

I played and loved them all. One of the things I was looking forward to with the remake was the multiplayer, but it was just a Squirrels vs Tediz TF2-lite with none of the other fun stuff like Heist or Raptor or even Beach. I never even got an Xbox anyways.

I have to play it again then. If only N64 emulation wasn't archaic

use bizhawk with the gliden64 plugin, is as close as you can get with n64 emulation being good.

>buy a cartridge
>fix my n64
>search for controllers
>only ones for sale are those generic n64 ones
>buy 4
>ALL OF THEM have fucked up sticks


>Gibbing an enemy in an enclosed space would splatter blood on the ceiling, which would then start dripping onto the floor

Ahh yes that's very interesting.

Yeah katana moved faster, you knew it was over if someone was chasing you with that thing.

Using that mounted gun was like asking to die cuz there's always that one fucking ai that stands behind it with the magnum shooting across the map

I never actually played the multi, is it that good, and will I be able to get much out of it without others

Im just gonna say it

this shit sucked ass.

Its fucking amazing and playing with bots is just fine

So, how is the one for the xbox hueg? played when it released but can't remember much, only that the snipers and flamethrowers had anti tank modes.

It was fun as a kid but it doesn't really hold up now

The Total War, Colors, and Heist modes kept me entertained even by myself, but Beach, Raptor, and Tank felt pretty boring.

T Nu Sup Forums homo faggot

more like, i recognized shitty games from an early age, and realized all this garbage had going for it was "muh violence!"

What were some things you didn't like about it.

>tfw losing my shit, taking my katana and invading by myself

I forgot how fun that game was.
Good times.

the multiplayer is still good, the magnum is a pain in the ass and some modes like race or tank are boring, but i
still, deatmatch and heist are fucking great.

>varied as fuck game modes
>varied as fuck singleplayer
It was and is a good game the only bad really was the controls please bro tell me what your idea of a good game is

>he doesn't main a wiseguy weasel in deathmatch
don't lose ya head

SP was varied, but not always good, like hungover Conker was annoyingly slow, especially if you don't know where the first aid kit is.

Also I didn't like the bat part

!@#$ that shit.


Read the thread


Was there any point in using the sniper since the magnum was ohk and could shoot faster? The zoom was good enough to snipe from one tower to the other in Colors.

K found it in like 4th or 5th post so yeah, should have thought before asking. Ty

total war sniping nests.
Using the sniper rifle was better than the magnum and also they aren't as loud as them.
Magnums are better at mid-range combat imo.
But i liked using bazookas at the nests.

>listening to the ost on shuffle because of this thread
>Conker the King (Reprise)
>it has the dialogue for the scene
>"You know what they say... the grass is always greener. You don't really realize what you have until it's gone... gone... gone."
>this was the last line of dialogue in the last original game Rare made before going to Microsoft

I'll let you guys in on a little secret.

>wield bone/bat
>do a big jump by holding Z and pressing A
>press Z again at the same time you leave the ground
>if done right you will jump twice as high

Also you can beat the shit out of raptors with a bone once you learn there is no recovery from a jump if you are in an attack animation, you'll slide on the ground instead of stopping in your tracks. So you can keep jumping around a Raptor and stunlock him to death while he keeps trying to turn around. Not as easy as it sounds but styling on a raptor feels so good.

You also permanenty stunlock anyone with the bone/bat by whacking them once or twice, letting your combo reset, and then continuing to wail on them

>the clockwork orange reference isn't exactly just there for a parody
>the song used is funeral for queen mary, a song composed for the death of the queen
>if berri didn't died, she would be the queen along with conker
>there's actually a funeral for a queen

>Last line of dialogue
I think you forgot "Ruh-rah-ruh-rah ruh rah ruh rah" from Banjo Tooie

Yeah I forgot to precise you shouldn't do the second hit unless they are on their last bar. Especially for the raptors since the AI will just jump to avoid your next attack and eat you as they land.

banjo-tooie is from 2000 while conker is from 2001

Shit, did Banjo Tooie come after Conker? I could have swore Conker was their last before Star Fox Adventure.

>>this was the last line of dialogue in the last original game Rare made before going to Microsoft

>this was the last line of dialogue in the last original game Rare made before going to Microsoft
You forgot the after credits scene.

Apparently not according to I thought it was because in the dev lp they mentioned being in production at the same time as BK, and I remember as a child that BT came out seemingly ages after BK

Gibbing someone in the main area of War, that one with the canister would send blood flying almost at the top of the building, it always cracked me up.

The Einstein level AI with this thing were incircumventable. They'd just station in the bottom floor of the base and instakill you and no amount of jumping and weaving could save you from the five different lasers trained on you.

>Nuttin' Personnell

The weasels yelling and going nuts with the censored swearing always cracked me up

>Eat &@$# you mother#&£&$

conker was in development before kazooie was ever conceived (it was when it was still project dream).
Kazooie got released before and conker suffered from delays & poor reception, ending in a revamp from early 2000 and becoming bfd.
Tooie was in development just after Kazooie was finished.

I replayed Conker SP recently. What doesn't hold up is the unrelenting Gearbox-tier humor. 1 in 30 jokes is funny.

But the games atmosphere is top notch, especially as the day winds down, you go back to the hub world and it's night. There are some really great parts where the music stops and it's just ambient noise. The world feels so cozy, hard to even identify what it is.

MP was great, but mostly because of playing it at sleepovers way into the night. Conker and perfect dark. Best times.

>Gearbox-tier humor

Woah now son, let's not take it that far. A good deal of Conker's jokes are dumb and immature but they're not fucking gearbox tier.

I'm a huge sucker for ambiance in older games myself and thought Conker did this pretty great at points too. But what the fuck is up with the Spooky chapter?


I get that it's supposed to be spooky, and it sure works, but what the hell is the inspiration here? Is there some kind of reference I'm missing? Why the child and baby sounds?


>if you died to the accurate one hit kill weapon you were trash

Max level AI and the pistol was some of the most broken shit I've seen in the game.

Their line of sight automatically followed you and you had to cheese jump to stand a chance.

Still one of the best N64 multis I played by far.

>So, how is the one for the xbox hueg?

It was fucking horrible.

They censored the game and stripped out the old multiplayer for capture the flag future war bullshit.

I remember being so hyped for the remaster but damn it was disappointing.

It was easy to cheese AI in capture the flag by laying a mine as a soldier(?) class on the flag itself. They never approached it afterwards.

>buy cheap third party chinese n64 controllers
>complain about nintendo making the stick terrible
Are you mentally challenged?

>tfw making dodgy house rules like "no katanas" and everyone laughing and getting butthurt when someone "cheated"
>tfw styling on my friends with double smgs and they all gang up on me
Best times of my life

>They censored the game and stripped out the old multiplayer for capture the flag future war bullshit.
I didn't even owned an xbox (and only learned about this thing years after the fact), but even then I was still triggered.

The L&R multiplayer was good though, it just wasn't as good or a suitable replacement for the variety and fun of the BFD multiplayer. It was a very clear attempt to get in on the online console shooter market which had just exploded thanks to Halo 2 and so they put all resources into basically the equivalent of the Total War game mode but not as cool as Total War's gas mechanics and desperate scrambles.