What videogame character do you look like the most?

What videogame character do you look like the most?

why does he still that french flag avatar

because hes a fucking idiot


He looks like if Weird Al got hit by a truckload doughnuts

wtf I hate my penis now

Stupid sexy Christine

Christine....but thats not a...


In solidarity with France during its daily attacks from moderate German Islamists.



Dont AL into this.
He looks like Benjamin Franklin DESU.



He looks like a fat autistic sonic fanatic.

Because he's gave up on life.

Ben Franklin is on Facebook?

Vincent from Silent Hill 3.

Did he die from his taint wound yet?


It's Jen Franklin now.

>He looks like Benjamin Franklin DESU.
Cannot unsee.

I've been told by a few people I look like Aloy. My brother told me that she can't be his waifu because she reminds him of me.


Chris-chan Final Fantasy character when?

>t. (You) (male)

i wish

Wow can't unsee now. Christine really is a 10/10 girl.

Hopefully once I get a bit older I can pull off a MGS2 solid snake/MGSV big boss look

Prominent cheekbones and weird nose. It's either that or the ugly dude from Downpour

oh god. i forgot he's a "woman" now.

jesus christ. he has all the sex appeal of a school bus fire.

when will he suicide?

There was an attack on yurop didnt you hread retard

duck picture.bmp


this is the highest level of attractiveness

I hope you like feminine penis


Why do you think I have a benis?

I will probably be a perfect image of him in 25 years

show a booby and we'll rate it

Hard mode; no uncle dante.


Some kind of viking.

People on /o/ kept saying I look like Winter Soldier (comic book character) when I shave if he's in a game.

you look like an alcoholic dark elf

Are you me?

Nice. I don't really drink but I smoke/vape/dab thc products constantly.

You'lll probably end up looking like Sidorovich from Stalker
