Devil May Cry

>DmC is bad

Why is this a meme? Looks like quality fucking CUHRAAAZY to me.

Other urls found in this thread:


not when you remember what was possible in dmc 4

>one CUHRAAAZIER game means this one is tame
Nah. Also, that webm is not the best example.

Just like the music, it's the same three things repeated over and over again.

You have to play it. It's slower, feels limited, everything feels heavier, etc.

Not him, but DmC Vergil is unironically that level of depth.
It's a pity because Vergil could have changed the perception of the game if only Crapcom and Retard Theory hadn't made him a DLC on the original release.
Also, if you are going to compare to a better game, compare it to DMC3, not the posser shit that is DMC4.

Not really, but okay.

Play DE.

the fact poser shit like dmc4 was still better shows how much DmC is a joke.

Besides before the balance patch DmC's meter was just based on how much damage a hit did, making most of the crazy moves pointless for rank/styling when a bullshit charge slash immediately shot you up to SSS.

DmC looked good, at least, but is mediocre by genre standards. It's a rainy day game but not anything ground breaking.

>but is mediocre by genre standards.
Maybe if all you have played of the genre is DMC4, and even then, not really.

DmC is shit and everybody else moved on, why are you so hung up on it you autist

>time slows down to show off how sluggish and weightless the animations are
Tell me this was on purpose.

>DmC looked good, at least, but is mediocre by genre standards
Are you kidding me? Did you even see the video I linked? The only thing in the same level/better in DMC4 is Dante.
DmC launched pretty mediocre, but if you seriously don't see how Vergil is on the level of DMC4 Dante, DMC3 Dante/Vergil you simply need to git gud.

>Tell me this was on purpose.
That's part of the "end of the battle" animation, it happens when you kill the last enemy in the room.

So it was meant to happen during an attack animation (last in an encounter). And nobody noticed the problem?

>And nobody noticed the problem?
It's a Ninja Theory thing, they used it in Slaved too.

What problem? It's an aesthetic thing, it only looks silly if you finish it off with a simple move.

I like the flow of DmC in DE. The original release was a little weak, but it was NT and it was still better than anything they put out before. If the series continued from DE and VD like this it could have become the best of the series since the aesthetic design was the coolest it's been since DMC1... Now it's just dead in the water.

>the aesthetic design was the coolest it's been since DMC1
>posts that image to back this claim up

You've got to be kidding.

That was a random image, not to "back my claim."

Regardless, your taste sucks - Alessandro's art is awesome.

>Sparda is still alive
>But he's buried in the lowest pit in Hell and will never get out so don't expect to see him.
Then why have Sparda be alive at all?

eternal torture, worse than death

It was a rather pointless change cause it is never brought up. Sparda is suppose to be a big deal in DMC.

Also annoyed me that they imply that Mundus is strong enough to actually beat Sparda but is portrayed way weaker than dmc1 Mundus.

Tameem, you need to move on, this isn't healthy

Sparda would have probably been more relevant in a later game.

It really is. Too bad this "aesthetic" didn't translate into the game.

That first image is balls, though, Sparda being portrayed as a bitch in the game was a really bad move.

>Sparda being portrayed as a bitch
When? We don't know shit about him in DmC, and that art is just his style, based on an antiquated sensibility (since he is actually a street painter from Italy). It's obviously not just some loose chains that are binding him there, he just chose to express it in a simple way.

>sparda gets beat by mundus, who dante beats without dropping a sweat
>dante learns his father is still alive, being tortured in the lowest level of hell
>doesn't give a single fuck

Yeah, ok.

>sparda gets beat by mundus, who dante beats without dropping a sweat
He almost one shot ripped Dante's heart out instantly, he lost because he didn't know Vergil existed and then Vergil took down the hellgate which made him weaker and distracted him. They also double teamed him, and he did consume Vergil during the fight.

>doesn't give a single fuck

Again, it would have probably been a focus in another game, this was more about them getting revenge against Mundus. For Dante specifically he was more focused on his mother.

>Looks like quality fucking CUHRAAAZY to me.

it's complete downgrade compared to the entire Genre

It is better than anything by Platinum at least.

Not as good as DMC3/4 though.

>It is better than anything by Platinum at least.

please. Automata shits all over DmC in every fucking aspect of being a game (story, music, characters, gameplay, etc...)

is the story of automata better than nier 1

>is the story of automata better than nier 1

about the same


Its a major downgrade from the previous games that instead of being kinda cheesy tries to be edgy and fails at it.

Not in character or level design. I get you like 2B's ass and Bayo's whole body but other than that those characters are pointless fill-ins and the level design in pretty much all Platinum games is awful. Empty, barren plains with boring color palettes and nothing interesting at all to look at. I prefer DmC's VFX and soundtrack more too.

it's edgy and tries to take itself seriously.

then you have stuff that's edgy as fuck (Drakenguard) and they just roll with it like it's normal

>I prefer DmC's soundtrack
this has to be bait

I think it is since the soundtrack is Wubstep

This is really bad bait

Noisia is great.

What's with these threads lately

Nier Automata was the biggest waste of $60 of my entire life, stopped playing after one mission.

>2B is a good character because she makes my dick hard!

Oh yeah user, because that same metal track used over and over and over again everytime any enemy spawned in DMC4 was so fucking great.

they happen like once a year when Tameem's butthurt reaches critical mass

>stopped playing after one mission.

and you just rendered your entire post as shitposting

Not even once. You'll find anything to complain about.

It blended really well with Limbo's design.

>b-but it gets good after 10 hours!

so much horrible music


Far superior to Nier Automata's shitty soundtrack.


I bet you didn't even play it for 2 hours.

what a strange world you must live in


So CURAYZEE, Capcom re-released DMC4 on modern consoles, added Vergil with a new style, and also included Trish and Lady with their own attack styles.

DmC was hot garbage.

I'm playing DMC4 SE right now (bought it off PS store for like 7 dollars on sale) and I'm having a lot of fun





i dunno i find it fun to play though

Fucking RE tier.


Spanish dub made it pretty glorious. Goes from try hard political counterculture drivel to Telenovela in Hell cheese.




He looks like Triple H.

>still assmad that capcom cancelled the reboot and ninja theory almost tanked itself.



>character pops in

not even 1 second into the video kek

>Devil May Cry has only existed in the 21st century

Anything after DMC1 isn't groundbreaking or a game changer desu. The style of game is still basically just a 3d marvel combo sim with a couple of characters and no PvP.

Haha wow devil may cry really went down the toilet, so glad I only played the first game.


>game was mistake
>it flopped

Is this what the Gen Z think a Devil May Cry game is?


sadly, yes.

Instant Weapon switch wasn't enough of a game changer?

>time machine powered by children's tears
>squirrel semen

Truly a magical time.


>Anything after DMC1 isn't groundbreaking or a game changer desu
>style switching
>weapon switching
>multiple characters with different playstyles
You're retarded

Nah, those really aren't a big deal desu. Same core gameplay.

>those aren't really a big deal
They fundamentally change your playstyle without breaking the flow of the game, that's a big deal you're just a faggot.


absolurly curayzee


Are you still mad that he made a joke about old Dante's hair?

I still dont understand how well made character redesign caused so much autistic outrage. People ITT are going to such length to shit on DmC, its fucking unreal.

I understand that people liked the old design and thats alright, nothing wrong with that. But the new design is objectively better in every single way. That doesnt mean you have to like it, god no, but being so butthurt about it is just pathetic.


>well made

nice bait

why bother when the OP video renders your point moot

>I still dont understand how well made character redesign caused so much autistic outrage

>objectively better in every single way
6/10 made me reply.

>ignores all legitimate arguments
>straw mans instead
>posts non sequiturs because he's afraid to openly debate

so this... is the power... of millennials... woah...


does it?