Call of duty is finally going back to world war 2

Call of duty is finally going back to world war 2.
On a scale from 1 to yes how hype?

zero I played 1 UO and 2. Nu-CoD is shit.

>just want a 10 GB arena shooter
>it's going to be at least 70 GB
Fucking stop.

I hope it's just a perfect remaster of 1 and 2 honestly, those covered all the theatres fine anyways.

German campaign PLEASE

jesus christ this man is a fucking degenerate

>finally get some space combat
>now it's back to bombed out stalingrad, bombed out rainy french countryside or rainy/sunny pacifc islands
Nah. Will pirate though.

Play halo if you want spaceshit.
COD is based ww2.

gee i can't wait for more america fights germans in france britain fights germans in africa russia fights germans in snow

sure wonder what are they gonna come up with to customize weapons

It doesn't matter because the level design will still be Sledgeraven garbage, both for Campaign and MP.

>mfw playing Infinite Warfare and seeing maps blatantly copied from previous entries that do not work with IW's gameplay

What a fucking joke. I hope Respawn/West/Zampella make a MoH/CoD successor. I like Titanfall, but I'd like a return to slower gameplay in frantic context, rather than fast gameplay in static context.

>It will be boring American focus again

Give me British campaign in France and Africa also a German campaign set during the early years of invading Europe.

>over a decade of WW2 shit
>a decade of modern military shit
since you're a child you might not know but we already did WW2 to death. in space you can at least make up some new fun shit.

umm sweetie why would anyone wanna play as nazis??? they're evil hun

first time sweetieposting

Let's hope we can play as blacks again. We wuz Nazi Slayers n sheeeit.

>early access

>play iw
>npc tells me to wallrun
>we do that
And then never again in the entire campaign.


my dad works at activision and he told me the protagonist will be an african-american female that's a sergeant of the 101st airborne and the first mission will be the beach assault on normandy

>black guy on the left

>CoD WWII shooter
>"yeah but the nazis have this secret technology and you have jet packs and lazer swords and look at all these sweet weapon skins"

So, who will be the celebrity guest star this year?

My bet is Kurt Russell as Cpt. Price.

called it

After bf1's wipe they were gonna do cod haters are gonna buy it making their sales even higher...I'm gonna get it after whatever they show is legit . I haven't played cod since BO2

>black jew female german protagonist
>joins the resistance
>kills hitler
How pleased would tumblr be?

Can't wait for the dab emotes and weed weapon skins.

i unironically would enjoy female characters in multiplayer

nothing cuter than a girl in Wehrmacht uniform

cod gameplay is just boring, its something i'd enjoy if i was 12 years old but im not anymore.

>mfw no Treblinka Uprising campaign

Fuck this series and its obsession with pointing the camera to setpieces. Everything after MW2 may as well have been directed by George Lucas.

>Join multiplayer
>Get shot by German soldier and die
>Runs over and proceeds to start dabbing over my corpse ($3.99 exclusive emote limited edition)
>all while a hot pink neon MP40 dangles from a diamond encrusted shoulder strap

Millions died for this

>start the new cod ww2 campaign
>it's in the future
>you and your squad is in the SAS time task force
>have to go back in time and help the allies win battles in ww2
>can chose to bring future weapons and gear
>or go full classic mode with old uniforms and guns
>rush omaha beach with bulletproof shields or active camo
>provide sniper support with thermal scopes in the pacific islands

Millions died because they were forced to. The draft negates individuality or any sense of national comradery this country may or may not have had.

Oh, boy. More games where i kill Germans. I can barely contain myself.

>No Drug War
>No Rhodesia War
>No WW2 from Axis perspective
>No WW1 game to 1up BF1
>No American Civil War game
>No Police game
>No game where Vietnam is central focus

>Runs over and proceeds to start dabbing over my corpse

>No game where Vietnam is central focus
BF Vietnam, BFBC2 Vietnam expansion and Rising Storm 2 soon

>No WW2 from Axis perspective
Iron Front Liberation 1944 and Red Orchestra 2

>No WW1 game to 1up BF1

have fun getting a ww2 game where you play as the germans