Why was this game so popular? It's pretty boring desu

Why was this game so popular? It's pretty boring desu.

During those times people needed to also use their imagination.

It probably wasn't as boring in 1986.

These are some of my all time favorite concept art

It holds up in most aspects. You're just a fag.

Mine too. I love this style.
Reminds me of Kentaro Miura

Because everyone talk about it because of shit translations and the fact that once you got a game you had to stick with it as the next good release was months from now
It wasn't like now where you have decades of games to play

Yeah man CoD Modern Warfare is so much better LMAO amirite fellow gamurs xD btw Zelda is sexist and transphobic #oldgamessuck

you sure did

>tfw I am thinking about creating Zelda like game but I am not sure what camera view should I choose.
On the one hand there is metroid like view but it doesn't help to grasp the feeling of world exploration and on the other there is a view like in Original Zelda

It was the first open-world game (considering the limitations of back then, of course) to become popular.

Why not both? Top view for overworld exploring, side view for parts of or whole dungeons.

>open world game
>you won't know where to go next without hints unless you do literally autistic shit like bomb every rock or burn every bush
>if you wander to the right place you wont have the right items

what did user mean by this

This way you could spend hours upon hours of playing the game in search of hints, items and coins.
You also discussed the game with your friends at school and spread the rumors of where to find this and that.
If anything this was a golden age.

in a true open world game you can do whatever you want and have a bunch of things available at once, like BOTW. There's a thousand things to do and you take your pick.

in zelda 1 you don't have very much you can do because you either need to do the dungeons in the order that it tells you (because you won't have shit like the raft that allows you to progress further) or choose to do nothing at all.

it's not an open world if you don't have any options

Not concept art. Not even official art actually.

Wasn't it in the guides?

Literally: For Whom The Bell Tolls

you're being an asshole, because you certainly have options. There's only one dungeon that requires the raft to reach, and its the 5th in the "recommended" order. Aside from that, you can fuck around and get other items and explore the world at your own pace, in any direction you can reach.

But, you do have a point in that there's nothing actually INTERESTING to see or do. The only reward for exploration is another screen of enemies, and of course items from dungeons. Contrast with modern open-world games, where you get beautiful vistas around every corner as a soft reward for exploring, bits of story, meeting characters, all sorts of intangibles that make the game fun and worth playing, besides purely gameplay-related rewards.

This is why LoZ is an outdated game.

Because you're an underage fag.
If you had played this back in the 80's your mind would be blown by the sheer scale of the world, the fact it was an open world and the fact you could continue the game later from a save point as if the game magically remembered your progress even after turning off the console.

These are drawn by the Germans. They were in the European release if I'm not wrong.

its one of the oldest 'open world' meme game

for some reason this art always pisses me off, because as a kid I certainly didn't pretend like I was playing this Berserk-esque legendary epic with crumbling pillars and dynamic views and all this shit.

I mean, I didn't think "wow this looks like shit" because better graphics hadn't been invented yet, but I still knew what cartoons looked like, and LoZ didn't look nearly as nice as those.

I guess I was always cognizant I was playing a "game", not having an adventure? Like does anybody playing Chess actually picture literal knights and queens and bishops and stuff, or do they just accept it's all representational.

This this this
fucking millennials cant use their brain

>These are drawn by the Germans
No. It was drawn by Katsuya Terada

They're drawn by Kasuya Terada and are original concept art for the games, so you are wrong

zelda 1 is fun and very fast, and a top down shooter when you have full health and can shoot beams
the only zelda games with good combat are the NES ones
TLOZ is basically an action adventure game with no puzzles, only secrets exploration and action

>You live in a time where they almost delivered on the dream

all they needed to do was add some goddamn temples

If the game just had eight dungeons, it would be perfect.

>that pic

It wasn't at the time though.

Of course you're not going to enjoy it now. I think any pre-SNES era game is far too dated to play today, unless you're 35+ and looking for some nostalgia.

no, he was commissioned to do them for Nintendo Power

He was a regular contributor to Nintendo Power, he also did art for the Secret of Mana and a bunch of other games


yeah thats not a bad thing