Who still waiting for a crack here?

Who still waiting for a crack here?

(buycuck do not reply)

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I bought it on March 10th already.

Enjoy waiting, retard. Crackfags won't be able to get Ending E either.

>tfw already finished the game
>don't have to wait for a shoddy crack
>already got my $60 worth back from my paycheck to enjoy more video games

Just ask if you want some pics of 2b

Already bought it twice so you're going to have to pirate it several times to negate my purchase.
Pretty good game. Hope you get to play it this year.
Don't get spoiled.

>newfriend is not familiar with Cheat Engine
How do you like your first week on Sup Forums?

I'm doing everything I can to afford this game right now cause I'm tired of waiting

>Mining ETC
>selling all the cosmetic shit in my steam library
>pawning my old Wii U accessories since I now have a Switch

Gotta play this game soon lads, the wait is killing me.

Why do you guys do this?

If a game isn't worth buying, then it isn't worth playing at all

(This game isn't worth playing at all)

I want to play it and it's easy to pirate so there's no point paying.

>I want to play it
Why would you want to play a bad game?

>Easy to pirate
>Still makes his shit threads crying about no crack

Evidently not.

but guys its on Rarbg not piratebay. figirl repack at 11gb

Spent good 44 hours on it. You should give yoko taro your money.

>pawning my old Wii U accessories since I now have a Switch
Maybe you go for a PS4 next time?

I bought the PS4 version.

I'm waiting for the crack to see how my PC can handle it.

No one's impressed by bought cheevos

>poorfag NEETS literally begging for a crack


I'm a NEET poorfag and I own the physical PS4 version.
I see no reason not too. I didn't waste 500 bucks on a GPU, so I can easily afford 60 bucks for a video game.

Is pirating the easiest bait on Sup Forums? Nothing else triggers this many people so easily.

>game has already been out for weeks
>crack coming anytime now guys!
>all this time you could have just bought it and beaten it by now

It's pathetic really


its gonna be freely available to everyone once its finished

Supporting the people who made a game you want to play is reason enough to pay.

Bought it twice

>Crackfags won't be able to get Ending E either.
What? Explain? Does it need online or?

Why does it matter when you finish video games?

I don't go to the theater to watch movies either, is that extra pathetic?

I'd rather support myself and play the game for free.

Certainly not giving square enix any money. Would have purchased if it wasn't a jew publisher.

Why not just pay for that game with money instead of your lifespan like you do now?

>Why does it matter when you finish video games?
Because you're spending time here to talk about them.
So you can play with everyone else, talk about lore, combos, mysteries or ass.
Or you can play much later and wonder why are people looking at you funny if you start posting 'THE CAKE IS A LIE'.

>bought cheevos
>they span 3 days
he acquired them legit

>Does it need online
yup ending E needs online, get fucked piratefags


>paying just to see 1 ending


Not him but those are just story trophies and you can't buy them.
Also nothing would stop spergs from buying them with some delay.

the finale of the game*

fixed that for you

Which ending is that? The last one? What kind of online does it need? Like what do you do?

Please buy tobbie's game.

>Like what do you do?
Delete your save file.

>Which ending is that?
finale of the game
>What kind of online does it need?
online connection to game servers
>Like what do you do?
do you want to be spoiled?

You fight an impossible final boss fight bullet hell segment and after dieing enough times to it you get a buff from the data of another player who sacraficed their save data to help people beat the final boss.

I can only imagine how good the crack will work when even the legit copy is pretty damn gimp.

Enjoy waiting.

Or I can save myself $60 and enjoy 99% of the game for free and watch the last 1% on youtube.

STOP. A crack is going to happen sooner or later, regardless if it's two weeks from now or a year. Quit your bitching and be patient, you underage faggot.

Seeing as they don't have a leak of this version of denuvo, enjoy waiting an extra couple years.

I'll buy it once they release a patch

I already know that's in the game somehow.

>do you want to be spoiled?
If I'm in the thread then that's no concern.

Oh, that's really cool then. Now I know what that user asked me. Will you sacrifice to help others? He said I would know what it meant.

>If I'm in the thread then that's no concern.
you are getting help from other anons who sacrificed their data so you could continue

So you can't retry without it, or it makes the fight easier? It's impossible to bear with just skill?

The cracked version will have better performance because it wont have denuvo

>hurr durr piratefag have to wait months to play
And? My backlog is so massive that I couldn't care less. How do people even find the time to play everything they want? Because I surely don't.

So I'll play it whenever the crack is out, even if it means waiting 6 months or a fucking year.

fucking pleb get a job

borderline impossible without help.
Square Enix pushes your shit in

in about a year, yeah lol

it's so difficult it's practically impossible

I heard the first few players had Nier 1 characters helping them, so I'm sure its playable without online. It's just less cool.

Plus the main game without online is missing cool buffs where other players die.

>I couldn't care less
Yes you could care less.
Because now you care enough to post in pirate thread telling anyone how much you don't care.

>I heard the first few players had Nier 1 characters helping them, so I'm sure its playable without online. It's just less cool.
Nier / DoD NPCs were online too, just placeholders for real player saves.
You don't get encouragement messages and help offers off line at all.

>hurr durr denuvo causes bad performance
You wouldn't even know it's there if the internets didn't tell you all about it.

>I'm doing everything I can to afford this game right now
>refuses to work

>lol u going to have 2 wait a year lol XDDD

>Tfw money spent on this game is literally nothing to me
>Some guys calls me cuck when I played with his game(female) while he couldn't do anything but wait

>Or you can play much later and wonder why are people looking at you funny
Actually the opposite is true as you can see with any crack-secure game released. Only a minority on Sup Forums is dumb enough to buy games and the real discussions start once the game is cracked. RE7 had like a billion more threads regarding the actual game than Nier, because it got cracked.

No one is actually talking about Nier besides a handful of dumb buyfags.

>mfw buyfags get btfo when crack is released next week and the buyers remorse sinks in when everyone else plays for free

Get fucked pirate faggot

>No one is actually talking about Nier besides a handful of dumb buyfags.
Yeah, that's why there's always 5+ threads 24/7 for a niche game that isn't a fucking 7th coming of well known franchise.
Turn down the denial a bit.

Don't jinx it.
if dubs crack tomorrow

No remorse, this game is one of the best games that came out in the past 5 years

I kinda want Taro to succeed and make good games (With a developer that can fix his typically awful gameplay)

Praise Denuvo!

>buyers remorse
never had that

No it doesn't. If there's no one to help you NPCs from other yoko taro games come to help.

>buyers remorse
>for NieR
Nope. Never happened.
Physical games are great. Flip covers are great.

Buyers remorse for a purchase I've enjoyed? Nah. It's a fantastic game, sorry that you can't play it and have to create fake situations in which strangers feel bad about themselves while you justify to yourself how pirating something and being a NEET is the way to live.

I'll be over here using my disposable income to buy whatever I want and play it. You know, I'm playing the game while you're crying and pining for it. It's great, wish you could try it.

I finally broke down and bought it, played for two hours, regret it so far.

* Settings are: PS3-era city (seriously, pic related, that's what the game looks like running maxed out on a GTX 1080), desert, PS3-era desert city.
* Quests so far are: Gather item from killing enemies in city area X (weapons trader); gather item by killing enemies in city area Y (chips trader); kill enemies in desert area Z (resistance leader). MMO-level stuff.
* Enemies so far are: small melee guy, small melee guy with clothes, big melee guy (same as small melee guy but with more health and damage), big melee guy with shield, moose and boar.
* Combat consists of light attack, heavy attack, dodge, and powerful ranged attack. No combos, no block, no other offensive options yet. There is a weak ranged attack, but it has no cost associated with it, so you might as well tape down that button and keep it spamming projectiles all the time.

The under-stated enemy and Pod design is cool, the soundtrack is outstanding, but everything else is as eh as it gets. Here's hoping that it gets way, way, *way* more involved later on...

>Being more impoverished than a consolite that you have to wait for sloppy seconds.

>it gets way way way more involved later on
It does

>Settings are: PS3-era city (seriously, pic related, that's what the game looks like running maxed out on a GTX 1080), desert, PS3-era desert city.
>he doesn't play it on PS4 how it's meant to played
You own fault, user

route a is shit on purpose

and the game is also the sequel to itself

now leave before you're spoiled

Get a job

ill buy it when the nude mods are out

actually it's possible but it takes over 2 hours

Why are you standing off to the side of the path of the first actual boss on lowest settings the first two hours in?

wrong. a lot of game are worth the waste of time but not money

Post some fucking webms

>nude mod
>there's no defined genitalia on android bodies
>people will create their own shitty looking texture and ruin the whole thing in the name of a nude mod

Fuck you.

this thread has no ass

>using steam achievement manager to get all of them

Get a job faggot

I don't regret supporting franchises I give a shit about, poorfag

you can buy them in game with game's currency.
I got them all legit anyway

People need to stop buying games on pc so that releasing them on pc is no longer profitable. Then pirate freeloaders will have to get jobs.

>not supporting Taro

Come on man, don't you have a heart? Mine broke when Cavia went under after Nier.

Taro expressed him wanting to leave Cavia while making Nier. He left it before it went under too.

Don't really feel bad for Cavia, Taro was long gone by the time they went under and Taro has stated numerous times shitty work from them.

The game has a slow start seemingly for the sole purpose of slowly opening up until its fantastic conclusion.

Route A is pretty mediocre
Route B is a bit more interesting but more boring to play
Route C is where the opening credits play and the game people are hyping up starts.

>new edition of devo
>getting cracked in less then 9 months

you gonna be waiting a long time

Enjoy trying to get through the credits with your offline-only copy

>remorse for buying Taro game

Mfw my library is based af and has this game plus many more and nobody checks them out but me so I have unlimited renuals

Ever bought a game right before a steam sale or bought it from a place that was more expensive than another place? You can enjoy a game and still have buyers remorse.
