Help me chose a name for my vidya podcast, Sup Forums

Help me chose a name for my vidya podcast, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

And gaymen!

"Fag talks about shit nobody cares about"

Derailing The Thread In The OP: Shit Waifu Edition


The post more yuffies

So cute! CUTE!

Ninjas wouldn't have time to shave their armpits. They'd be Robin Williams level hairy. This picture is non-canon bullshit.

Materia Matters

Did I get thrown back through the past to 2005?

Major autism the gaming fag.

We have a winrar.
Nigga, people still have podcasts.

>vidya podcast
Pass the Controller Bro

Gamergate Zoe Quinn
Thread deleted in 3...2...1...

We're not gay enough to care about games journalism.
This is cool too.

Vidyacast, a podcast about vidya

"Yuffie's sexy delicious tummy and navel"

How are you even supposed to host a apodcast?

I got saddled with the role of starting one, and I'm not entirely sure where to even start.

I got chosen because I "have the best voice".

Really? Post vocaroo please.

Let me be in it, OP. I play the "video games"


understated post

Yeah, I was trying to set up vocaroo but it's not picking up my mic. Think West London road accent with whiteboi elements to it.
Contact me: [email protected].

If you want you can add me on steam and I can give advice if you need any.
I've been on a handful of podcasts myself and hosted one that lasted three episodes

"OwO What's This?"


EmptyHero is a forced meme.

I want to lick those armpits

Didn't work. Send me your fax or MySpace name.


I'm stealing this idea

Link you're podcast faggot.

Ayy, you're definitely on my podcast if Plastic Beach is your favourite album.

Anyway, my MySpace is TheRealMarkZuckerberg1. Message me and we'll discussing the "video games".

a legit good name

on the spectrum

To Binge and Some Kind of Nature are my favorite tracks.

Pardon me while I go make a MySpace account ;)

Spectrum today

Hmu when you're done, famdongus.
That's the nickname of The Pro Crastinators Podcast though.

Still no response, fag.

Fax or Gaiaonline profile.

Shit, haven't thought about Gaia since 2009.

Pretty sure the account was Xx2PacsRoomatexX. Goth avatar.

I'm going to make a GaiaOnline account just to keep this joke running.

You're dedicated, I like that.

this is mine now

back off, negro

Surely you have a freewebs?

You actually did it, you mad man.

Thanks for the offer, but I'd like to keep something of a low profile. The place that wants me to do this podcast does have fans here.

Not like a lot or anything but I know there's 5 of you guys out there

Never compromise.

Splooge McJooz

I love you, man. No homo.
OK, maybe a lil bit.

Northernlion has two podcasts that are pretty decent.

Come on, we all know the real reason why this thread was made.

O-oh my

The Gay Cuck Faggot Cunt Retard Podcast

I want to lick her clean.
Armpits are seriously becoming the most erotic part of a woman for me

I wonder what they taste like haha.