That music

>That music

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The fact that Best Buy reduced the pre-order price shows that they know what is up.

Who even wanted this crock of shit remastered? It's only five or so years old, incredibly short, juvenile, and hardly a cult classic.

I get that the IP may have been cheap to pick up, and it will probably turn a profit, but no way was it worth the effort unless Gearbox had short term liquidity issues.

Well that was very gearboxy.


The company's business decisions in the past 7-8 years have been questionable at best. I have no fucking idea what Pitchford is doing there but he's more likely to sink the whole ship than to actually achieve something while at it.

>we get this instead of Bulletstorm 2
>You will never kill Sarrano

To be fair they probably just put a new filter on the game and shipped it

Nigga's got oil money to fall back on, but it's sad for the rest of the studio. Not that I feel bad; if you're so limp-wristed you don't collectively stand up to Randy Bobandy, you probably deserve to have your name show up in the credits of Borderlands, Stillborn, 60-dollar-remaster-when-the-original-is-five-bucks-in-stores, etc.

Is the original worth buying and playing?

I've heard fun things. If this comes out at full price, what would stop me from getting the original?

its worth like 5 bucks at best desu
its a 6 hours no skill required le funny random kill games

Apparently they added a Duke Nukem campaign and redid all the voice acting for Duke.

For a bargain bin price it's doable. Short, drab, and hardly innovative as you are railroaded into the best skillshots for the entire game. Notice how the trailer consists of just shooting, pulling enemies towards you, and kicking? That's what you'll get.

Full mag wouldn't have been any worse, but they just had to fuck it up

I don't think the original is on sale any more, unless you can find a boxed copy. It's short but fun, Sup Forums hates it because people with autism don't understand humour.

I personally didn't like it. It's supposed to give you loads of fun and flexibility with all sorts of zany killmoves and points flying all over the screen but to me it feels way too linear and being tryhard with the killmoves doesn't bring you no extra enjoyment and not enough gameplay benefit to actually alter your game style.

woah, thats more effort than i actually thought they would put

Anthony Burch hasn't worked at Gearbox in years, he wasn't even involved with Battleborn

I'm appalled at how fucking terrible this is.

Only for pre-orders, and it looks like shit and out of place. Seriously, you can't just lift a protag and drop another one in without reworking the context. Except that would be too much effort for Randy, so have this shitshow instead

If Bulletstorm's low-brow potty humor is stomachable to you, you may be underage b& or the perfect employee for Gearbox. Only chuckle the game got out of me was the protag just bashing consoles instead of typing in passwords.

>watch it
>the music isn't that bad
>the beat drops

Ya, the music is pretty shitty.

holy fuck

>no lip-synch
>Ishi calls Duke "Grey"
>still uses default grunts when taking damage
Actually lazier than ME:A

Damn, I hoped that that would have made it worth it.

I had fun with the original.
Definitely worth the $12 I paid for it.
I might pick this up if it goes on sale or drops in price.