The send off to the series is just reused assets from DS2

>the send off to the series is just reused assets from DS2


Dark Souls 3 is a fucking failure of a game, it should just be called "Re-used Souls 3.''

>b-but's it's okay when Dark Souls 3 does it!

First the plume now this?
They're bringing the tittie set back, the only good invention of DS2?

Can this game get any more based?

Maybe when they fix the shit modelling on all the helmets.
God damn.
It's like no one told them that they weren't just making aesthetic pressure cookers.

There's probably still dozens of dumb bugs in the game as well.
Greirat probably still stocks his items out of order. Greirat probably still has subtitles referring to the undead "setlement" or whatever that spelling error was. The Taurus Demon you fight in the Undead settlement probably still drops a fire gem. The dogs probably still all teleport into plain view. The Giants are probably all still unaffected by the Storm Ruler. The Sniper Giant probably still snipes only enemies (Also meaning invaders)/only the player regardless of who has his friend branch.

Shit now I'm trying to think of more dumb bugs and just realizing how many are clustered around the first two areas. It's uncanny. Maybe I just play that area so often before giving up on the game due to how linear it is.

can confirm that dogs still teleport

It's not the send off though. We're undoubtably getting a Bloodborne 2 at some point.

*unzips dicks*

at least they reused the best asset from DS2

if we do get a BB2, it will not be miyazaki's, which automatically means it'll be trash

DS3 is my favorite souls game even though I replayed it much less than the others.
The feeling I got when fighting Cinderella remains unmatched.

spotted the neogaffer

>implying that a BB2 would count as a send of to dark souls

they're totally different games


Its a sequel.
The number on the cover is the hint

God this is the most retarded fanbase.

Makes sense since Dark Souls 2 is the best game in the series

I dont care what you fags think but my dick is ready. That zullie outfit with the exposed back is top tier too


Dog teleporting isn't a buf, it's a poorly implemented way to make it harder to outrun them

>Constant whining EVERY SINGLE DAY about how this set needs to be in the DLC
>they put it in

Is anyone here even legit? I swear you all just exit to make me angry.

Still better than 2

They fixed the neck seams at least.

Believe it or not, Sup Forums isn't one person.

I don't even know why Sup Forums is so hostile to DaS3. It's not like all their bitching is going to change things. You don't see me shitting up Nier Automata threads for being a disappointing game to me. That's what the filter option is for.

That would be even worse.

I understand you are different people. And I hate all of you.


I think Dark Souls 3 would be the best if it included

>functioning poise/a reason to wear heavy armor (apparently the latest update has made heavy gear more usable)
>Healing wasn't so fucking easy to do
>The iframes on dodging were not humongous (you can corner someone and they can survive a combo by simply roll spamming)

why is it that this set doesnt look as sexy in dark souls 3? I think female models in general in das3 aren't as feminine as in dark souls 2.

I saw a post saying they're just saying fuck it and making heavy armor lighter across the board.

Ok then, I will use my pyro girl for this dlc.
That set was the only thing I liked about Ds2

it would still be nerfed though. I steamrolled DaS with fully upgraded Giant Dads. With Havels + BKGA, it made the game so laughably easy that I felt mad for thinking it was hard.

are you comparing it to the desert sorceresses or players wearing the set?

hopes for the ciaran set coming back?

Heavy armor is marginally lighter and have around +2-3 absorption points for each piece so that's at least something. It's really noticeable when wearing shadow garb versus lothric knight

>worst set from the worst game
>le titties

at least they know their audience

players wearing it because there's no enemies that wear the desert sorceress set in dark souls 3 right?

>tfw all those sexy desert sorceresses from dark souls 2 are perma-dead or full hollow now

its literally 1 outfit you autismo

Probably no since the tracers didnt even make it.

>the send off to the series
if you really think there won't be more Dork Souls games you must be underage. 18+ learn how the world works

>The iframes on dodging were not humongous
They're the same 13 frames as DaS1, retard.

>DLC comes out in 3 days
>Couldnt care less

isnt this the chance to bring the last two armor sets for the four knights back?

ornstein and artorias are in, just give us the rest, From

If there's a bloodborne 2 it's going to be just as contract-fulfilling as the dark souls sequels. From do not want to make another of these games.

This. I want to care, but Dark Souls 3 just felt like a fart in the wind when it came out. It's a fine game, but I just felt indifferent towards it. I do hope this DLC is the "end" of Dark Souls It won't be

Poise make a difference in dark souls 3 no matter what poise whiners think.

There are other ways to do sequels.
You don't have to include only the most surface level elements of a game to vapidly appeal to people who liked the prior games just so you can ride on its coattails.

Like fucking just plopping down Anor Londo and then removing the interesting bits surrounding the most obvious fan service bits because it'd be too much work to fully add I guess. Heaven forbid they do anything properly.

>Hey remember Lucatiel?
>I think she's an NPC in DaS2 that people may have found memorable.
>Wow I can't believe anyone remembered anything in DaS2, the thought never entered my mind.
>Do you think we should reference that NPC?
>Yeah man, let me just look at what armor set the NPC was wearing, get some pahjeets to port over the old model, reference the entry on some wiki for the flavor text and then stash it in this tower alongside this stamina regen ring reference, it'll be great
>Wait we need to pad out the crow's nest reference with items as well, put the helmet on that list
>Do you think we may have to explain why this shit is here?

That makes sense at least somewhat.
But the dogs used to teleport visibly on screen and that fucking sucks.

And I hope you learn how contracts work either. 3 games was all that Fromsoft and Bamco agreed with. From is now busy and fully booked with 3 other games that's going to spread their manpower thin and two of those games seem to be Sony exclusive and that's another piece of dev time that they can't devote to a hypothetical Dark Souls 4. Even if Bloodborne 2 happens, it wont be until 2019 or 2020 because Armored Core is now Miyazaki's best interest

Yeah I also prefer spiritual sequels.
But I know what to expect when I buy a game with a number on it

To me the most offensive stuff is reusing bosses. Because that is what I play these games for.
So to hear all the reusing about armor now and not about the gargoyles in das1 or FUCKING Ornstein in das2 makes me realize I am the smartest person on Sup Forums. That isn't saying much but you all disgust me.

Fuck you little nigger, I'm hype for that desert sorceress set.

now show me the male version