Let's get a filename thread going.

Keep it vidya





Needs a name



I named this in regards to ME3, BTW


Don't get it

This applies to neo-bioware in general







I don't get the OP one


That's so stupid, but it made me laugh.

Crew are game breakers
Thanks to their upgrades, i can cross the galaxy with only a few drops of fuel


The point is people are all gonna pirate Yooka-Laylee after their literally blue haired PR guy went full SJW on the project and banned everyone who questioned it.

That's false, unlike valve playtesters the dumb bint actually worked it out.


paper cup station



>try to angle the camera under a girl's skirt
>her model disappears and the camera zooms in on your character

Why do games do this now?

pol gets a shiny new coaster



Should be
>The Land That Never Was







>Every single thread








Garo's pretty great










Tried this in Mafia III, no panties, the legs just end like a couple of tubes.






Especially funny because Trumpland is what the USA will look like after the war.









i like it


who can be more angry?
gon or donald duck?


I would really like to see that interview.

Holy shit, is that Michael Jackson?

>Pokémon FireRed





taht beretta looks sexy


I don't get it

You could have just named it "Yooka-Laylee" and people would've understood



Can anyone explain?


He clicked on the wrong thing to start with, so his progress would have been set back by a couple of seconds from the get go. Rather than playing the game with the disadvantage and trying to win it back, he instantly forfeits.

Thanks. I never was into Starcraft. Does couple of seconds really mean you will lose?


not even shitposting, it's literal autism


No that's Miracle Johnson.

Before Heart of the Swarm, Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty didn't auto-set your workers, so you have to manually set them. This guy accidentally set the workers to "near" the minerals instead of "on" them, which set their AI back by a good 4 seconds, which as a zerg player in 1v1, can be devastating, especially if you're planning a rush. Frustrated by his own idiocy, he'd rather quit and start a new game than play at a disadvantage.

This problem was fixed in Heart of the Swarm.


I guess so, if you're playing at high enough level. Your skills will be so closely matched with those of your opponent that it gives them an edge that you can't afford to sacrifice for nothing.

Probably no.


fuckin under rated