Resident Evil

Just finished RE4. What the hell was that ending? Did Ashley just implied that she wants to have sex with Leon? And what's the deal with that Ada chick? (haven't played RE2) ALSO, Resident Evil thread.

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>What the hell was that ending?
Goofy shite.

>Did Ashley just implied that she wants to have sex with Leon?
Yes. Because reasons.

>And what's the deal with that Ada chick?
Well trained and persistant hooker.


Massive fucking tits.


>And what's the deal with that Ada chick?
Play the "Separate Ways" mode. She's pretty much just helping Wesker out, but not really.


Little rough don't you think?

Reminder that Inezh is eternally best Jill. Voth fags can suck it.


>what's the deal with that Ada chick

Really, it's maybe even the best RE.

Epic post bro +1!


>Leon will never get that beer with based Mike ;_;

>it's an "user gets triggered by literally nothing" episode

I know fans later discovered the actual names of the RE1 actors but I prefer the pseudonyms.

Waiting for remake. Dowloading RE5 though. Anyways, dialogues in this game were often hilarious.
>"Your right hand comes off?"


Hella wowzer response Trondheim +1!

The deal with Ada is that she's the worst thing to happen to Leon's life

Much better than Ada tbqh.

This whole post reads like an unfunny 13 year old

>Yes. Because reasons.

That look tho

Those funny lines were added by the localization team. The original script had Leon being a shitty forced serious "badass".
Like, the english translation is:
Hunnigan: "I was starting to get worried"
Leon: "Don't you mean lonely?"
And the original script is:
Hunnigan: "I was starting to get worried"
Leon: "Sorry..."


Gonna need a source on that one.

You can just google around, a lot of people talk about it. You can see how his personality in Degeneration, for example, is different

How many edits of his own meme has plague made at this point?

So how much ganados dick do you think she got to enjoy before Leon showed up to take her back to her presidential harem?

Leon just wanted to get back home to his husbando Chris.

Thank god for that. RE4's campy tone is great.


I'm seriously surprised Leon didn't take his dick out right there while they were in the boat. His yellow fever might be strong, but his beta-ness is even stronger.

The one true Jill.

Can't wait for their sex scene m8

Game voth is the prettiest woman I've seen in a game. Bioware could take notes.

I think he only made like one or two. All the rest were made by anons

Here's one example.

>What is going on?

translated as

>Where's everyone going? Bingo?

Ada's missions would be much easier if she wasn't constantly babysitting Leon. Every game has her almost failing because she ignores orders/makes detours to save his ass and ends up in danger because of it

>People letting this massive demonstration of plebness go unmocked

"Gesundheit", in German, is what you say when someone sneezes. You say it after someone says something that sounds weird/complicated. "Inezh" sounds like a sneeze

>still won't let him hit
What is her fucking problem?

These things just pop up by other people

>Leon X Claire

Claire, we know it's you. Are you resorting to posing SFM models now?

She did let him hit. RE Damnation has her mentioning their night together and asking if he's ready for round 2 or something

God bless the Japanese, but their language is not very well-suited for figurative speech and flair.


Yeah, but she would be fucking dead by now if it wasn't him. Because apparently a well-trained secret spy thinks it's ok to just stand like a retard without reacting when you're going to get shot

Her exact quote is "When are we going to carry on from where we left that night?"

Which means she's either talking about the kiss in Raccoon or she literally let him smash for 5 minutes and jumped out of the window before he came.


Yes, yes I understood the joke. I just didn't think it was funny.

I'm Kekfield.

You thought "Gesundheit" was her name/surname and don't you deny it

Also, how does "Inezh" sound like a sneezing noise? I'm calling for a joke trial.

Everyone knows what gesundheit means, dummy. Your joke was hacky.

Same here. "Rain or shine, you are going down!"


Interesting, thanks. Also turns out the Ashley segment got a better camera style. Unfair!


When is this coming out?

*uses grappling hook above you*
"pshhh, cya'round, Leon"


no way fag

>Chris riding on the passenger seat of Leon's bike, RE4 Ashley style
>"Hey Leon, how about we stop for a while at Claire's house and you have some raw unprotected missionary sex with my lonely sister? She's ovulating right now"
>"No way, friend."

>localization team
how isit localization when the original voices are in english? i dont follow
caveman here, what is this? hows re7? any returning chara or something? whats the tldr

Because the script is written in Japanese and then translated into English.


It's the third RE animated movie. Watch Degeneration and Damnation too. They're all canon.

>Japanese team writes script
>Sends it to localization team
>They localize it, voice the lines
>Send the recorded voices back to the japanese team
>They put it in their game, but the japanese subtitles still contain the original japanese script, meaning that what's being said in english isn't the same thing that's written for the japs
Basically this.

is the Resident Evil Vendetta movie, coming out 05/27. RE7 is fine, it's mainly about new characters but it takes place in the same universe, in 2017. But at the end this guy (pic related) appears ON A "UMBRELLA CORPORATION" HELICOPTER, saying he's "Redfield" (later confirmed he's really referring to Chris) and rescues you.

Also it will have a free DLC soon in which you play as this "Redfield" guy.

Too bad she's literally a missing person who hasn't been seen or heard of since RE1 came out over 20 years ago.

She's an old woman living somewhere quietly who's probably long spent her RE money, she has nothing to do with the series anymore besides appearing in some cutscenes.

There are conflicting reports that this is her real name. I read in some forum once that she was a high school student at the time they shot the live action footage for RE1.

Explain this

Lol. Her "RE money" was most likely a one time payment of maybe a couple grand. I highly doubt any of the actors got royalties of any kind. They were clearly non-union and it was shot in Japan.

The Japanese Cold takes no prisoners

>found a gamecube copy of code veronica at local game store
>no one is buying it because CV is shit
>realize I could jew it out on ebay for twice the cost

Decisions, decisions

That's what I'm sayin man, it's gone and it wasn't much. If she hasn't done anything besides the RE cutscenes, it doesn't matter.

Yeah I agree. I just thought your phrasing was funny when you said her RE money is "probably" long gone as if she's been living on it for 20 years.

wow i didnt know that, i remember watching degeneration >back in the day and it was awesome since original voices and shit, and it felt pretty on point
>But at the end this guy (pic related) appears ON A "UMBRELLA CORPORATION" HELICOPTER, saying he's "Redfield" (later confirmed he's really referring to Chris) and rescues you
so is it supposed to be mature/old chris or something? i dont think he can punch rocks anymore
also anything about weskers descendants? will he be back someday? ;_;

How would he punch big boulders with these weak ass arms?

CV is just as good as 2 and 3 imo. I don't get why so many people hate it.
This game is apparently canon, and D.C. Douglas has hinted at Wesker coming back. One of the lines he voiced (who went unused) was about "rumours of his demise being greatly exaggerated"

The main antagonist from Vendetta is kinda giving me Wesker vibes too. He apparently also has superhuman abilities. Here's the trailer btw

And nobody knows if "Redfield" is truly really Chris, what are his motives or why is he with "Umbrella", and probably we won't know about it until Not a Hero comes out

I'd imagine if they do bring Wesker back he'll be a clone that was created from his remains that were somehow recovered from a fucking volcano.

kill yourself, please.

They realized the game's story was completely retarded and that Ashley is one of the worst characters ever put to a video game (no wonder only degenerate fetishists like her) so they went full meme mode.

"Redfield" is Chris and Wesker's lovechild, wait for it

She's dying on the movie, isn't she?


>tfw you could change "degenerate fetishists" to "retarded tumblr girls" and "ashley" for "steve" and it would perfectly describe Code Veronica

Is a potential Steve/Ashley game the ultimate RE game?


oh god that trailer im hype now, also that wesker on the 1st one gatdamn
what the fuck happened to that game anways? i almost forgot it existed
i didnt know this was a thing

That game is shit. But it might be quite relevant to RE7 as far as we know. There's also this small IGN trailer for Vendetta

I don't even like Rebecca and I think she's still cute. Don't know what the problem with her is.


It's the worst between it, 2, and 3. I think the map is just far too big and too much backtracking between Chris and Claire's chapters making it a not fun first playthrough. If the game was shorter I probably would remember it a little more fondly.

Why do so many people here type "on" instead of "in"? I notice it constantly. And hell no. No way they'd kill Becky off.