Defeat final boss

>defeat final boss
>credits roll
>boots me out to the main menu
>go to "continue game"
>puts me before the final boss

holy fuck I hate this so fucking much

why can't the boss be fucking dead?

Paper Mario 64

>defeat large boss
>"achievement unlocked: The Bigger They Are..."

Name 3 games that do this.

>defeat final boaa
>credits roll
>boots me out to the main menu
>go to "new game +"
>have the stats and gear before the final boss

>tumblr gif
go back there and stay there

wolfenstein new order does this

'cause they're not going to make an entire new post-game world just to appease your autism.

every game?

This is inexcusable in any open world game.

Paper Mario 64, like the other user said


Mafia II

Every single Zelda game

Why do you autistic fucks spam this like it's the funniest thing in the world? Kill yourself. Not even the same guy either.

>tfw you can't say tfw on Sup Forums anymore

>new game +
>still have to complete tutorial stages

the worst part is in some games there is a point of no return prior to the final boss.

New Vegas

Why is bugs bunny top tier?

Stop being so autistic and play more videogames.
The pic is from Dragon's Dogma, which is a rare example of a game with an entirely new postgame after you beat the "final boss".