You literally cannot defend this

You literally cannot defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Her face is tired.

On the contrary. Her face looks gmod-angry

When someone insults your LEGO creation.

the fuck is this, god damn it Bioware

I've been on vacation for 2 weeks and had limited internet.

How bad did this turn out?

I'm pretty sure you could move out of the way or maybe trip her

She looks MAD and ANGERY

When you find out ToysRUs has a Lego BOGO sale.

>Sup Forums hates women now

UGggggh, I want Sup Forums to leave

You wouldn't believe...

Le lego autism girl xd

Fuck mass effect and fuck you fags


Its a very average game. The combat is fun but its filled with bugs and glitches in the single player.

Looks like something straight from garry's mod video made by 12 y.o


holy fuck

thats a good fucking deal

I know someone who bought Andromeda and gets very very angry and defensive if you make fun of the animations or say the game is bad.
This person also bought No Man's Sky and was the same way with that, as well

I wish bioware the worst

You can't be this retarded

Why, yes, she can

she was very mad, I am very good.


Pretty fucking terrible

Why did they hire DSP to be the video reference actor?

I still don't understand why he made greenscreen exploitables

user, why are you so ableist?

Autistic Ryder is a shitty meme and probably started by Bioware to promote defense of their game.

At least the romances are good.


So, why didn't they delay it again? Were they blinded by potential dollar signs?

I'll defend Cora's ass

If you think that's bad...

How the fuck does this make any fucking sense?

why was a person transported to another galaxy to rebuild humanity trained in martial arts

Gotta be out before end of FY18.

keeps him relevant because he knew people like Sup Forums would slurp it all up to meme about him to keep us aware of his weird ass existence.

it worked. ya'll got outplayed by DSP for a couple of memes

How do you see that expression in QA testing and not realize how badly you fucked up, goddamn.


How is this hating women? Are you insane?



>bioware first company to represent people with asperger's in vidya and as main character at that
how can a company be so #based?

it's only 25% off each set, they have that sale pretty much every week

It doesn't? I thought female or male doesn't mean anything to them.

This is what happens when you focus more on agenda than the game

it's like some retarded gman shit people make when they're dicking around

>the lore rape between this and Cora being an asari commando

People likely did see it, but bad animations are not usually a blocking bug.

I couldn't put my finger on it but that's exactly what it looked like.

At the rate they were going, if they'd delayed another six months it'd have turned into an 8-bit game.


Exactly. They don't fucking HAVE males, or even the concept of gender since they're monogendered, so how the fuck would some asari prefer to use male pronouns? Liara and Aria both reaffirm that words like "Patriarch" don't even exist for asari.

This is pure SJW garbage.

jesus christ that cockmongler face

you're retarded

>Cora being an asari commando
u w0t

She's dead behind the eyes. it's like they're constantly glazed over.

How did they go backwards from Inquisition a cross gen game?

the animation in this game is literally some of the ugliest / creepiest shit i've ever seen.

I came.

Remember that little anecdote from the Naughty Dog dev complaining about the one tester that thought the girl beating the shit out of Drake was stupid? Now factor that it's Bioware, you can easily imagine something like:

>Playtester: "What is this?! She's so ugly!"
>Bioware Employee: "And another playtester fired."

The reason the final release is so shit is because the version on the right was specifically made for promotional purposes. They knew very well that making the entire game in that quality would cut into their profits, so they just released their cheap, rushed version once the hype-train was rolling.

Has she just seen one of the mythical patriarchs and is going to kick his ass?

Don't forget how they retcon'd the genophage.

Sara is cute.

nothing short of amazing

I almost want to buy the game just to play as her.

Maybe if I could get it for super cheap.

The Lego hair in this is terrible. Going from something like Tomb Raider where the devs drew attention to the hair physics to this where everyone has an almost immovable hair-helmet is pitiful.

Triggered autistic.
Go jerkoff to some hentai, sperg.

How is that a retcon?

Gene therapy while in cryo is stupid, yes, but she straight up says the genophage happened. What was retconned?

It's not a matter of ugliness, it's that people don't make faces like that. I could understand having the gun backwards because it's a dumb sci-fi pistol and most people wouldn't know better, but she's just pulling a gmod face right in the middle of the scene there.

Didn't Matriarch Aethyta say that she was Liara's father in Mass Effect 3 because she didn't physically give birth to Liara? In fact I'm pretty sure she made a point to Shepard that because she's not human she wouldn't be considered her other mother?

That krogan needs some textures

Top kek

That's very forward thinking, having a Krogan include sign language for deaf players.

>Cultural Center Liaison

since when do krogans sound like mellow flamboyant gays?

>Bioware seeding an Autistic meme into Sup Forums is actually getting them more sales
I hate this place.


>Krogan downplaying the genophage
>Modifying the mutation so it develops while in cryo
This whole game is just the gift that keeps on giving.


I think it's supposed to be female. Probably voiced by a tranny.

I'm saying Bioware has become so agenda driven that they would interpret the playtesters saying it's ugly not as in "Humans don't make those facial expressions" but just "Another misogynist with an impossible standard of beauty".

Notice how it's primarily the female characters with the really bad facial expressions?

cute! CUTE!!!

Fuck wasn't it headbutting? What is this crap?

That's because the male characters don't have facial expressions.

>2 and 3 higher than 1

>muh misogyny

As tumblrshit as this game is that's unironically really fucking neat.

I hate Western Devs so much.

Don't be so easily baited.


1 was clunky

>Parents walk into the room

>steel's heavier than feathers

>ya jerkin it son?

fair enough.

>yes dad, come help me

This game would be 10/10 if it was a Nintendo exclusive

Dont be mean to my waifu just because she has autism!

O-oh my....

What do you think weighs more? A pound of iron or of hay?