Why are team based multiplayer games still being designed today with support roles in mind that almost nobody actually...

Why are team based multiplayer games still being designed today with support roles in mind that almost nobody actually likes playing?
Please give me a better answer than "because real sports have support roles xD"

Support is fun, I spent 1,000+ hours supporting in Dota 2; but dropped it after stun bar and other casualization features were added

But there are people who do like it.

I'm not one of them, but it's not like they're exactly rare or anything.

Fuck you supporting in dota is excellent, way better than heal cumslut in WoW which only uses certain skill rotation.

t. 5k support main

I like playing support roles

MOBA support is fun, tho. It isn't about healing most of the time but instead about using CC's to secure kills for your ADC.

Support in OW, however, is shit. Who the hell wants to be a healer who can't defend themselves?

Hey OP, do you only play as snipers in FPS games?

supporting is fun if you play as a hero/champion/class with a lot of utility,

isn't support the only good role?

OK, I'm glad to hear your anecdotal evidence regarding how supporting is such a fun activity.
But you can not say with a straight face that the 2/5 or 1/5 or 4/6 or whatever the fuck amount of supports needed to play these games optimally is not much higher than the percentage of the playerbase that actually willingly plays support.

´coz these games were designed with no such popularity in mind, the players who use to play elder mobas were actually educated to certain degree and the teams pretty balanced.
now the playerbase is superbad and full of kids.

it would get boring if it was just 5 carries
a good competitive game has different roles

stop being a poor little baby because someone on your team didnt pick support and you'd rather bitch about it than man up and pick support yourself

but thats ok though, not everyone needs to like the same thing. at the same time just generalising the hero/champion/classes into being pretty much the same really dulls the variety and experience and makes for a more overall boring experience. if said person hates that there is a "support" part of the game and it bothers them too such an extent then dont play the game, simple as that.

there are plenty of other good games that dont have that system.

tl;dr people like you are wait ruins the game industry and makes it more streamlined/cancer.

support by concept is usually harder than the ""star player"" role, so especially new players tend to avoid support role.

I don't mean that every support character is harder than core characters, like dota has autopilot support heroes abaddon and omniknight. The thing how dota handles things is that support heroes can often act as core heroes if the situation demands for it, unlike Overwatch supports which are most of the time just play enablers and not makers.

Support classes are fun because that is where you can actually get some variety. But for some reason people only ever prioritize damage over everything else.

In Dragons Dogma you only hear about people min/maxing for damage. You'll never hear anyone recommend defensive stats or augments. In Nioh people only ever focus on maximum damage, big numbers, and never getting hit - I've actually had people insult me for recommending water defense for a boss with water attacks. No one seems to care about working on your defenses / health recovery / using status ailments in games anymore, but when you take all that stuff out you are left with an ultimately much more boring experience.

Having no specific, built in support support role doesn't mean you can't have star players and more support oriented players. See Counter Strike for example. The problem is mainly Dota-clones and all the influence they've had over almost every team based multiplayer video games that are being released nowadays regardless of genre.
It is just simply bad design to most of the time have one or more players play something they do not enjoy. I don't even see how this point is arguable.

I like helping people and feeling like a valuable part of a cohesive team. It makes me feel good. Sue me.

>Why are team based multiplayer games still being designed today with support roles in mind that almost nobody actually likes playing?
the only reason you say this is because youre being paired with south american savages in dota. people enjoy support roles just fine in other games without these animals.

also dota 7.00 killed the game.


Because people actually do like them if they're designed well.
LoL is an example of a game where support is boring as shit and they have to bribe people into playing it, Dota is a game where people actually enjoy it.

you spelt "force' wrong

If you don't like being a support then start being a p3-4 role dumbass

They're the real playmakers

Well, I was thinking "bribe" because the system is basically "play support every now and then and the system won't automatically force you into support!"

>Support in OW, however, is shit. Who the hell wants to be a healer who can't defend themselves?

Mercy: Can shift away to another teammate or just pull out the gun
Lucio: Has a gun, can boop away people, can wallride away (especially with his buff coming up)
Ana: Easy AoE damage+ heal if you throw grenade to the ground, Shift problem flankers for your teammate to deal with
Zenyatta: Discord+headshots for a fast kill

It might be difficult to defend yourself as a support, but they aren't totallly defenseless.

Awesomenauts has fun supports. They're different from Dota ones in that they have heals, but the heals/supportive utility are always very much a secondary part of their kit and not the entire basis for the character. Except Voltar, but he also has good burst and pushing power to accompany his heals.

Dota support used to be fun, but I stopped enjoying it after they inflated the shit out of the economy so much that most aggressive caster supports that aren't Pudge or Tusk have the old "Undying syndrome". You know, where they become fucking useless for the rest of the game after 20 minutes.

More games should strive to make supports like those. HotS does a decent job at that too on characters like Kharazim and Tyrande. That said, don't do that Battlerite shit where all the supports have stupidly strong heals AND do DPS, that's even worse than the healbitch variety.

Really it depends on how its being executed in a game, i'm not as experienced in MOBA types of supports like people here but in other team based games they have their own merits.

For example these are "shooter" style of supports like in TF2, Rainbow 6, Gayday 2, Killing Floor 2, Overwatch, etc. a lot of 2's at the end can give you variety in what you do. You can give utility to the team and still be part of whatever action there is in terms of fighting, rather than just bolting into the action with nothing in mind except "KILL". It helps promote an array of things to do and contributes to being more of a backbone to a team rather than just creating a bland atmosphere and everyone running around doing the exact same thing.

I've always liked the idea of a "support" class being some sort of behind-the-scenes saboteur like you mentioned. IIRC the engineer and support classes in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory were like that. Shit like calling in airstrikes, scouting out or placing land mines, providing artillery fire, handing out ammo to allies, etc.

I'd like to see that concept of support applied to something like a moba or Overwatch. I guess Torbjorn and Symmetra sort of fit that bill, but they both share a lot of similarities to TF2's Engineer, which I kind of hate everything about conceptually.

I just thought of another good example of a neat support class. In the original Monday Night Combat, Support was sort of a hybrid of TF2's Medic, Engineer, and Scout. He had a short-range shotgun that could 2-shot people, a fairly weak turret that he could plant, a heal/lifedrain beam (weaker than TF2's) that worked on his turret, and most notably he had the ability to hack turrets on the map. The game was sort of a moba, but base defenses worked more like a tower defense game where you could spend money to create different kinds of base turrets instead of upgrading abilities. Level 1 and 2 hack let you boost friendly turret attack speed and range, but level 3 let you hack enemy turrets, changing them to fight for you with insane attack speed, but it'd take much longer. One of the funniest strats with him was building juice (super mode), running up to a max-level enemy rocket turret, and turning that thing on its allies. If was hard to do, but if you got it it was so hard for the enemy team to deal with. 10/10 character class.

Even if you aren't a fan of Engineer because of his sentry, he still offers a dispenser which supplies teammates + heals off damage, as well as the teleporter which if put into a right place can make jumping enemies a lot easier.

Especially helpful on offense with a gunslinger because you don't have a nest to handle, you can flank to the side and set up mobile bases of operation for your team to fall back to if its get heated out there/teleport into to shave time cutting across the field and help push forward if need be thanks to your health buff.

It's just a mindset problem
People in mobas (include overwatch) have the mindset that (in spite of it being a TEAM GAME) in order for them to truly win they must run into the enemy team and 1v5 them, else it's no fair game, and a support can't do that

for some reason lolbabies think "supports have no agency over the outcome of a game" even though high elo has a fuckton of support mains and that one of the two permapicked permabanned junglers in high elo is one that buys support items.