

That certainly is the WoW logo, yes.

Be me
Playing world of warcraft
Somebody whispers me
Tells me that my xmog sucks
He /ignores me so i cant reply

It was better before


MoP was almost perfect.
Great class design, so much fun utility for every class.
Great raids, 3 awesome tiers.
Okay PvP.

And then they went and ruined everything in just 2 expansions.

Greatest expansion of WoW they said
>Remove level talents and trees
>Neuter professions
>Devalue gear via random legendaries and nominal upgrades showered on you
>Force grinding behind weekly caps
>Encouraging lazy development via repeating dungeons and raids with stairstep difficulty increase

Warlords of Dreanor killed me inside

tfw started playing in mid 2005 and it's been almost 12 years since then
tfw still occasionally look for reasons to log in again, even though I know it's basically a different game at this point, I just like running around with my old characters and seeing old places

tfw legion is better than WoD but still nowhere near MoP, Wrath or TBC

Post that cutie.

's endgame has never been good enough to keep me around after reaching the lvl cap.

Remove lfg
Remove lfr
Remove transmog
Remove cross realm
Remove server transfers
Make it so you can only have characters of one faction on a pvp server
Remove shitty AP grind
Keep mythic+
Remove welfare gear

died with arthas

the real thing devaluing gear is the diabloification of it, specifically d3
gear is just a number now. you get an item, see if it's better than what you have, and if it's not you vendor it or you turn it into a shard
there's no stat comparison, you don't check for extra effects because there definitely aren't any unless it's a legendary

all in the name of building up your gearscore so you can get into groups and do the mediocre dungeon content

>willingly being a cotton farmer
I guess it runs in your blood.

TBC = WotLK > MoP = Legion > Vanilla > Cata > WoD

TBC > Vanilla = Wotlk > Legion> Cata > MoP > WoD

>remove lfg
>remove lfr
>remove transmog
>remove cross realm

How to kill your mmo and not compete with your competitors 101.

TBC = MoP > WotLK (Ulduar) > Vanilla > Cata > WotLK (the rest) > WoD > Legion

Transmog is nice. What's the problem with it?

>Remove LFG/LFR
>Remove Transmog

I've never understood this meme. Do you really want to go back to the days of looking like a bowl of skittles and spending hours spamming /3 with "LF HEALER FOR DUNGEON"?

Fuck that noise.

>wrath was super good meme
Wrath introduced LFR and had exactly one good patch. I don't know why people suck that expansion's dick so hard. It's the source of a lot of the current game's problems.

You can no longer identify someone's gear level by their appearance. It's not a big deal, but it does matter.

Restrict LFG to same realm only

>Do you really want to go back to the days of looking like a bowl of skittles and spending hours spamming /3 with "LF HEALER FOR DUNGEON"?
This was the biggest thing getting people to play together, you know. People met this way. People formed guilds this way. This is what makes servers feel like communities rather than hubs.

Plus, it never took "hours." It took 20 minutes at the absolute maximum and that's if you had a hard time finding a tank.

I actually agree with you.

the people who promote this are beyond delusional. WoW is already struggling.
People became addicted to these and would find it beyond annoying to go back to the old days.
The damage has been already done and cannot be reverted.

>Wrath introduced LFR and had exactly one good patch.

I'm assuming you meant LFG. And the expack was good, up until ToC.

>t's the source of a lot of the current game's problems.

To a point. A large portion of it's problems were player generated. Gearscore, for example.

That's pretty much what you do now if you're looking to do group activities with pugs and want to do the harder content (H/M Raiding, Rated BG, Arena, etc)

LFG automatically takes you to Heroic which is now mythic, abandoning causes a 1 day lockout from all dungeons
LFR takes you to standard raid, requires a competency check. and abandoning causes a week long lockout from all raiding content

game is now 100% better

Good point. So where's the issue? We have streamlined tools for the same purpose now.

Honestly, I think there's something toxic in the WoW dev philosophy where they literally can't make lasting content
>Players wanted houses
>Literally just houses
>A place where your character lives. Armor displays and such. Just a comfy personal zone.
>"b-but what does the house do? It needs to have a gameplay purpose"
>Make up a purpose
>We get the garrison
>Everyone hates it
>Remove the vestigial house-like features for Legion and repack it to class halls
>I just wanted a house

WotLK was garbage on release. Heroics were severely undertuned, much easier than both TBC and Cata heroics on release. Raiding content was a joke, the only remotely hard raid was Sartharion on 10 man with 3 drakes up, everything else was facerollable.

Months later Ulduar came and it was okay, but before Ulduar the expansion was trash and after Ulduar the expansion was trash.

It ruined MMORPGs.

And no, it wasn't good even during vanilla era. Even back then it had anti-social mechanics, like instances, bind-on-pickup/equip, and groupfinders.

the problem is vertical progression and how new content replaces old content
the only relevant content worth actually doing is whatever the latest patch is, because the game is set up in such a way that you can skip everything and just go straight to whatever is most recent, provided you are max level

ffxiv addressed this by forcing you to play through all the content linearly and giving you myriad rewards for doing old stuff, esp to help others doing it
it's not a perfect solution but it's better than WoW's system where there is literally no reason to do old content except cosmetic fluff

Right so the usual shitposting is by the FF shill. color me surprised

Btw your game is dead

>Months later Ulduar came and it was okay, but before Ulduar the expansion was trash and after Ulduar the expansion was trash.
This guy is spreading the truth!
Especially ToC was a giant slap in the face, people only remember it well because they got to kill Arthas.

>Star Wars Galaxies was the only game that understood this and made it so
>was gutted in the middle of public to make way for the whore of SW:TOR
>it's just a fucking WoW reskin
I never fully understood this treason, but i knew i would never trust SW games again

>remove transmog
Fucking why? I hate everything else here but transmog should stay.

FFXIV has plenty of problems. I'm not trying to claim it's a better game.
But in this one aspect, it acknowledges content replacement is a problem and presents a solution. WoW completely ignores the issue, and as a result content cannot last.

honestly WoW devs are so fucking out of touch now, at this point its better to shut down compeltely than shit on its legacy by making it a mobage.

PvE content is cotton farming slavery tier and PvP content where you could change the pace is nonexistent.

Didn't WoW try to address the redundancy of old content via transmogrification?

Keep transmog, but convince the devs it doesn't exist. It seems that every time the devs notice players behaving a certain way to get a thing, they want to stick their noses in and make a "system" of it.
Proof: Limited-time transmog sets.

I want to fuck a night elf warden recruit.

Achievements, old raids dropping battle pets and transmog are all bandaid fixes at best.
A real attempt at fixing it would be their Timewalking system, but for some retarded reason you only get to do it on special weekends that they open up access to it.

>limited time transmog sets
Is this a thing? I haven't played since Legion launch.

I also think that it is great, that the auctionhouse is almost as shitty as it was at release and still has no stuff like buy orders.
It is also pretty funny that the default search options screw over the average joe buyer and addons/players abuse this and screw people out of better deals.
GG blizz

Limited time available, that is. PvP season sets, old challenge mode sets, they just churn out loads of art that can only be acquired for a limited time, often tied to unappealing content

I shit you not, they were apparently considering making most artifact skins unobtainable after Legion

Does anyone still play this broken piece of babby-tier casual garbage in the year 2017?
Why would you do this? Do you really have that little self respect?

I forgot about PvP season sets and challenge mode sets. I wish I didn't remember. That's insane that they thought of making artifact skins unobtainable. I fucking hate Blizzard these days.

corecraft when

It's absolute garbage and yet there is not a day in my life I don't crave it

>Right below 100 different dungeons
>11 of which are current content
>Only one people actually want to run for relevant loot is Maw of Souls

"Reward structures" like this need to die.

There's a patch in three days.
Despite how mediocre and a utter waste of time I know the game is, I cannot keep myself from loading it up again, seeing what's new, and running around for a week doing all the new stuff before I abandon it for six months again.

I've been doing this for eight years, ever since I "quit" in Wrath.

They want to run Maw because it is fast.
Like Court of Stars or Darkheart Thicket.

>Remove level talents and trees
That was done way before Legion. Also you do get new talents every 15th levels.
>Neuter professions
That was really done in WoD rather than in Legion. In WoD, professions like mining and herbalism became available to anyone with a Garrison, a.k.a. everyone. I'll agree that Legion didn't exactly make professions better, but WoD did most of the damage. You can pretty much buy every reagent with Blood of Sargeras, which are very easy to come by, so gathering professions are still worth jack shit.
>Devalue gear via random legendaries and nominal upgrades showered on you
I'll give you this. Luck has always been a part of WoW but legendaries being locked behind RNG is bullshit. Blizz basically has done everything that they can to make you eventually get one (for instance every time you do something that can reward a legendary and don't get one, the chance of you getting one increases). Still, you are leagues below anyone with a legendary if you don't have one, and you basically have to have a fully upgraded order hall to use two of them (which takes nearly 4 weeks of real time to do). And when push comes to shove, it's still based on RNG.
>Force grinding behind weekly caps
This is again something that has always been part of WoW and is not specific to Legion.
>Encouraging lazy development via repeating dungeons and raids with stairstep difficulty increase
Please elaborate. Doesn't it make sense that the later stages of a raid are more difficult than the first stages?

In other words, Blizzard has developed a game where 12 years' worth of dungeons are ignored in favor of the three that happen to be fast to run and new enough to be worth doing.

This is a huge waste of existing content.

tbc had the same problem
people only wanted to run heroic mechanar because it's quick and easy badges

Sounds like autism to me

yes, it is a huge mismanagement of resources and the game has had this problem for literally a decade

what's worse is that a system is in the game to address this but they don't use it except on special occasions, the timewalking system

Well, that is why the keystone mechanic is random. You want maw, but get someone out of the ones that are available.
That is why boost groups exist:
Do you have maw of souls and low ilvl? They boost you through so they get something too.

Which just goes to show that Blizzard really can't into reward structures.

>You can no longer identify someone's gear level by their appearance. It's not a big deal, but it does matter.
Too lazy to actually look at the gear? What's the problem?

Can someone explain why LFR gets so much hate? It's not like doing guild/pug raids or mythic+ doesn't net you better gear. Even if it's a sentimental thing I'm interested.

For me it's fine because it helps practice for actual raid days

Well, they are outdated content.
They tried something with Timewalking, but for some reason they are afraid to give out non-cosmetic rewards.

In this regard, FFXIV is great. They don't make you farm old dungeons, but there is a daily queue for low level dungeons kind of like daily heroic in WoW that gives decent rewards. It's not better than just farming the latest content, but it gives relevant enough rewards that it's worth doing it if you like.

>Still no appear offline feature, years and years later
>Friends logging on to to play Overmeme can see me shamefully playing this old waste of time

I'm okay with LFR existing. It's absolute cancer to be in an LFR group, but at the same time it takes the absolute worst players out of other PVE.

Oh I had a discussion with someone about that.
Basically: They want to content to be exclusive to people that commit time.
Even when I said that stuff like keys in BC etc. just fucks over new players and a part of the players, they don't care.
They think you gotta earn the right to see the encounters and in the end finishing them.
Kinda like some of the DS community stands on summoning.

It makes people lazy and not want to actually try out raiding.
Playing LFR is like playing the Tutorial in a single player game, and never playing the actual game itself. Sure, you get a taste, but you never taste the challenging and fun content where you need to put the skills you have into use.

It's also a shitty experience with 10+ people leaving every wipe and everyone getting votekicked left and right. It makes people hate raiding and they never bother doing the content on normal on heroic which is actually enjoyable if you can get a decent guild.

It's like playing a game on casual. You know you're not going to properly enjoy the game if it's that easy, and you're probably not going to replay the game on a harder difficulty.

The world feels bigger and more full of mystery when there's stuff you haven't done.
Being able to just queue into the newest raid and see it all in an hour on easy mode makes the game feel smaller and less interesting.

There used to be a small sense of wonder and achievement, just getting inside a raid or dungeon. That doesn't exist anymore.

>tfw there's still no proper Warden transmog for all Night Elves

That 20 minute toy in 7.2 isn't good enough fucking 2 hours cooldown

That's totally wrong.
You don't even need to commit time for normal and heroic, it can be pugged if you are willing to just try.
It's only mythic that requires a weekly schedule and time commitment.
Raiders dislike LFR because it gives people a twisted concept of raiding. You don't need to learn mechanics, you don't need to learn the class, it's boring and unrewarding, and scares people away from raiding.

It's bloody hard to recruit people nowadays because people don't bother to join raiding guilds, they just kill the boss in LFR with zero effort and they are done with the tier. People just don't want to raid anymore.

Big props to wow, its prob the only online game in recent memory thats only gotten better and better and better since it came out.

>watered down version of the raid
>no challenge as abilities do reduced damage
>no communication required, just wait around for tanks to pull and bosses to die
>makes raiding into a chore that you pretty much have to do (unless you want to rely on titanforging) once a week with a bunch of mindless idiots rather than a fun challenge that you undertake with people you enjoy playing with
>even bosses on normal do things that you don't account for in LFR so LFR fails to teach you what you need to know for normal and up meaning that you have to consult some other source

user it's not opposite day yet.

Then just don't use LFR?
It doesnt matter how big the mystery is when the reveal is shit.
I didnt look up anything of Emerald Nightmare and was just disappointed after disappointed by the setting and everything.
Xavius room was the biggest crime and people that defend this as "artistic" or whatever are the worst people that excuse every bullshit.

Honestly, with peoples attitudes about raiding, now, I think it's an outdated concept. People DON'T want to raid anymore, they see it as this big obligation to log onto the game at a specific time to do the same thing week after week.
They called it a second job for a reason.

I think the game needs more stuff like world bosses. Not Legion's "world bosses," but stuff like TBC's world bosses where you needed an actual group of people to go do it. It didn't take hours, but it was challenging and required a large, organized group to do.

Or something like Ragnarok Online's MvPs, where a boss monster would occasionally spawn in a zone and it required the entire zone(or just a few very well geared and leveled people) to come together to take it down.

I'm bored out of my mind and I haven't played wow since burning crusade. If I enter now effectively as a new player what am I in for? I like pvp not pve generally

>If I don't use a feature, then it doesn't exist!
People don't do LFR because they want to. They do it because it's free gear and you can complete your raid quests without actually joining a raid guild.

This is again something that has always been part of WoW and is not specific to Legion.

I feel like it's gotten worse especially in MOP and after. But yes,it was always done.

It's not raiding what's called a second job, but grinding for raiding. The daily quest/mythic+ part that killed so many mythic guilds this expansion.

Raiding was not a second job in MoP and WoD since you had little to do outside raids. It wasn't bad even in Cata, though I skipped the Firelands grinding. 3x3 or 2x4 hours a week is very manageable. We had a single mom with a kid and a job in our mythic guild and she did just fine.

Got this from the dungeon quest this week.
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?

i don't do pvp but i've heard it's pretty dead

I feel pity for you that you're still playing the worst expansion.

>remove reforging
>make secondary stats more unbalanced than ever
What did they mean by this?

You can't give players options and then expect them to take the most rewarding path. Humans, by nature, try to avoid effort. If your game includes a completely broken skill, most people will end up using said skill, and then complain about the game being too easy even though they could've avoided using the skill. This is why you can't give players options where they opt for the less rewarding path because they want to avoid effort.

If you allow fast travel everywhere, they will use it, and then wonder why the world feels so small.
If you make an LFG system that pairs people up for dungeons, and make the dungeons simple enough that they can be done without communication, they will use it, and then wonder why no one talks

>playing wow

nigga why

TBC = WotLK > Cata( pre-4.3,pre-nerfs) > MOP > Vanilla > WoD = Cata (4.3 , w/ nerfs)

Haven't played Legion.


What if Mel Gibson played Metzen in a WoW porn parody?

>play wow
>do some pvp quests
>get whispers and ignored
I'm surprised people still use the feature.

>Please elaborate. Doesn't it make sense that the later stages of a raid are more difficult than the first stages?
Raiding tourist
You finished LFR, now go back in and do it in Normal, repeat until you're in mythic

and you can't just jump into Heroic because the gear gap pretty much requires you to be either carried, or a return visitor on both previous iterations

I got a 915 from my EN cache. Good to know that it can drop past 895.

I see. Don't think this is applicable to the general playerbase though. Only a few guilds per server raid Mythic and you can pretty easily get into a Normal group for a raid with the right item level, which you can get from Mythic+ dungeons.

>bully some random nerd
>he makes a character just to call you a dick before ignoring you and logging out
>tfw waiting for him to re-log so you can kill him again

I remember when wpvp was fun, but something about the little amounts of salt I can collect still makes me happy.

I'm surprised people still use the profanity filter.

I know people hate Cataclysm , but its my favorite expansion desu

I'm enjoying world pvp a lot. The towers are creative battlegrounds. I love fighting in Thunder Bluff. My only complaint is that it's so easy to just run out of world pvp areas and combat ends. It's very limited.

I'm been meaning to turn it off for years. With voice chat I have not felt the need in a long time.

Why do people dicksuck TBC so much? It wasn't that great.

Because TBC was essentially Vanilla in space. It still used mostly the same design philosophies. It felt like the same game.

Wrath and onward, it's like they're trying to staple a new game on top of the old one each time.