ITT: Biggest betrayals in vidya

ITT: Biggest betrayals in vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

>people want refunds
>go fuck yourself
they're gonna wonder why no one bought this game

Cucks are taking over

>Falling for any kikestarter shit
Just buy it on release when you know if they deserve it or not.

>2 weeks before your game is released
>some dipshit who paid to be in your game says blatantly antagonistic things publicly
>publisher pushes you to cut him out for self-preservation reasons
>a bunch of people, half of which don't even play videogames, jump on it like rats
>publisher, who you have absolutely no control over, gives terrible public relations
>the guy who was cut doesn't even have any hard feelings

>white people have a right to exist in their own countries
>ayy lmao this is blatantly antagonistic

Didn't he say that stuff like a few months ago.

>game is about to be released
>realize no one gives a shit about your shitty game
>create some fake buzz by removing "racist" youtuber from the game
>retards from Sup Forums buy the game in droves


>cut someone for PR reasons
>at the same time ban consumers from your forums and tell people to fuck off

o I'm laffin

Daily reminder that the devs did this only because Neogaf was bitching, even though they're a small portion of buyers
Daily reminder that Neogaf is actively astroturfing and will try to argue in these threads


Honestly, they should have just talked to Jon to let him know it's nothing personal, and removed it behind the scenes without announcing it. But since they came out and announced it, virtue signaled like crazy and even announced it in a way that made Jon sound like a crazy Nazi and they as the innocent fun but poor oppressed people, that's where I have a problem with it, and this is why I won't purchase the game

>some dipshit who paid to be in your game says blatantly antagonistic things publicly
He didn't pay anything to be in the game

Okay for all you retards out there.

Jontron linked to a statistic that said rich black people are more likely to be incarcerated than poor whites. He then said that rich blacks commit more crimes than white. His claim isn't backed up by HIS statistic he linked.

His claim can be proven by other statistics sure, but he didn't link other statistics. He fucked up, it doesn't matter if his claims are factually true if he uses a statistic that doesn't back it up.

He's a racist, and he needs to own it.

No I don't agree with Playtonic removing him, and I agree with people refunding/chargebacking the game for doing so. Vote with your wallet, but stop defending Jon.


You posted the same video three times.Idiot.


>Let's disturb the peace of this game release by virtue signaling in a politically harsh climate.

It's really not about John, it's about making two points, keep politics out of videogames and you lost the culture war.

>guy doesn't want to to hear about politics in vidya

>yfw you didn't back this project


With all the cuckshit and Son-yggers here they will fit in just fine.

Bullshit, if people found out they removed it without saying anything there would be even more of a shitstorm

>Sup Forums is still complaining about devs kicking out an e-celeb because they didn't like him

Who the fuck cares. Fuck JonTron. I'm glad his meme-tier personality isn't in the game.

you have to be over 18 years old to post here

>2 weeks before release
>the game world looks completely dead, environments look boring and bland
>gameplay looks sole and lifeless
>everyone realizes that there's a reason that 3d platformers die out
>sales aren't going to be good
>everyone is shitting on your game
>"What if we accuse people that don't want to buy our game... racists?"
>Kick out your Iranian voice actor
>Astroturf on Tiawanese message boards about how if you don't like this horrible game that you're "Sup Forums"


Neogaf get out

>white people have a right to exist in their own countries
Which is just a different way of saying the 14 words, a slogan used exclusively by neo-nazis. If you really can't see how Jontron is a fat racist fuck, you're either blind or delusional, and that's not even getting into the other heaps of dumb shit he's said.


>Neogaf allows it's forum members to "raid" to further their political agendas
>Meanwhile Sup Forums can't do this to protect it's own legality.

>virtue signaling meme
I like this meme because it implies that anyone who believes in any form of social justice is only doing it for appearances.
Imagine being so misanthropic that the only reason you can conceive of for having compassion or empathy for others is for selfish reasons.


low quality bait

>attacking the person instead of the opinion

Sup Forums get out.

>people want yooka laylee refunds because they dropped jontron due to his political tomfuckery

what a time to be alive

Explain to me how white people having a right to exist in their own countries is wrong without using some bullshit guilty-by-association fallacy.

neofags will defend this

Banning someone for opinions you disagree with because "I literally can not even" is in no way virtuous.

But, I'm a racist. Why would his remarks bother me?

Now you're passing it off a intentional. Right.

>Not denying it

>people want yooka laylee refunds because they dropped jontron due Neogaf bitching

Fixed it for accurancy.

There's nothing wrong with that, though.
The devs have the right to drop someone for such a reason, but the people also have the right to not want their money to go into the project anymore as a result of that decision. Whether you consider that silly or not is you, but it's entirely fair. It works both ways. So the developers denying refunds is a very bad move.

>I like this meme because it implies that anyone who believes in any form of social justice is only doing it for appearances.

My nigga. This is a Sup Forums strategy to discredit people who aren't as shit as they are.

Because they can just pirate it and if you continue to show people that they can get away with shit like this unscathed it will only get worse.

There is message to be said for developers, stay the fuck out of politics.

Videgames are for entertainment, not some grandoise political statement that really makes people think or fighting "nazis".

If you post on Sup Forums you are cancer.

>ignore your bait
>you double down on the bait
Sup Forums get out.

when you include the words "we support diversity of all kinds" in your press release it's pretty clear you're virtue signaling. hell even mcdonalds is using that line, you really think mcdonalds gives a shit about diversity?

Get cucked alt right lmao

Did you jontron fags defend Jared Fogle when subway cut him for endorsing pedophila?

Sup Forums is your favorite boogyman isn't it?

>when you include the words "we support diversity of all kinds" in your press release it's pretty clear you're virtue signaling
Specially when you use it to cover kicking somebody out the proyect.

>a guy voicing his political opinions and citing statistics is the same as a child molester
This is what Neofags believe.

one sided opinionated bitching
an actual argument with fair points taking someones opinions into consideration.

I'm not the same guy, I was just pointing out you didn't deny the accusation you were from neofag.

By removing Jontron, they are staying out of politics. Jontron was involved in the game and said some things that, like it or not, are very offensive and, yes Sup Forums, racist. People are just buttmad because there are still consequences to saying racist shit.

Trumpfags can Sup Forumscucks are the most annoying people.


SJW being as reasonable as ever.

Good you understand. Corporations are choosing a side for marketing and to get people to buy the product with increased fervor because it represents a cause. You don't buy cambells for the soup, you buy it to support gay marriage.

Useful idiots.

>a guy accused of pedophilia with minimal evidence is the same as racist who openly mocks and attacks people who disagree with him

He doesn't have to. It's 100% clear we're being invaded by NeoCucks atm.

That's why anyone champions a cause that doesn't benefit themselves directly. It is a well known fact that being a good person is not only difficult, it takes more than simply "picking a side". But people think that if they just side with whatever sounds nice they're instantly good, hence the weird things like people supporting gay rights while also saying Shirai law is good even though those two ideas are inherently incompatible.

Removing Jontron because he posted statistics while claiming your rebuttal is in support diversity doesn't really translate into some sort of righteous act.

Leave it to Sup Forumsacks to be unable to understand analogies


They drew direct attention to removing jontron specifically for his views and actively mocked people who complained about their decision.

That is the exact opposite of staying out of politics.

It's a shit analogy and you know it.

What I don't get is how these guys thought it was important enough of an issue to take his voice out because it might offend people and cause them to not want to play the game. Yet at the same time, people not wanting to play the game without his voice in it is a silly thing and those people apparently only care about e-celebs and not gameplay. Why is it okay to not buy a game because an e-celeb is in it but it's childish to not buy a game because an e-celeb isn't in it? Aren't both of those the same thing?

>Neofag hypocritically defends a pedophile and misuses the word racist in the same sentence
How do you guys function?
>muh Sup Forums
I've never been on the board. Your analogy was stupid and flawed.

You're a faggot.

If you don't deny it, then that means you're a faggot.

You neofags keep repeating the same nonsense mantra.

>By removing Jontron, they are staying out of politics.

This is wrong. If they wanted to stay out of politics they just say jontron opinions=/=company opinions. They choose a political side when they condemned him and removed him.

Stop talking about this fucking bullshit

I swear to god Playtonic is HAPPY about this controversy because it gets so much attention to their shitty game

>one sided opinionated bitching
JonTron said his political views like a month ago, the change didn't happen then. It only happens when Neogaf went to bitch at the developer twitter.

Removing somebody due to his political views is a very political move.

>another /v-pol/ thread
thanks western devs! for using my hobby as a political tool and ruining this board

Subway disagreed with Fogle politcaly so they removed all traces of him from their company

Playtonic disagreed with Jafari politically so they're removing all traces of him from their game

literally the same

I don't know much about that situation, but didn't he actually commit a fucking crime?

I think there's a difference.

>Virtue is following a majority of people who follow eachother in a circle to reafferm their own belifes.
Wew lad.

Plus Jonno, the blue-haired faggot on the community team, repeatedly said they were taking sides.
Pedophilia isn't politics though

>supporting gay rights while also saying Shirai law is good

This is a strawman argument, dude. People don't just do things because they want people to know what they value. Not everyone is selfish. Some people actually like helping people.

I am a faggot though.

If they hadn't done anything there wouldn't be any controversy. Nothing Jon said was worthy of removing him beyond the kind of people who "just literally can't" like the faggots on neogaf.


This is a witch hunt word used to discredit people willing to bring up facts that don't pussyfoot around a false marxist viewpoint of the world.

Nothing Jon said was racist.


comparing pedophilia a extremely illegal and highly unmoral practice to a person being racist, yeah buddy its not really the same, you cant go to jail for 12 years for being racist

The irony is you are virtue signaling. "I'm not like the other girls! I really believe in making a difference!"

Just preordered it today on psn looks fun

omfg i can't believe he said this!!!


put this in ur sig if ur tired of Sup Forums ruining Sup Forums

Next time you make a fake Tweet, don't use shitty Sup Forums mannerisms in it.

>wanting to secure the existence of your people and a future for white children when you're the minority of the world and third worlders are being flooded into your country en masse for cheap labor

Nah this controversy will only hurt them. But at least Neofag is celebrating by taking another mean racist down, even though they have no intention in buying the game. PlayTonic JUSTed themselves by taking the side of the people that never played a Rare game in their lives. Meanwhile they shit on a Rare fanboy with 3 million followers. Who the fuck thought this was a smart business idea?!

99% of "social justice warriors" are in fact only doing it for appearances:

If you actually gave even a tiny fraction of a fuck about oppressed minorities you would step out into the real world to actually do things to help them rather than spend all your time shitposting on an anonymous Vietnamese puppet theatre forum.


>says blatantly antagonistic things publicly

You tried too hard.

What did Dunkey mean by this?

>Nothing Jon said was racist.

Stop this stupid shit. The worst thing you can do when called racist is try to deny it. It just shows that you agree that being a racist is the worst thing you could possibly be.

>Eceleb is trounced in a debate hes hilariously unprepared for in the biggest racism bait topic ever that nearly any person would have ended up sounding racist in.

>Literal shit company who has produced literally zero games and is literally aping the past with literally no ideas literally gets on a soapbox to officially and vocally declare that they have a political stance about something for some reason. The same company whose demos were met with "underwhelming" reviews and "growing concern the game was going to be kinda shit"

>falls off their soap box right onto their stupid fucking faces.


Jon kept saying Nigger in one episode of Game Grumps and Barry had to censor that shit with elephant noises.

>the 14 words
There's literally nothing wrong with them, prove me wrong.

Mcarthy pls. Just because the red scare is old fashioned doesn't mean you need to hop on the next bandwagon like a loon.

It's a joke, autismos.

Why the fuck would I be virtue signaling on an anonymous message board? The things I say here have no impact on my person in the real world. I'm not saying this in front of people to make them think I'm cool. I'm saying them because your argument is bad.

But you just ended the argument by saying that my participating in the argument supported your stance in the argument. Do you see why that means you lost?

I'm so sick of this shit. Sup Forums was so good for a while. Even the election mess has stayed away from this board, for the most part, but now there's a 'MUH SJWS RUINING VIDYA REEEEEE' thread every fucking day.