Why is Blaze the best Sonic girl?

Why is Blaze the best Sonic girl?

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Why is she being raped by a racist?


spotted the liberal

I wanna fuck that purple cat.

But I also wanna fuck the pink hedgehog and the white bat and the bunnies and chao_____

This image is disgusting just like that racist jontron!

Would you a chipmunk?

>triggered already

what a shock!

>spotted the liberal

But user, right wingers are the liberals. The GOP has been taken over by libertarian conservatives and paleocons, aka classic liberals.

What Sonic girl would you marry?

yes, the things I would do to her cannot be named.

I like the tears.

What is it about impending rape that's so arousing?

I recognize that bulge!


In case of doubt, just assume everyone is a shitposter.

That's not nice sweetie

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>mfw I have no face when I saw frogtron
What possesses a man to draw such a thing?
But yeah, Blaze is just flaming Sonic, so she's decent by that standard alone.

But Jon! She'll integrate into the GENEPOOL.

Kayona is the best Sonic girl.

Can a human impregnate a socially awkward cat princess?

Do you want to risk it. I don't. We could have cat people diluting our nations unity tomorrow.

Go watch Barney you degenerate Goldson.


Thats sure is a weird way to spell Rouge.

I fucking hate sonic and all his shitty friends but I love Blaze. Her design is just really good.

Why did Sega make sonic girls so sexy?

This guy gets it.
