Is Colin Redeemed?


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Figuratively who?

Guy who Sup Forums flipped shit about over Mass Effect 3

>gets fired and loses all his friends straight up when the new mass effect releases for pissing off his radical leftist SJW friends
Literally pottery and meme magic

>literally getting $10k a month now


SomethingFunny BTFO by Joe Rogan once again.

how dare you be so entitled for an answer

You mean 40k

You mean 26k, the allies make 40k

And this is why Joe-Rogan needs regular injections of plasma rich stem cells and or HGH

Holy christ what the fuck is this?

He's at 39.5K

I was never really a fan of his but it's a bummer that the only non-cuck in games media has finally been driven out.

Functional strength bro.

Yeah, so long as you have a 5000$ a month health are plane with access to cutting edge regenerative medicines.

Colin has always been a piece of shit. On Long Island his kind is a dime a dozen.

go back to neogaf, no one wants you here

>had to leave his job because he could no longer suppress the red pill
our guy

I tried watching his talk with rogan, man colin is still such a dick and unpleasant to listen to.
How anyone can like that guy is beyond me.
What a complete asshole and shitbag.

Fuck you, anyone who shilled ME3 like a fucking whore as Colin did deserves to be on a shit list.

Is this an e-celeb?

Colin is a Sony fanboy fuck him

>man colin is still such a dick and unpleasant to listen to
>What a complete asshole and shitbag
why exactly?

Joe Rogan needs to learn how to conduct an interview.

Probably because he shittalked the Confederate flag.

Some Sonybro loser.

Someone sounds jealous that a man can afford to try medicine that may or may not make him live longer.

sup NeoGaf

Not him but Colin doesn't know shit about games or politics or anything else he talks about, but he constantly acts like he does while simultaneously surrounding himself with a bunch of faggots that never challenge him on any of his bullshit.

he defended it by saying its legal but in bad taste and gave a great reason why

I haven't been on ANY standard forum site since 2005 eat a dick.

Watching his Joe Rogan interview he seems to know a lot about politics. He also has pretty good taste in games.

>Sup Forums suddenly likes "gamers are entitled" man just because NeoFAG hates him

Yeah, but southcucks don't care. If he doesn't venerate their sacred icon then he must be lynched.


wingnut welfare :)

>pretty good taste in games
>defended Mass Effect 3 to the death
>called people who disagreed with him entitled

The dude could never stop jerking off Uncharted 4 as some cinematic masterpiece, fuck him. As far as politics goes he's a libertarian and honestly anyone who subscribes to an ideology for easy answers gets no points. Government is a fuck load of systems that you keep maintaining and improving, not a belief structure.

The gamer entitlement corporate shill that everyone seems to love for some strange fucking reason I just cannot comprehend.

I don't know who this is but he looks like a fuckboy.

he's /ourguy/ now

>anyone who subscribes to an ideology for easy answers gets no points
This place must drive you insane.

As far as cinematic games go, Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece. His favorite games are Megaman 3, Majora's Mask and Castlevania SOTN, so clearly he's not just some casual who only likes cinematic stuff.

U4 is good though

> Say some stupid shit
> Sup Forums absolutely craps on you
> Post some misogynistic dumb shit on Twitter to piss off SJWs
> Now suddenly Sup Forums loves you
You guys are so predictable.

>He's at 39.5K
I just got home from my back breaking job, too tired to move or do anything until I have to go back tomorrow... I don't even make that much in a year.

Most people do it, you get used to it.
Even most SJW game "journalists" can put together a top 5 list that doesn't appear to be shit, when Colin talks about Uncharted 4 just being a better game than Jack and Daxter 3 it's just dumbfounding when jack 3 had such great vehicles.

I think he's confusing a symptom with a cause in this video. I don't think the "We're all gamers so we should appeal to the lowest common denominator" is mobile gaming's fault, but rather games have become so popular that the industry will naturally look for new delivery mechanisms for games and will deliver games that are cheap to make yet as addictive as possible to generate easy mass revenue.

It's like saying television shows are getting shittier because Netflix releases cynical algorithmic cash grabs or saying movies are getting shittier because super hero movies are such surefire easy money, when the only reason these things exist is because consumers demanded easy entertainment in an easy delivery system. I would argue Steam has done more to casualize video games than mobile games, because it was the start of easy, cheap, fast, digital delivery. Does anybody think that if mobile games never existed, the number of 'fake gamers' would have just flatlined and Steam would never have become a cesspool? As far as I can tell, Steam is a cesspool of animu shit, which is not what the mobile gamers are buying. His argument seems to be "Companies shouldn't cater to casual phone gamers because they're fake gamers and will eventually leave", which is essentially asking companies to leave potential customers on the table because they might not be in it for a decade. Ask Nintendo how much they hate the fact that casuals made the Wii a retarded success and put them back into public conscious for the first time since The Wizard came out. Pretty unimpressive protectionist argument from a so-called libertarian.


He was right all along about Entitlement. So I say he was redeemed along time ago. Every fucking game dev nowadays seems to just bend to the customer's beck and call now and change any little thing they complain about.

Case and Point: Overwatch, Yooka-Laylee, ect

Well, first you need to enter public conscious by becoming a youtube personality or a twitter personality. Then, quote Geert Wilders. That should net you about a year's rent.

Colin is no ideologue. He describes himself as a conservative libertarian, despite the inability to marry these two ideologies flawlessly, he supported Romney in 2012, who is a moderate republican, and definitely no libertarian.

If you want ideologues, watch the Crowder episode of JRE. Now that is someone who just rattles off points from a conservative checklist.

Colin is based.

He wasn't right ME3 was rushed and Bioware was hemorrhaging talent. They should have given the game another year to rework the damn thing but EA shoved the game out the door like they always do.

>this might not be bait


JAMIE ____ ____ _____ __

Colin is a prick, but props to anyone who is out publicly talking about the western game industry being a SJW hellhole.

sup gaf

I don't see why people should care about this shit. Unless you're a politician, why should anyone care what your political views are, it literally affects nothing.

I could swear he said that the NES is the best console ever made.

Crowder is worse than Colin no argument. Colin still talks about government in simple terms like liberty and personal responsibility, but that is not how you should look at policy and its' execution it is so much more involved than that and people need to recognize that.

It honestly took me a while to try to remember what this stuff was supposed to be about and who this guy even is. Underage E-Celeb concerned shit. Moving on from thread

Yes he still believes that.

He thinks games like MegaMan are better that most games today because pure gameplay.

no, he has shit taste in games, and just because he annoyed SJWs doesn't change that, and if you think it does you don't belong on Sup Forums

nice blog

>conform to the hivemind or leave

sup NeoGAF.

B-but he's /ourguy/!

Well Megaman 2 IS better than most games made today, but it's not because of simplicity, it's because it's an extremely well-made game.

This whole Sup Forums role plays alt-right and politically concerned individuals thing sure is fascinating. If you didn't notice it more or less replaced Console Wars as the dominant thread type.

He didn't deserve to get fucked for a decently funny joke, but fucking hell he's always comes on so strong with the most insincere kind of "jaded" persona he clearly thought of beforehand because he thought it would make him seem cool.

How can Sup Forums disagree with this?

Fuck Moriarty.

He was exiled from the Imperial Space and is now trying to get friendly with the rebels. Fuck this guy.

>Uncharted 4 just being a better game than Jack and Daxter 3
It is though. Jak 2 and 3 were shit. Only the first game was good.

Second this. That joke he made was nothing, Colin should have been fired just cause he's a twat.

t. "The human eye can't notice the difference between 30 and 60 FPS"

Kettlebells. They're a meme among gym hipsters because they think using extremely antiquated gym equipment is going to make them stronger than a barbell.



I play games, not frames.

I think he comes across as very sincere and passionate, much more so than most other people you see talking about games on Youtube.

>Seeing this again
>Watching the Joe Rogan video

I'm drowning in the irony here. I can't finish watching the Joe Rogan video cause I need to breathe.

Wow, Drew Karpyshyn looks a lot like Henry Rollins.

Sup Forums has been saying the same shit forever, and that's the thing about game journalists they have nothing insightful to contribute. When game sites started doing articles about how every fps looked the same showing screen shots asking if the reader could tell the difference, and it's like Sup Forums has been making those comparison shots for fucking ever.

Why does he keep changing locales in this 3 minute opinion video?

Right, well, I don't really know Colin other than a few of his political stances. I'll listen to the JRE episode while I travel to work and back next week and get back to you on that.

That being said, liberty should be an important tenet in every single government, Republican or Democrat. Personal responsibility is obviously more for the Republican corner, without personal responsibility a small government would never function well and I admit I find most conservatives a little too idealistic when it comes to the downsizing of the government (eg. "Charities will just take over! We don't need food stamps!"
"Insurance will decrease in price after revoking the ACA thus making it affordable to everyone!")

As if most poor people wont risk being uninsured so they can save a couple of bucks every month.


You're nuts, Jak 1 was an easy and pretty "comfy" game, Jak 2 tried a lot of cool things with the double levels of city traffic, and Jak 3 had vehicles like the grasshopper buggy.

"Yeah, a game is just as good when it runs at 30 than at 60"


I still don't understand why people feel the need to be defensive of big companies in this way. You fucking should have a sense of entitlement if you're a goddamn paying consumer. It doesn't matter if games are cheaper now.

His argument would have more weight if he didn't at the time work for IGN, the biggest shill in the entire videogame industry, even moreso than fucking Famitsu. Anyone have the ign image with the burgers everywhere for advertisement?

Unless he starts naming names of the incestuous, nepotistic scumbags that are ruining the industry right now and gives details to their unethical practices then no he's not "redeemed".

I really don't see why this prick should be making FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS a month if he's not actively trying to rid gaming journalism of the same kind of slimy progressive cunts that kicked him out, blacklisted him and betrayed him.

Until then don't fucking bother trying to get me to watch his videos.

There probably aren't names to name. AAA games are to fucking expensive to take risks on, and publishers need to have the widest net possible for their games. Also Colin getting 40k a month is fucking hilarious.

>there aren't names to name

>Unless he starts naming names of the incestuous, nepotistic scumbags that are ruining the industry right now and gives details to their unethical practices

Literally no one in the industry will ever do this. Even all the Konami shit happened purely because of a whistleblower from within the company, not because someone on the outside was brave enough to risk their career to say something first.

>There probably aren't names to name.

You really, you think there aren't? How about when EA stole the original Madden engine from Bethesda and didn't pay them a penny for it? I bet you can name some names for that.

he's making all that money from Kinda Funny fans that are pissed off at Greg and Tim for backstabbing him.

I feel bad for Nick desu.

Not for nothing but EA got sued for millions by the Bethesda devs who wrote that engine, and rightfully got their shit smacked in court when they tried to say "nuh uh, we stole it fair and square"

I don't think Collin would have that kind of information publishers go to guys like him to shill stuff not divulge their deepest secrets.
Even if you did no one would get fired, just avoid game news websites like the plague.

>LE ENTITLED asshole
No. He's a corporate whore who will take a check in exchanged for lecturing and talking down to his audience

I hope the SJWs devour him

>check his Patreon
>$40k a month

>I don't think Collin would have that kind of information publishers go to guys like him to shill stuff not divulge their deepest secrets.

It's called digging up dirt, like an actual journalist is supposed to do.