Oh boy

Oh boy.

Welcome to 7-8 weeks ago

No reason to own a PS4 anymore

whats this party shit.
and did they try to make something other than the bosses challenging for once. It's so stupid how the games are just mindless button mashing 90% of the time and then the remaining 10% is the real meat of the game, the bosses, and even bosses can be hit or miss. IMO this series gets more praise than it deserves

You can say the same about the Souls series

Oh god I remember that ONE cuckold saying how they'll never port this to PC.


So which brand of weeb trash is this?

your boyfriends

I wish I could play Memories of Celceta.
I'm aware of the Chinese port and English mod, but it runs at 5 fps on my PC, and I can't find support for it anywhere.

now they just need to bring trails of cold steel 3 to steam and i'll have no reason to buy a ps4

>did they try to make something other than the bosses challenging for once
There're some neat platforming segments, but it's still Ys so the majority of the difficulty still is the bosses, yeah

So how is NISA going to fuck this up.


I've only played 1 and half of 2, but no you cant. The bosses(barring a few exceptions, most being in the DLCs) are the weakest parts of souls where the level design is the good part, except in 2 where there has yet to be a good part.

Based NISA.

the areas are harder than the bosses once you get into high NG+ cycles

To be fair, nobody foresaw Falcom letting NISA pull the tablecloth out from under Xseed, although they probably should have been wary of it since Dangit Ronpaul money is drying up and NISA needs something to keep them afloat.

No you can't, the entire game is easy in Souls.

Dude you have to let them thinks Souls are hard
How can they deal with their low self-esteem otherwise

I don't really follow the Ys franchise, although I played the ones on pc. Is this the one I've seen many people singing praises about in some threads months ago or am I mixing it with some relatively new entry that isn't even translated?

This game reminds me of Dark Souls

That must be the one since it's the last one
Memory of Celceta get praised often too

Fuck off


Anyone willing to bet it'll come to PC at some point?

>but the older games aren't on PC

They aren't on PS4 either. And it's not like a platform not having prior games in a series/trilogy has ever stopped anyone from porting anyway.

Really doubtful considering how bad off XSEED is.

Eventually, but its going to be a long time